Genre Essays
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On Tuesday morning was a market day around the country of Goderville whereby peasants together with their wives were flowing into the town. Their slow movements were followed by pushing forward of their bodies through their legs which were long and crooked. Their daily work, which involved pushing of the plough, made their left-shoulder higher […]
John Wyndham was born in England, on July 10, 1903. When he was growing up, he went to a series of boarding schools because his parents were separated. He then attended an advanced co- educational school until he reached the age of eighteen. After he left school, Wyndham studied farming for awhile, then “crammed” to […]
Fritz Lang’s Metropolis is a very influential movie that portrays several underlying meanings that allows the viewer to distinguish for himself. Metropolis was the first science fiction film made, which symbolized a new mark in the film industry. It was produced in Germany in 1927, directed by Fritz Lang. This film tells a story of […]
A genre is a particular type of commodity . It has characteristic features that are known to and recognised by the audiences because the same formula is reproduced many times. Genre is a French word meaning that refers to types or categories of media products. Soap operas, situation comedies, police series, quiz shows and news […]
It appears accurate to suggest that genre texts promote values that are connected to the contexts in which they were created. However, these values cannot simply be limited to their specific contexts, as some have persisted throughout the genre. As both genre and its audiences are constantly evolving, different values may be emphasized and new […]
Born in Brooklyn, New York on August 9, 1927, Daniel Keyes started working as a ship’s purser for the Marine Service at just seventeen years old. Daniel Keyes began his professional journey as an associate editor in fiction, but eventually left the role to pursue fashion photography (H. Keyes, Daniel Keyes Bio). It is likely […]
The 1996 action Sci-Fi film Independence Day, with Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum and Bill Pullman, is directed by Roland Emmerich. Its plot is straightforward and resembles other sci-fi movies such as War of the Worlds and Mars Attack: Earth faces potential destruction from alien invasion and must retaliate. Advanced technology aliens pose a threat of […]
In this essay, I will be comparing a pre-20th Century novel, “The Time Machine” by H.G. Wells, and a 20th Century novel, “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury. Both novels fit into the Science Fiction genre and both look at the effects man’s ignorance and ignorant intervention could have on the future. Science Fiction […]
HG Wells was well known for writing such books as War of the Worlds, The Time Machine, The Invisible man and The Island of Doctor Moreau. They were famous and unique because of his innovating idea of science fiction therefore being remembered as ‘the farther of British Science Fiction’. However, he actually wrote in a […]
”The Time Machine” by Herbert George Wells was published in 1895. At that time in Britain, the industrial revolution was taking place. The industrial revolution saw substantial change in Victorian Britain. The population was increasing, industry and travel had changed due to the invention of steam trains, electricity, and spinning jenny’s. More people left the […]
The brilliance behind the science fiction action story,’ The War of the Worlds’ is the articulate H. G. Wells whose unique style of writing has significantly influenced both modern and 1950’s societies, which is justified by the fact that several successful attempts to remake the classic story into an action movie has proved very flourishing […]
One of the key issues present in science fiction culture is that of validation of your being, your identity. Indeed this issue is presented in varying levels through many films. But it is within science fiction that intricate systems of power and control are portrayed as if it were an ‘Orwellian’ fantasy. The notion that […]
The movie ‘The Matrix’ is a science fiction movie. The genre ‘science fiction’ is a paradox. The word ‘science’ comes from the Latin meaning ‘to know’. So this means that it is factual, or true. The word ‘fiction’ means ‘untrue’ so the two words together contradict themselves. Fiction pushes the boundaries of science.Science Fiction movies […]
I will be looking closely at matrix a 1999 science fiction film that illustrates the future, and refers to the present world that we live in as the ‘matrix’, based on an imitation of reality created by machines and artificial intelligent. The brief story outline of the film is that Morepheus is a human freed […]
Over time, the science fiction film genre has undergone significant growth and progress. When comparing modern films to some of the earliest movies, there is a stark contrast between the two. The progress made in filmmaking since the early days of science fiction is evident. Over the past few decades, significant developments have occurred in […]
Herbert George Wells, born in 1866 in Bromley, Kent, near London, was the son of a housemaid and gardener. In 1946, Wells passed away as a wealthy and renowned author, witnessing the recognition of science fiction as a literary form and the realization of both its dreams and fears. In an attempt to secure a […]
Whether you cannot be a pine tree on the hill or not, aim to be the best small scrub next to the stream. Even if you cannot be a tree, become a bush instead. If you can’t be a bush, then be a bit of grass and make some highway happier. If you can’t be […]
The unique features of the science fiction genre enable it to delve into the potential risks posed by developments in science and technology. This can be seen in the satirical piece “Brave New World” written by Aldous Huxley, Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, and I Robot, directed by Alex Proyas. These various works all […]
Ray Bradbury’s “A Sound of Thunder” and H.G. Wells’ “The Man Who Could Work Miracles” are both science fiction stories that convey moral lessons. Bradbury’s story explores the theme of man’s exploitation of technology, while Wells’ story portrays the theme of man’s ignorance and failure to understand the power of a gift. Despite the similarities […]
This assessment has asked me to compare and contrast the stories of The Time Machine by H.G. Wells and The Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury. In this assignment the differences in language and characters will be compared and contrasted. The genre of the short story will be contrasted with the short novel. The different […]
In order to study genre of any kind, it is important to be able to define exactly what genre is. There are various explanations for the meaning of genre. Brainy Media (2003) defines genre as: “Kind; genus; class; form; style, esp. in literature. ” Interapple Inc (2003) defines genre as: “Kind, sort, form, variety – […]
According to the Oxford Concise English dictionary, science fiction is defined as “a fanciful fiction based on postulated scientific discoveries or environmental changes” (1976). Joanna Russ points out the distinction between science fiction and fantasy, stating that fantasy draws its plausibility standards from observations of current life (Russ 1995:4). Science fiction literature originated in the […]