Bacterial Vaginosis Essay Example
Bacterial Vaginosis Essay Example

Bacterial Vaginosis Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (403 words)
  • Published: October 29, 2016
  • Type: Research Paper
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The research paper investigates Bacterial Vaginosis, which is when the normal bacteria in the vagina grow excessively and cause excessive vaginal discharge. Originally known as Gardnerella vaginitis because of the bacteria believed to be responsible, it was later renamed Bacterial Vaginosis to recognize that different bacterial species naturally exist in the vaginal area and can disrupt its balance if their quantities go beyond usual levels.

The Gardnerella organism is not the sole cause for symptoms, as an imbalance in different bacteria species can lead to a vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. While Bacterial Vaginosis isn't harmful, it can cause distressing symptoms. It's crucial for women experiencing abnormal discharge to undergo examination to rule out more severe infections like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. The symptoms may also resemble those of vaginal yeast infections and trichomoniasis.

Bacterial vaginosis is a condition where multiple bacter


ia coexist in the vagina, leading to a decrease in lactobacilli that produce hydrogen peroxide. As a result, other bacteria, especially anaerobic ones, become more dominant. This makes the diagnosis and treatment of this condition more complicated as it requires addressing several bacterial species instead of just one.

Bacterial Vaginosis can be caused by different factors like having multiple or new sexual partners, using intrauterine devices for contraception, recent antibiotic use, vaginal douching, and cigarette smoking. To distinguish bacterial vaginosis from yeast vagiitis (vaginal yeast infection, Candidiasis) and trichomonaisis (a type of sexually-transmitted infection), examining the vaginal discharge under a microscope can assist. An indication of bacterial vaginosis when seen through a microscope is the presence of clue cells among the vaginal cells.

Clue cells, vaginal cells coated in bacteria, are a trustworthy indication of bacterial vaginosis.

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Alongside clue cells, women with this condition experience reduced levels of lactobacilli, the typical vaginal bacteria. A vaginal pH exceeding 4.5 also suggests the existence of bacterial vaginosis. Although certain instances may naturally resolve without treatment, it is recommended to seek medical attention if symptoms arise or during pregnancy to prevent complications.

The recommended treatment for bacterial vaginosis is antibiotics. Metronidazole (Flagyl) is commonly used to treat this condition. It can be taken orally in pill form or applied as a vaginal gel called Metrogel. Both forms of metronidazole effectively cure bacterial vaginosis. However, oral metronidazole may cause minor but unpleasant side effects, while the gel form usually does not have side effects except for the possibility of yeast vaginitis arising from the medication.

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