Impact of internet addiction on Academic performance Essay Example
Effects of internet on academic performance
This serves as the "bridge" o every people by browsing at any websites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and many other social networking sites. Sharing of Information, discussions of specific topic, etc. can be simply carried out using Internet. At the same time, teachers may also contact the parents and guardians very easily utlllzlng Internet. It Is one of the factors that affect the academic performance of students. It adds Ideas about other things that make them advanced in any aspects of their class lessons. Information is more accessible through Internet.
We have the World's Encyclopedia is as weightless, free and, instant accessible as Wikipedia. As onnection speeds increase and ubiquity of the Internet pervades, digital content reigns. And in this time, free education has never bee
...n so accessible. One of the beneficiaries of Internet is the ESEP curriculum students of Liloy National High School. They are the students who are under the curriculum which is higher and more advanced regarding to lessons, than to the regular curriculum. They make Internet as source of their difficult lessons, especially their elective subjects.
They usually run towards Internet to enhance and collect different Ideas regarding to their difficulties. Mostly Internet Is sometimes a replacement for a book. The effects of Internet to the academic performance of students are very critical depending on how they use the said medium. Internet is a great help to students for it is the source of information needed in guiding their way to educational success. On the other hand, the accessibility of pornography and false information and occurrence of pop-ups on the internet serve as negativ
Negative effects
The accessibility of Internet may lead to video game addiction and non-stoppable engaging in social media. Some students in regular curriculum usually use internet in a wrong way. They are students who are not interested to have their classes. They did cutting classes, jump out the fence In order to go to the Internet cafes. This serves as their hang outs. This effect of Internet towards these students may alter their study time and may affect their academic performance. In this situation, the researchers decided to conduct this study for the desire to Newton students.
Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the Effects of Internet to the Academic Performance of IV-Newton (ESEP) students of Liloy National High School during the 1st Grading penod of S. Y. 2013-2014. Specifically, it sought to answer the following problems: 1 . Is internet accessible to IV-Newton students? 2. What are the benefits and uses of Internet? 3. Is there a significant difference between the Academic Performance of IV-Newton students who are using Internet for Academic purposes with those who are not using Internet?
Null Hypothesis There is no significant difference between the Academic Performances of IV- Newton students who are using internet with those who are not using internet. Significance of the Study The results of this research study will benefit the following persons directly or indirectly by providing information on the results of the performance in terms of tudent's Academic Achievement that enable the teachers, parents and the students, themselves, to know the possible effects and benefits Internet may contribute to their studies, thereby guiding them in proper way of using the
Among the persons who will be benefited are the following: Students. The result of this study will serve as their guide in the proper way of using Internet for Academic purposes. This study will give them the information about the effects of Internet to their Academic Performance and the consequences they will face if they will not be responsible in using Internet. Teachers. This may serve as their basis on interpreting the degree of Academic Performance of students. This will also lessen the effort and time teachers spend in teaching their students because lessons can be accessed on Internet.
This study will also help teachers to understand the new approaches in teaching and to be able to use new techniques in lecturing lessons to the students' base on the Internet. Future Researchers. The findings of this study will serve as their reference on conducting further study. Parents. They will be benefited for this will help them in handling their children specially situation involving the addiction to online video games and unstoppable engaging in social networking sites. Internet Caf© Owners.
They will also be benefited in this study for it will serve as an eye opener about their management and influence that may lead to educational failures of their student costumers. Scope and Delimitation of the Study The main purpose of this study is to determine whether internet helps on a great way to the performance of fourth year Newton students and the benefits it contributes in their studies. This study also sought to know the effects in Internet to he Academic Performance of students.
In determining the results of this study, the researchers made
a questionnaire as questionnaire will be distributed and answered by IV-Newton (ESEP) students of Liloy National High School, on August 5, 2013. The academic performance of students will be taken from the 1st grading grade of the 3 most research subjects. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework Fig. 1 . Paradigm of the Study Definition of Terms Academic Performance -is the outcome of education of the IV-Newton students that will be measured by a survey methodology.
Curriculum - taught as an education Institution, or the topics taught within a subject. ESEP (Engineering and Science Education Program) - a Science and Mathematics oriented curriculum as one of the new curriculum offered by the Liloy National High School that greatly affects the IV- concerned with the storage retrieval, manipulation, transmission or receipt of digital data to personal computers, digital television or email. One way is through Internet. Internet - is a global network connecting millions of computers.
It carries on extensive range of information resources used by the respondent that greatly affect their academic performance. Survey Methodology -a method for collecting quantitative information about items in a population. The researcher used this method in collecting data for the study. Questionnaire - is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts used by the researchers in collecting data and information from the respondents of the study. IV-Newton - a fourth year class of pioneering (ESEP) students of Liloy National High School.
Advantages and Disadvantages of internet on students Academic performance
Nwafor and EzeJiofor (2004) observe that internet is not a single network of computers but network of nets, a large network that connects many smaller
networks to one another. The major functional advantage of internet stems from its willingness to share information with others so that everyone might benefit. Shitta (2002) said that the Internet is a communication supper highway that links, hooks and focuses the entire world into a global village, where people of all races can easily get in touch, see, or speak to one another and exchange information from one point of the globe to another.
It is the largest network in the world that allows computer users to communicate and access electronic data bases with ease. Daramola (2004) maintains that an observable trend in the Internet is that more and ore resources are moving to it and in some cases, being made available only in the Internet. As with most media, the Internet and related services are capable of delivering enriched learning experiences (Austine and Totaro, 2011). The internet as forever changed the world in both positive and negative ways.
It enables one to find information any time of day, as well as provides convenience with regard to such activities as paying bills. The Internet changed human's life enormously; there is no doubt about that. There are many advantages of the internet that show the importance of this new medium. First, make a differentiation concerning its usage. People can use the Internet at home for personal needs or have it at work for professional usage. To spend a part of their day on the internet, for many people, is quite normal.
They use this kind of medium to get information about all kinds of topics. Maybe some of them are interested in chatting; probably they are
members of community. Whatever they are looking for, they will find it. Even if they want to have very specific information, Another advantage is a faster development. Many universities and research institutions are also linked. Using Internet is one of the major factors affecting the Academic Performance and social life of students.
The number of hours spending on the Internet will affect the grade of students unless the Internet is used for the study purpose. The students achieve good grades who use Internet for academic purposes (BookRags. com). According to Temmel and Theuermann(1999), the Internet is the easy access to information. Online reference, books and dictionaries replace the way to the bookshop or to the library. It is cheaper to search for information in the Internet than to buy a book that is old after one year.
You can also find information which is very new and a book that does not exist yet. Internet really has an effect on the performance of students at school. Academic Achievements or Academic Performance is the outcome of education”the extent to which the student has achieves the educational goals. Academic achievement is commonly measured by examination are continuous assessment but there is no general agreement on how is it best tested or which aspects are most important- procedural knowledge such us skills or declarative knowledge such us facts (Ward,et. l,1996). Individual differences in Academic Performance have linked to ifferences in intelligence and personality. Students with higher mental ability as demonstrated by IQ test (quick learners) and those who are higher in conscientiousness (linked to effort and achievement motivation) tend to achieve highly in academic settings. A recent meta-analysis
suggested that mental curiosity (as measured by typical intellectual engagement) has an important influence on academic achievement of students in addition to intelligence and conscientiousness (von Stumm, et. l, 2012) Related Studies Awais et. al (2001) made a survey about the Impact of Internet Usage on the Student's Academic Performance (CGPA)revealed that the Internet is one of the beneficial tools in this era of Information Technology world not only for business but for Academic point and enhances the skills and capabilities of students which assist them in studies and in professional life. Students with high CGPA use more Internet for their studies and gain more knowledge and information across the world.
Khode and Khode (2003) said that the craving for the internet stems from its central role in ICT with access to free online Journals, magazines, and other information resources anytime and from everywhere for academic and research urposes in their study about Free Online Serials in the Area of Library and Information Science. Audu (2006) revealed that the internet has many benefits in the academic cycle as it provides a round the clock access to global sources of information in his study about Internet Availability and Use by Post graduate student of University of Nigeria.
Positive effects
It covers, first, online learning that adds positive effects associated with Internet within education. Second, Encyclopedia that has actual availability of different subjects that can be helpful towards their difficulties of gaining knowledge. Third, asy contact, that students can contact additional students or even their own instructors via the e-mail that they should have inquiries regarding any information. Fourth, School or University Project, as the internet
is the ocean of information, work, and so on required for one's project.
Lastly, they can have all of the latest news that are continuously up-to-date on the internet on various news sites that is one of the major advantage in the internet of education. OkentunJi (2001) identified areas in which in internet could be used to include education, agriculture, office automation, ecurity, entertainment, politics, construction, banking, commerce, health, etc. , in the national annual conference of his study about computer application to libraries.
In contributing to the Academic Performance of students, Ogedebe (2012) saw Internet as a forum that promotes group discussion which is time and distance independent about his work of Internet Usage and Students' Academic Performance in Nigeria Tertiary Institutions. The World Wide Web service, provide by the Internet with over 5 million websites allows students from all disciplines to search for relevant information. According to AdegboJi and Toyo (2006) in their study on the Impact of Internet on Research, internet is very useful in obtaining information for research.
The Internet contributed significantly to the ease of research through downloading materials. Adegoke (2010) declared that most of the students that have access to the internet browse more for non-educative information (socio-networking sites) in his study about the Effect of Internet Browsing on Students Academic Achievement at the Senior Secondary School Level. The controversy over technology actually improves student's learning is one that stirs debate and motivates research. For obvious reason, it should be noted that the impact on academic performance of students differs depending on population.
Some studies reported no significant effects, however, other studies affirmed effect of internet access of students
with a post test results according to Ehrman (1995) on his study about the effects of Academic Performance of Students. Nonis et. al (2006) concluded in their study about Academic Performance of College Students: Influence of Time Spent Studying and Working that students who spend more time on academic-related activities outside of class (e. g. , reading the text, ompleting assignments, studying, and preparing reports) are better performers than students who spend less time on these activities.
CHAPTER Ill RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This section contains the research methodology employed in the study. This includes the research method used, the materials in making the questionnaire and the data gathering procedure. Methods of Research Used The kind of method used in collecting and tabulating data in order to arrive at the correct result of the study about the Effects of the Internet to the Academic Performance of the IV-Newton (ESEP) students of Liloy National High School for the st Grading Period is descriptive research. Descriptive research is used to describe the characteristics of a population or phenomena being studied.
It can either be quantitative or qualitative. Descriptive research involves gathering data that describes events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts and describes the data collection. determine the effects and benefits of Internet to the academic achievements of the students. Sampling Design The types of sampling the researchers use are Cluster and Purposive sampling. The first to use is the Cluster sampling. The primary sampling unit is the Liloy National High School students while the IV year students are selected to be the secondary sampling unit. In choosing the final respondents, purposive sampling is use.
The researchers wanted to know
the effects of Internet to the Academic Performance of ESEP students. Seeing that the only IV year students that belong to that curriculum are the IV-Newton, the said section which consists of 43 students is selected to be the sample in this study based on the knowledge of the respondents to supply the needed data for the purpose of this study. They will be given a questionnaire to fill up and will be accompanied with the researchers. The sample selected to participate or to be the subject in this study are all the 43 students of IV-Newton of Liloy National High School. Data Gathering Procedure.
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