Career As A Military Officer Essay Example
Career As A Military Officer Essay Example

Career As A Military Officer Essay Example

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  • Pages: 8 (2004 words)
  • Published: February 23, 2019
  • Type: Article
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I. Text research
A military officer in the U.S. Armed Forces is responsible for protecting U.S. citizens and has a specific role in national defense.They sign a contract to serve for a designated number of years before retirement becomes an option.The U.S. Armed Forces consist of five branches: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.The Army, with approximately 572,000 personnel in 1993, operates primarily on land.The Navy, with around 510,000 personnel in 1993, conducts operations at sea and travels globally.Specializing in aviation and mechanical trades,the Air Force had over 440,000 personnel in 1993.The Marine Corps collaborates closely with the Navy to provide security on ships/bases and guard U.S. embassies.It operates both on land and at sea,and there were roughly 178,000 Marines in 1993.Enforcing maritime law and rescuing individuals at se


a,the Coast Guard falls under the Department of Transportation but operates under the Navy during times of war.Virginia established its militia for defense purposes in 1611, and Massachusetts followed suit in 1636. In preparation for the Revolutionary War, George Washington formed the Continental Army in 1775. The Marines initially served with the Army starting from 1775 but became a separate branch in 1834. Since1798, they have been attached to the Navy. The Coast Guard, created in 1790 to combat smuggling, is the oldest seaborne force of the U.S.

The Militia Act of 1792 united state militias into what would later become known as the National Guard. During the War of 1812, the U.S defended itself against foreign invaders and utilized balloons for military purposes for the first time. In fact, an Army Balloon Corps was established within the Signal Corps in 1892 and

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separate Aeronautical Division was created in1907.

During World War I, air power played a crucial role in strategic changes as America demonstrated its military strength. Responding to aviation's growing importance, the Army Air Service was established as a separate entity under control oftheArmyin1918After the period mentioned, various mandates like the National Defense Act of 1920 were implemented. This act necessitated a standing army and reserves totaling at least 300,000 personnel. Alongside financial constraints and social factors that promoted isolationism, these measures were in place. However, when Europe was engulfed in World War II, America had only 150,000 active personnel in its Army. It was not until an attack on Pearl Harbor occurred that America was forced into action.

As a result of the war effort, the number of military personnel reached its peak at approximately 13 million across all branches of service. The role of air superiority proved to be crucial and significantly contributed to the allied victory. In 1947, the Air Force was established and later all branches were brought under the Department of Defense. During times of war, the Coast Guard operated with the Navy but otherwise fell under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation.

Following World War II, there was a shift away from isolationism as America became more involved in foreign affairs. The emergence of the Cold War can be attributed to Soviet Union's control over central and Eastern Europe and their potential spread of communism worldwide. To counter this threat, American troops were deployed globally while engaging in a nuclear arms race and competition for space exploration.

Involvement in conflicts such as Korea (1950s) and Vietnam (1960s-70s) prompted a reassessment of American military

policy abroadAs antiwar sentiment grew, the draft was abolished in 1973, making the military a voluntary organization. Efforts were made by the Armed Forces to enhance their reputation and attract talented individuals for military careers. In the 1980s, military spending increased with the aim of hastening the collapse of the Soviet Union. This included conducting military operations in Grenada, Panama, and Middle East countries. Towards the end of the 1980s, many communist nations sought independence which led to political and economic crises.Eventually, this caused the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 effectively ending Cold War.
During this time, Iraq invaded Kuwait and a collaborative effort was initiated by United Nations involving U.S. forces and other nations.The use of air power significantly weakened Iraq's military before ground operations began.This demonstrated not only American military technology but also highlighted cooperative nature of member states in UN.As a result of Cold War ending there has been shift in military objectives leading to decreased defense spending.This transformation has turned military into more peacekeeping force.National defense maintenance work now includes tasks such as running hospitals commanding tank crews programming computers operating nuclear reactors repairing maintaining helicopters among others.The armed services offer a wide range of occupations, including managerial, administrative, technical clerical jobs, as well as construction, electrical, electronic mechanical and repair positions. Enlisted personnel and officers have the option to choose from more than 360 basic and advanced military occupational specialties. Civilian equivalents are available for over 75% of these specialties. The military consists of various major occupational groups such as infantry, gun crews, seamanship specialists, and officers responsible for battle strategy planning and security oversight activities. These personnel gain

valuable teamwork skills and leadership abilities (Career Information 1996: 268-270). Occupations in electronic equipment repair involve maintaining and fixing different types of equipment under officer supervision. These skills can often be transferred to civilian jobs. Communication and intelligence personnel perform roles similar to scientists, engineers, and investigators in the military. They gather information, interpret data, work as cytologists or information analysts, serve as translators, and have civilian counterparts in medical and dental occupations.Healthcare officers in the military, such as physicians, dentists, optometrists, nurses therapists, veterinarians, and pharmacists, focus on diagnosis and treatment. Their training can be transferred to civilian jobs with appropriate certification. Technical and allied specialty occupations in the military also have potential transitions into civilian life. For example, military officers can work as meteorologists, mapping directors television/motion picture directors, and band directors. Functional support and administrative occupations in the military require similar skills found in private business and government agencies (Career Information 1996:268-270).

In the realm of electrical and mechanical equipment repair, individuals in these fields are responsible for managing various types of vehicles such as airplanes, automobiles, ships, missiles heavy machinery ,and others. The officers oversee the upkeep of traditional and nuclear-powered ships,trucks aircrafts,and missiles to ensure that these abilities can be easily transferred to civilian jobs.

Craft occupations within the military encompass a range of skilled trades including civil engineers architects carpenters construction workers plumbers metal workers machinists welders electricians ventilation system technicians.Additionally serviceand supply personnel are also involved in food service security services personal servicesand supply management.Officers in the military work in logistics, supply management, transport traffic management, and procurement. The skills gained in these roles often lead to civilian career opportunities.

Qualifications, education, and training requirements vary for becoming a military officer in the United States. One pathway is attending federal service academies, which are 4-year colleges granting Bachelor of Science degrees. After completing these programs, individuals commit to at least 5 years of service or longer if they pursue flight training (Source: "Occupational Outlook 1998-1999", pp.482-483). Another option is the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), available in Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force programs nationwide. Trainees receive weekly instruction for 2 to 5 hours alongside their regular college coursework. Upon graduation, they can choose active duty, reserves or serving in the National Guard. During their last two years of ROTC, students receive a monthly allowance and scholarships based on competition covering tuition fees as well as allowances for subsistence, textbooks, supplies and other expenses. College graduates can also become commissioned officers through Officer Candidate School (OCS) or Officer Training School (OTS).Those with experience or training in health professions may be eligible for direct appointment as an officer with financial aid and internships provided in exchange for service. Prospective medical students can apply to the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences where they receive free tuition towards an M.D. degree. However, after graduation they must commit themselves to seven years of military service. Other positions, such as judge advocate general or chaplain corps, may also be eligible for direct appointment. Both commissioned officers and warrant officers have the opportunity to undergo flight training.

Military life is characterized by structure and discipline, with a mandatory full term of service after contracting. The military maintains a formal atmosphere by enforcing strict dress code and appearance regulations. There is

a clear distinction between officers and enlisted men, as officers are saluted and addressed as 'sir' or 'ma'am'. These protocols promote respect for higher-ranking officials and ensure immediate obedience to commands.

The military takes precedence in all aspects of military life, including working hours and conditions.Typically, military personnel work an 8-hour day with weekends off unless deployed on a mission. During off-duty time, uniforms are not required, allowing for engagement in civilian activities like family and recreationThe military service may require weekend work, night shifts, or 24/7 availability. Military personnel commonly experience frequent relocations and extensive travel. Assignments differ depending on the branch of service, ranging from long periods at sea to deployment in underdeveloped countries. Some assignments involve working in extreme climates or hostile areas with potential combat situations. Certain military jobs, such as sailors on aircraft carriers' decks, can be hazardous even during peacetime. During times of war, military personnel rely on their training to function as a team and engage in high-risk situations and combat. In today's technologically advanced battlefield, teamwork is crucial for both noncombatants and military personnel who face danger due to their duties or assignments. Air and ship crews often travel while others are stationed at various worldwide military bases. Personnel frequently receive reassignments every few years. Earnings depend on rank and time served, increasing with progression in rank and experience. Advancement opportunities are available through hard work and leadership as retirements and completion of service terms create a constant need for new personnel in the military. The military offers job security for those seeking a stable career path (Occupational Outlook, 1998-1999; Encyclopedia of Careers, 1997).The University of Alabama has

specific admission criteria. To be admitted, students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 from high school and achieve "acceptable" scores on the ACT or SAT exams (College Catalogues: University of Alabama). In cases where the GPA exceeds 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, test scores may not be required.

Alabama has specific course requirements for admission, including 4 units of English, 3 units of mathematics starting with algebra I, 4 units of social studies with world history included, 3 units of science with at least 2 units having a laboratory component, 1 unit of foreign language, and at least 5 units in other academic courses. These other academic courses must include at least 1 year of computer literacy, 2 years of foreign language study, 1 year of fine arts study, and at least 4 years combining mathematics and sciences.

For Alabama residents, the expenses amount to approximately $3,700 per semester. This includes tuition ($1,342), room ($1,080), dining dollars ($200), meal plan ($700), telephone ($53), and books and supplies ($305).

There are various options available for financing education in Alabama such as scholarships, grants loans as well as other financial aid sources. It is important to note that an application must be submitted by March 1st to be considered for financial aid.

The freshman curriculum for a student in aerospace engineering includes the following courses:

Introduction to Aerospace Engineering (AE 125)

General Chemistry for Engineering Students I (CH 131)

Engineering Graphics (DR 125)

English Compositions I (EH 101)

English Composition II (EH 102)

Calculus I (MATH 125)

Calculus II (MATH 126)

General Physics with Calculus I (PH 105)

Humanities or Social Science electives

Graduation requirements: To be eligible for a baccalaureate degree in any school or college of The University

of Alabama, a student must earn in residence at least 14 of the semester hours required for the degree, including 9 of the last 18 hours. Advanced work in the major and minor fields may be specified to be taken in residence. A 2.0 GPA is required to earn a degree and a C average or higher must be earned in the area of major. Some areas of major may have higher grade requirements than this.Reasons for selecting this college: The author can still pursue a military commission in a more relaxed civilian college, while being closer to home.

2. The Air Force Academy has rigorous admission requirements, which encompass various factors such as grade point average, standardized test scores, physical fitness, citizenship, and extracurricular activities. To initiate the process, individuals must complete a pre-candidate questionnaire and request nominations from the vice president, congressmen, and senator. Once an application is received from the academy, it must be filled out and sent back. Compulsory steps also include a physical examination and a physical ability test involving pushups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and a 300-meter shuttle run. The average SAT score stands at 1290 while the average ACT score is 29. Additionally: 88% of students ranked in the top quarter of their class while 10% were at the very top.

Expenses for attending the Air Force Academy are entirely covered by the Air Force without any costs incurred by students. Moreover,
students receive a monthly allowance of $600.

Plans to pay: All expenses are covered by the Air Force.

Curriculum: As a fourth-class cadet (freshman), the following courses are taken:


Basic Cadet Training and Basic Physical Training (over the summer)N/A

Principles of Chemistry (Chem. 141,142)6

Introduction to

Computer Science (Comp Sci 110)3

Freshman Composition (English 111)3

Basic Foreign Language (For Lang 131/132)6

Modern World History (History 101)3

Calculus I and II (Math 141/142)7.5

Air Force Officership and Operations (AFO 110)1.5

Physical Education1.5

Graduation requirements: To graduate, certain conditions must be met, including a) achieving a minimum 2.0 MPA (Military Point Average) to demonstrate proficiency in leadership and commissioned service, b) maintaining satisfactory conduct, c) excelling in physical education and military training, d) completing core curriculum requirements along with those for an academic major, and e) attaining a minimum cumulative and core GPA of 2.0.

Reasons for selecting this college: This institution is highly esteemed and provides excellent preparation for the military field. Graduates from the academy, also known as "zoomies," tend to achieve higher ranks compared to those from ROTC programs.

III. Interviews

1.CPT Jeff Smith, USA (retired)

1. What constituted a typical day and what were your responsibilities?

A typical day? There were hardly any typical days! Primarily, we dedicated a significant amount of time to training, which involved fieldwork. In the morning, we engaged in physical training (PT), followed by paperwork. Afterward, we proceeded to the field for training exercises. As an armor officer, I primarily focused on tank-related training within my armor company, which was an augmenting unit consisting of approximately 213 personnel. My duties encompassed overseeing training sessions, implementing what we had learned, as well as handling the day-to-day obligations akin to company commanders elsewhere. This entailed arranging transportation for individuals from one point to another, ensuring their educational needs were met, and taking care of our equipment. Everything revolved around preparing for future tasks and steps. I also tackled various legal matters for my subordinates, assisted with family issues,

and fulfilled general responsibilities on a daily basis to support my team's fundamental requirements.

2.What benefits did you have? What was your salary?

The military provided comprehensive medical care and took care of our health and retirement needs. Additionally, my monthly salary was approximately $1850.

3. When hiring in this field, an employer seeks individuals who are self-motivated and willing to put in extra effort. They may not necessarily be the most intelligent, but display a strong dedication and enthusiasm. The employer desires individuals who are willing to go above and beyond, staying late and arriving early.

4. Would you choose this career again?

Yes, certainly. The military provided me with opportunities to visit various locations and partake in distinctive experiences that I would not have had in civilian life.

LTC Jamie Clark is a full-time physician and flight surgeon serving in the US Air National Guard. As part of his duties, he conducts physical examinations on pilots, including measurements like height, weight, blood pressure, and lab work. These exams are required annually and vary in thoroughness.

In addition to his medical responsibilities, LTC Clark actively delivers safety briefings and participates in medical discussions during peacetime. He also addresses any safety concerns that may arise during deployments, such as foodborne diseases.

To stay qualified, LTC Clark dedicates at least 2 hours per month flying alongside the pilots in their unit's F-16 aircraft.

2. What benefits do you have? What is your salary?

We offer a retirement plan that becomes eligible at age 65, with a requirement of twenty years of service to qualify. However, unlike regular retired full-time personnel who receive retirement benefits immediately after retiring, reservists must wait

until reaching 65. Retirement benefits are determined based on years of service, active duty days, and completed drills or training periods.

Additional benefits include life insurance coverage instead of health insurance, which is available only during activation for full-time duty, two-week deployments, or wartime situations. Regarding salary, as a lieutenant colonel, my earnings amount to approximately $400 per weekend or roughly $600 before taxes. Furthermore, the military assisted in paying off a significant portion of my medical school loans.

3. What qualities does an employer seek in this field?

As a flight surgeon, an employer seeks someone who can perform physicals and provide medical care if they are called into duty. This role is comparable to being a general practitioner.

4. Would you pursue this career again?

Yes, definitely. However, I might have chosen to do ROTC and become a full-time pilot instead.

Iv. why choose this career?
After considering the strict routine and low income associated with joining the military, I am now seriously reconsidering my career choice. My father, a doctor, influenced me to not pursue the same path as him. However, this research has sparked my interest in attending a civilian college like the University of Alabama and taking premedical courses. One possible compromise is attending a civilian college for premed and participating in ROTC instead of going to the academy and obtaining an Air Force commission. I must now thoroughly explore my options and discover my true aspirations for my future. This paper has been an

invaluable source of assistance.
Air Force Academy. U.S. Air Force Academy, 1999-2000.

The Career Information Center, which was published by Glencoe Publishing in 1996, is located in Mission Hills, California.

Clark, Jamie. Huntsville, AL, November 26, 1999.

The text is a citation for a book called "Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance" which was published by J.E. Ferguson Publishing Company in 1997. The citation includes an opening and closing paragraph tag and a line break tag.

Occupational Outlook Handbook, published by the U.S. Department of Labor in 1998-1999, is located in Washington, D.C.

Smith, Jeff. Huntsville, AL, November 25, 1999.

The University of Alabama Undergraduate Catalog, which was published by the University of Alabama from 1998-2000, is located at


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