John Smith

City: Minneapolis, Minnesota
University: Dakota County Technical College

Posts by John Smith:

WGU- Educational Assessment – Flashcards
19 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question General Responsibilities of Ethical Practices answer 1. Protect the health and safety of all participants 2. Be knowledgeable about and behave in compliance with state and federal laws relevant to the conduct of professional activities 3. Maintain and improve their professional competence in educational assessment 4. Provide assessment services only in areas of their […]

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Riddles – Flashcards
18 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question How many months have 28 days? answer All of them question What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it? answer Silence question What runs around a field but never moves? answer A fence question If two’s company and three’s a crowd, what are four and five? answer 9 question What is the […]

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BYU Engl047 – Flashcards
18 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question (1) absolve answer To forgive or free from blame. question (1) advocate answer To support or be in favor of (you cannot advocate a person, only an action). question (1) aesthetic answer Concerned with or appreciative of beauty. question (1) altruistic answer Concerned for the welfare of others. question (1) animosity answer Ill will; […]

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Dev Psych Quiz 5 Flashcards
11 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question The increased activity of the amygdala is a reason that children during the play years experience answer Frightening Nightmares question To ensure adequate nutrition and vitamin intake, what is recommended? answer Eat breakfast cereals that contain 100% of the day’s nutrients and vitamins. question Child-centered programs are often influenced by the theories of _____ […]

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Psychology/Brain 3- Corrected – Flashcards
07 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question The state during which a neuron contains more negatively charged ions inside the cell than outside the cell and is not firing is referred to as the__. answer Resting potential question During action potential, the electrical charge inside the neuron is _ the electrical charge outside the neuron. answer positive compared to question “All […]

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Management 16 – Flashcards
07 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question The arousal, direction and persistence of behavior refers to motivation. answer True question Employee motivation affects productivity, and part of a manager’s job is to channel motivation toward the accomplishment of organizational goals. answer True question Two ways to classify rewards are extrinsic and monetary. answer False question Rewards given by another person are […]

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Five Fields of Social Studies/Five Themes of Geography – Flashcards
05 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question geography, economics, government, culture and history answer Five Fields of Social Studies question The study of people, places and the environment. answer geography question The study of how people manage their resources by producing, exchanging and using goods and services. answer economics question The people who make the laws, enforce the laws, and settle […]

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Flashcards About blaw chapter 29
02 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question The employment-at-will doctrine is little used today. answer false question There are no exceptions to the employment-at-will doctrine. answer false question An oral promise that an employer makes to employees regarding discharge policy may be considered part of an implied contract. answer true question Firing a worker who refuses to perform an illegal act […]

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Western Civ test 2 – Flashcards
02 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Rome was a crucial factor in the development of European civilization because answer Rome connected Europe to the cultural heritage of the Near East question Vigil’s Aeneid built on Homer’s epic literature by answer connecting Roman history to the heroic narrative of the Trojan War question In terms of geography and natural resources, the […]

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Quiz 9/3: Social Security Benefits and Taxation – Flashcards
01 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question When an individual is dually eligible for Social Security benefits, they will only receive the larger of the two benefits. The correct answer is: Luka will receive the larger of the two benefits. answer Luka is eligible to receive both spousal and retirement benefits. Which of the following is true? question Social Security retirement […]

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Sociology Exam 1. Ch 1-3 – Flashcards
30 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Auguste Comte answer (1789-1859) first to change society religious metaphysical positive must use scientific methods to study sociology. coined the term “sociology”, believed field would synthesize other knowledge and allow sociologists to help improve society by focusing on moral progess. question Karl Marx answer (1818-1883) German Middle Class Educated Editor of newspaper Rheinische Zeitung […]

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29 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Interpretive sociology is sociology that… answer focuses on the meaning people attach to behavior question Which theory developed by the psychologist John B. Watson, claims that most human behavior is not instinctive but learned within a social environment? answer Behaviorism question Which of the following statements comes closest to describing Erik H. Erikson’s view […]

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World History B Chapter 19 Section 1-3 – Flashcards
27 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question What were the three social classes in France called under the ancien regime? What groups composed each class? answer The First Estate (clergy), the Second Estate (nobility), and the Third Estate (vast majority). question Why were urban workers discontented? (4 reasons) answer They resented the privileges of their social betters. They earned miserable wages. […]

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PLS101- CH16- Social Policy – Flashcards
27 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question How is eligibility determined for noncontributory programs such as TANF? answer means testing question Reforming social policy to address poverty in a redistributive manner answer faces a major hurdle in being placed on the policy agenda. question What spurred the national government to become more heavily involved in elementary and secondary education? answer Cold […]

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Cohen chapter 4 review – Flashcards
24 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question A group of people who share common interests and experiences a similar level of education and a comparable income level can be referred to as answer a social class question a reporter is writing an article about social mobility in the united states as a sociologist you advise her that … answer there is […]

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ANTH 101 Ch 10-12 – Flashcards
21 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question play answer a framing that is: 1. consciously adopted by the players 2. somehow pleasurable 3. systematically related to what is non play by alluding to the non play world and by transforming the objects, roles, actions, and relations of ends and means characteristic of the non play world question metacommunication answer communication about […]

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Chapter 8 social computing – Flashcards
21 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Web 1.0 answer Focuses on creation and commercialization of the Web question Web 2.0 answer -A loose collection of information technologies, applications, and the Web sites that use them -A new digital ecosystem that promotes creativity, connectivity, collaboration, convergence, and community -A shift in the users’ role from passive consumer of content to creator […]

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BUS 350 Chapter 9 copied – Flashcards
17 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question A team-oriented work environment places emphasis on: answer empowerment and collaboration question A method for countering social loafing includes: answer formal evaluation of member contributions question Self-managed teams are sometimes called: answer autonomous work groups question An effective team exhibits: answer shared leadership question The set of authority and task relations among group members […]

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POLS 1336 Lecture 3 (Participation) – Flashcards
15 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question History of the Franchise (voting) answer * Said little; voter eligibility left to the states. Most states limited the franchise -white male property-owners; later eliminated -Taxpayers. This restriction removed in 1850s -A few states had religious restrictions Not until the eve of the Civil War did the U.S. have universal white male suffrage question […]

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Anthro 2 Practice Exam – Flashcards
14 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question What term refers to a gift made by the husband and his kin to the bride and her kin? answer lobola question The anthropological term for a socially recognized mother is answer mater question What is the name of the custom in which a widow marries the brother of her deceased husband? answer levirate […]

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Death and Dying Last Set Ever – Flashcards
10 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question The way an individual copes with a loss? answer evolves thru one’s life span question The stage of psychosocial development termed “young adulthood” is represented by tension between answer intimacy and isolation question Which stage of psychosocial development is characterized by a widening commitment to take care of people, things, and ideas one has […]

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Chapter 7 – Consumer Buying Behavior – Flashcards
04 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Abercrombie & Fitch is developing a program to get to know its customers. Which of the following is not a reason why A&F needs to understand consumer buying behavior? a) customer’s reactions to marketing strategy can impact the firm’s success b) all customers are the same when it comes to buying behavior c) a […]

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