James Storer

City: Hattiesburg, Mississippi
University: University of Mississippi

Posts by James Storer:

HLH 301 – Test 1 – Flashcards
15 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Chapter 1 answer • The terms “change” and stress are often used synonymously by both experts and ordinary people question Chapter 1 answer • Perception (interpretation) of the situation is what determines one’s level of stress, not the situation question Chapter 1 answer • Psychointrapersonal influences, not social influences, are the influences that are […]

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Art History 100 Final Exam Terms – Flashcards
14 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Baroque art answer visual arts and building design and construction produced during the era in the history of Western art that roughly coincides with the 17th century. question tenebrism answer Italian, tenebroso (murky), also called dramatic illumination, violent contrasts of light and dark, and where darkness becomes a dominating feature of the image. question […]

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Test Answers on Human Development Exam 3 – Flashcards
14 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Middle adulthood age range ___ – ___ answer 40-65 question Ways _________ combat signs of physical aging: • They dye their hair • Anti-wrinkle cream • Skin care in general (sunscreen) • Plastic surgery • Botox answer midlifers question The rise in fat largely affect which part the most? answer abdomen question women increase […]

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Biliary – Flashcard
13 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question What causes massive inflammation and necrosis in acute pancreatitis? Question 1 options: formation of multiple thrombi and ischemia infection by intestinal microbes immune complex reaction activation and spread of proteolytic enzymes answer activation and spread of proteolytic enzymes question Which of the following is/are (a) manifestation(s) of hemolytic jaundice? increased unconjugated bilirubin in the […]

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intro to chem words – Flashcards
10 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question diatomic molecule answer a molecule that consists of 2 atoms question electron answer a subatomic particle that has a very low mass and caries a single negative charge question empirical formula answer an expression showing the types of elements present and the simplest ratios of the different kinds of atoms question family answer the […]

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Chapter 20 (Skin Diseases & Disorders) – Flashcards
10 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Knowing how to care for someone’s skin begins with what? answer Understanding it’s underlying structure and basic needs. question What is estimated to be only 15% responsible in determining how the skin ages? answer Heredity question What has the greatest impact on how the skin ages? answer The sun and it’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. […]

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The Emergence of Europe in the Early Middle Ages – Flashcards
09 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Germanic people answer Begun to move into the lands of the Roman Empire question German kings set up new states answer Happened as the imperial authority vanished question Ostrogoths, Visigoths, and Angles and Saxons answer Germanic kingdoms resulting from the fusion of Romans and Germans question Italy answer Location of the Ostrogoths question Ostrogoths […]

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AP European History The Expansion of Europe in the 18th Century – Flashcards
09 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Common People answer Struggled with poverty and uncertainty, with the landlord, and tax collector. question Small Elites answer Progress was a dream, and they improved in science and thought. question Agriculture and the Land answer At the end of the 17th century the economy was agrarian. In eastern Europe, there was a high percentage […]

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INTL Marketing Exam 1 – Ivey FALL 2017 – Flashcards
09 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question **Chapter 1** answer **Chapter 1** question Events that affect global business answer -Natural disaster -Wars and national conflict -Advancement in Information Technology question International marketing answer The performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers or users in more than one […]

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Health and Wellness – Assessment Study Guide – Flashcards
09 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question What is the role of minerals in the proper functioning of the human body? answer They become part of bones and regulate electrolyte balance. question Which of the following correctly describes HDL cholesterol? answer High levels of HDL cholesterol are beneficial because they protect against heart disease. question How do antioxidants slow the aging […]

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Tobacco Notes – Flashcards
09 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question How many US adults smoke cigarettes? answer 41 million question What percent of US adolescents smoke cigarettes? answer 23.3% question Cigarette smoking and smokeless tobacco has increased/declined (choose one) over the past ____ years. answer declined, 10 question What does the money collected from taxing cigarettes go towards? answer To cancer research. question Name […]

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Dermatology: Skin Cancer – Flashcards
08 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Squamous Cell Carcinoma answer *Pathophysiology:* -Malignant tumor of squamous cells, from the epidermis and stratified squamous mucosa. -Usually seen in patients >55 y.o. in the U.S. question Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Risk Factors answer I. Ultraviolet Radiation Risk Factors: *-Sunlight Exposure* *-Actinic keratosis:* a small, rough, raised area found on skin that has been in […]

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Chapter 10 – Marketing, competition and the customer – Flashcards
07 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Sales department answer Responsible for the sales od the product question Market research department answer Responsible for finding out customers needs, market changed and impact of competitors actions question Promotion department answer Deals with organizing the advertising for products question Distribution market answer Transports the products to the market question Identify customer needs answer […]

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Chapter 19 History BLAH – Flashcards
07 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question This is the preoccupation with buying material goods answer consumerism question he developed a vaccine against polio answer Dr. Jonas Salk question This is a company that offers the same products or services in many locations answer franchise question McDonalds is one of the earliest examples of this type of business answer franchise question […]

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F.O.B. UNF 2016 – Flashcards
07 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Zack sells organic tacos out of a truck parked on an Ivy League college campus. It’s a one-person operation, but the business is quite successful. Zack believes it’s important for business to benefit society. Given his current operation, what is the best way for Zack to do this? answer donate unsold food to a […]

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Marketing Cloud Consultant Certification – Flashcards
07 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Can an email be used multiple times in a subscriber list? answer Yes – As long as the Subscriber Key is unique, and email isn’t held in the subscriber key. question A Subscriber has to have an email address to exist in a list? T/F answer True. – Data Type marked as email. Data […]

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Chapter 11- Cancer Epidemiology – Flashcards
07 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question environmental lifestyle, genetic answer 2 things that causes cancer question morbidity, mortality answer Cancer is the major cause of (2) worldwide question united states answer incidence of cancer in the ____________ _______ is decreasing question pancreas, liver, uterus answer death rates for these types of cancer (3) are increasing in WOMEN question melanoma answer […]

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True/ False Chapter 5 – Flashcards
06 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Auditors of U.S. public companies should follow the PCAOB’s auditing standards. answer T question There is not much commonality among the auditing standards set by the PCAOB, AICPA, and IAASB. answer F question The ten standards underlying the PCAOB’s auditing standards fall within four different categories. answer F question The purpose of an audit […]

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Spanish 2 Verb Review Flashcards
02 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Abrir answer to open question Añadir answer to add question Aprender answer to learn question Ayudar answer to help question Bailar answer to dance question Beber answer to drink question Buscar answer to look for question Caminar answer to walk question Cantar answer to sing question Comer answer to eat question Comprender answer to […]

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Zodiac personalities – Flashcards
01 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Capricorn December 22- January 19 answer About the Zodiac Star Sign Capricorn Capricorn Books Saturn rules the practical sign of Capricorn and controls the month of January. You are strongly motivated to succeed, and with dedication you will gain a position of power and respect in life. You are gifted with computers and you […]

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Chapter 2: Neoplastic Skin Disorders (Seborrheic Keratosis) and (Skin Cancer) – Flashcards
31 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question seborrheic keratosis answer bengin skin growth that is most often found with mature adults question lesser-trelat sign answer is the explosive onset of multiple seborrheic keratoses (many pigmented skin lesions) often with an inflammatory base question skin cancer answer uncontrolled replication of cells question 3 types of skin cancer answer Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous […]

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TNM, Staging bladder, prostate, kidney, testicle – Flashcards
30 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question pTa Bladder tumor answer noninvasive papillary carcinoma question pT1 bladder tumor answer tumor invades subepithelial connective tissue question pT2 bladder tumor answer tumor invades muscular propria question pT3a bladder tumor answer tumor invades perivesical tissue microscopically question pT3b bladder tumor answer tumor invvades perivesical tissue macroscopically question pT4a bladder tumor answer tumor invades prostatic […]

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