Zodiac personalities – Flashcards

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Capricorn December 22- January 19
About the Zodiac Star Sign Capricorn Capricorn Books Saturn rules the practical sign of Capricorn and controls the month of January. You are strongly motivated to succeed, and with dedication you will gain a position of power and respect in life. You are gifted with computers and you possess strong morals and organizational principles. More than any other sign of the Zodiac, you strive for respect and accomplishments. Saturn is a karmic planet and rules your life, thus you must avoid nurturing depressing thoughts. The part of God in you is much stronger than the stars you inherited and you do have the power to master and use the Cosmic Code at your advantage. You were born in the middle of the winter when nature was asleep. You must have realized early on that nothing would come easily to you. Like the goat slowly but surely and against all odds (cold/wind/snow), you must climb towards the top of the mountain. The first part of your life will be a long and painful struggle, but Saturn will reward you by giving you a long life and a well-deserved position at the end. You will appreciate old age and solid financial security. You may also marry a much younger or older partner. The fluctuations of the Moon strongly affect your mood and career success. The wise Capricorn soul will use his fish tail accordingly and synchronize his life and business with the Universal tides. Steadiness, organization, patience, and charm belong to you. You have a strong architectural or mathematical ability and your keen sense of observation will help you succeed in life. Karmic Saturn will exact payment for manipulating others for selfish ends and will throw the soul back to a painful start. You are attracted to power and successful people and you may marry into wealth. Emotional and sensitive, you are very responsible and protective of the family circle. However, you must learn to openly communicate your deep feelings. Capricorn Apparel at Amazon Your real gifts are in your mind, Psychology, Astropsychology, interior designing, engineering, electronics, movie producer and any career related to Uncle Sam. Your own natal Dragon can propel you to the highest position and supreme power if you use it accordingly. But your challenge is to open up to the intangible world of the spirit and its accompanying Universal rules. Your natural tendency to organize people and business at all times could hinder your sensitivity to others. Capricorns are good homemakers and adept with investments. As a rule, you favor a successful business environment where you can apply your tremendous organizational gifts. A word of caution for Capricorn: Be aware of those wild acquaintances willing to help you to climb the ladder of success or the traps of religious poisoning. Remember to respect the Universal Law (see Moon Power), as your awareness of Moon planning will become a major contribution for happiness and success. The location of your natal Dragon's Head or Tail will seriously alter the strength or weakness of Saturn in your chart. The downfall of your spirit is religion and/or chemical addictions. Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura and Mel Gibson are good example involving religion and/or chemical substance abuse. You can learn much more about yourself or anyone else by ordering Dr. Turi's most popular books: Beyond the Secret, I Know All about You: The True Power of Astropsychology, The Power of the Dragon, And God Created The Stars. About Capricorn By Myriam Maytorena Capricorn is one of the most stable and most serious of the zodiacal types. They are normally confident, strong willed and calm. Hardworking, unemotional, shrewd, practical, responsible, persevering, and cautious to the extreme. Capricorns are Practical and prudent Ambitious and disciplined Patient and careful Humorous and reserved Pessimistic and fatalistic Can be Miserly and grudging Can be stiffly conventional and rigid According to Wikipedia ... Mythology Capricorn is associated with the Greek myth of the goat Amalthea, who provided the infant Zeus with milk, or ambrosia in some versions. Zeus placed her in the sky to honor her. Capricorn is also associated with the god Saturn and the god Aristaeus. The Babylonian zodiacal sign is called šaxû "ibex". The sun in this month entered the suxûru-fish constellation, called the star of Tashmetum, the wife of Nabu. The goat-fish is known from depictions on Babylonian monuments. Capricorn is also linked to the Greek God, Pan. The astrological symbol for Capricorn represents the horns and tail of the goat-fish or sea-goat. The Capricorn House in Astrology The 10th House is the house that the Capricorn rules. It represents everything about an Capricorn, like birthdays, numbers, etc. The 10th House represents goals and ambitions, direction in life, status in society, and profession. People born with their sun sign in the 10th house, even if not a Capricorn, have the personality traits of a Capricorn. Typical Characteristics of Capricorns Astrologers generally agree that the following are attributes of Capricorn: prudent, responsible, realistic, very wise, formal, patient, methodical, disciplined, traditional, cautious, conventional, hard-working, polite, persevering, ambitious, dedicated, focused, honest, dependable, serious, self-reliant, businesslike, career-oriented, authoritative, conscientious, and competent. They can also sometimes be rigid, suspicious, status-seeking, demanding, insensitive, inhibited, cold, dry, aloof, lack of emotional depth, possessive, self-conscious, materialistic, narrow-minded, vindictive, bitter, lacks hope, melancholy, stuck-up, controlling, harshly critical, restricting, calculating, and saturnine. Capricorn Likes - Romance, Loyalty, Feeling secure, Financial/material stability, Ambitious mates, Feeling committed, Making long term relationship plans, Dependability, Reliability, Perseverance. Capricorn Dislikes - Flightiness, Being bossed around, Crudeness/coarseness, dominance, Game playing, Ego displays, Extravagance, Being challenged by a lover, Indecisiveness. Suitable occupations are where responsible, patient and practical qualities can be exercised; such as scientist, engineer, manager, civil servant, mathematician, farmer, builder, politician, director. In medical astrology Capricorn governs the knees and skeleton. Physical Characteristics Astrologers believe that each sign of the zodiac has identifiable physical traits that manifest themselves in the ascendant, which is different from the sun sign. Physically, individuals born with an ascendant of Capricorn have steady eyes, a light caramel complexion, capable hands, and prominent cheekbones. Men and women both tend to be thin and wirey. Miscellaneous In terms of Mundane or Political astrology these countries are associated with Capricorn: India, Mexico, Afghanistan, Bulgaria. The Indian Vedic equivalent of Capricorn is Makara; the Chinese equivalent is the methodical Ox, whose lunar month is 6 January - 3 February.
Aquarius January 20 -Febuary 18
Characteristics of Aquarius By Loy Young Aquarius Sign Hoodie Sweatshirt Don't Fence Me In could be your theme song; you need lots of space, not being tied down for you to unfurl your creativity, your unique way of looking at situations. You could even have thought of yourself as an alien, as you are unique, since you look at life and situations differently than most. You are not fully immersed into the physical human realm. Your mind resides more in the intuitive realm which gives you great objectivity. You need time alone, where you can step back, reflect, and then just know the answer. Energy:Scientific reasoning is the first energy to make you aware. Scientific Reasoning Energy Scientific reasoning is the energy that flows through every cell in your body, your emotions, your mind, and your intuition. Scientific reasoning has one purpose, to bring about freedom. And lucky for all of us, this energy is not just for this month during the time of Aquarius but is the predominant energy for the next 2500 years. This energy awakens our mind so we can see what's really going on beneath the smoke and mirrors. Virtues: Transparent, eclectic, objective. Although qualities and virtues are really the same, virtues have more a religious or spiritual connotation. The word quality is more neutral, has no dogma attached. Transparent You can see the obvious; recognize the truth that lies underneath whatever is presented to you. Eclectic You do not get caught up in "one way only" but search out the best of many different disciplines or thoughts and bring them together. This keeps you free. Objective You can look at both or many viewpoints; see both the pros and cons. You are not naive. Vices: Emotionally unavailable, too curious and judgmental. Your negative characteristics are really just your positive qualities that are not yet balanced. That just means your vices are still in progress and haven't yet matured into the virtues they will become. Emotionally Unavailable How many times have you heard that...To stay objective far too often you don't connect enough emotionally and people can't feel you, think you don't care. Too Curious Although a great quality, you tend to take it too far and that's often your downfall, as you must try out most everything. You can get caught in addictions such as sex, drugs, alcohol, greed and can stay there for years without realizing your greatness. Judgmental It's so easy for you to see beneath the obvious. You can stop there and become judgmental without continuing ahead and solving the problem. Love Compatibility: You will never get bored with a Leo who definitely likes fun like you, but they have the same quest; to unravel the mysteries of life and the universe. And sexually opposite energies make it spicier and your connection will just keep going deeper without trapping you. Sagittarius also shares your fascination for solving any problem. They are most intuitive but can be really humorous, which will activate that unique way of looking at life through the microscope of humor. A Taurus could help ground you though, as you sometimes can be like the absent minded professor, no matter what age you are. Taurus's can bring you back to Earth. Aquarius Vocations You are our mathematician, our engineer, our problem solver which is naturally going to lead you toward global problems and politics. You can see the obvious, and have a great deal of common sense. You would be a wonderful talk show presenter, journalist, a comedian but especially a political comedian. About the Author Loy is an accomplished astrology researcher and practitioner; relationship specialist and published author. About Aquarius By Hynotherapist and Astropsychologist Dr. Louis Turi Website: www.DrTuri.com Dr. Turi grew up in Provence France, Nostradamus' birthplace. Note: He uses the Nostradamus method of prediction which includes attributing only one sign for each month of the year, i.e., Aries for April, Taurus for May, Gemini for June, etc., About the Zodic Star Sign Aquarius Characteristics For Those Born In February The planet Uranus rules the sign of Aquarius and governs the month of February. You are one of the most original people walking this earth. Aquarius has produced many eccentric people and great inventors. Uranus rules the future and the incredible UFO phenomenon, technology, television, aeronautics, the Internet and humanitarianism. It commands NASA, Astronomy and all celestial knowledge, particularly the old science of astrology and the Cosmic Code. You are blessed with curious stars and you are attracted to psychology, the food industry, real estate, the police force and Astropsychology to name a few. Aquarius rules aeronautics, avionics, television, the Internet and advanced computers. The option to reach fame and fortune is a high probability during the course of your life if you service the world in an advanced and original way. The motion pictures "Back to the Future" and "The Matrix" are some of the best ways to illustrate Uranus' ingenuity in terms of artistic creativity. Strong and fixed, you have inherited from the stars accurate intuition, tremendous common sense, ingeniousness, and a powerful will. Yet, you must learn to listen to others and participate in conversations with equality. Even when the ideas being presented are not of your own making, much knowledge can still be learned. Lend your full ear and do not race ahead with only thoughts of what you need to say. Those born in February must also learn to positively direct Uranus' innovative mental power for the improvement and well being of the world. Acting eccentric and without forethought is a sure downfall for you. Your idealistic views are legendary and your mission is to promote Universal knowledge and Universal Brotherhood. You will benefit from the opportunity to use the latest technological arsenals to fulfill your unselfish wishes for mankind. You can handle the difficulties of life with a smile and transcend setbacks by using celestial knowledge to your benefit. The women of this sign are original, independent, beautiful, intellectual, and make good use of their incredible magnetic sexuality to reach their purposes. As a rule, women born in February produce extraordinarily intelligent children or twins. You are strongly advised not to eat when upset. The medical aspect of Divine Astrology predisposes those born in February to over-sensitive stomachs and an overactive mind. A word of caution for those born in February: Many young religious or rational souls will not understand your genius and your advanced message to the world. Many will try hard to stop and hurt you. Remember to respect the Universal Law (see Moon Power), as your awareness and Moon planning will become a major contribution to your happiness and success. The location of your natal Dragons Head or Tail will seriously alter the strength or weakness of Uranus in your chart. You can learn much more about yourself or anyone else by ordering Dr. Turi's most popular books: Beyond the Secret, I Know All about You: The True Power of Astropsychology, The Power of the Dragon, And God Created The Stars. More About Aquarius By Myriam Maytorena Aquarius is an Air Sign and is the eleventh Sign of the Zodiac which also rules the eleventh House, the House of Friends. Aquarius is ruled by the Planets Uranus and Saturn, Uranus being associated in Roman Mythology with the Earth and Saturn being the Father of many Gods. In the Zodiac Aquarius is opposite of Leo. Aquarius means Waterbearer in Latin. What an Aquarius is Like: Cool, collected, initially at arms-length and the best Friends you could wish for which may be a problem for people wanting to get closer. Their lives are motivated by Social and Spiritual causes and Higher Issues. They are considered to be the Innovators and Inventors of the zodiac and it is said that most people in the Hall of Fame are Aquarians. The motivating force behind Aquarius is the herd instinct. They like people, they are sociable, they are friends to a lot of people. Some think the world owes them a living, others that they owe the world a living. They can be social reformers or vagrants, but people will be around them, holding them up, or they will do the holding up. Some of the greatest benefactors to the human race are Aquarians, involved in social professions or as social benefactors. In Love they are Noble, Loyal and Affectionate and totally resentful of intrusion into their privacy. They'll never lack an audience while they attempt to explain themselves. Aquarians are always intelligent, concise, clear and logical. Many have lots of imagination and are very intuitive. The Age of Aquarius, which is about to begin, is the age in which mankind will experience a great spiritual awakening. The negative side of Aquarius is fanatical eccentricity, egotism, excessive detachment and an inclination to retreat from life and society.
Pisces Febuary 19- March 20
About Pisces By Myriam Maytorena Old Moore's Horoscope and Daily Astral Diary 2015 - Pisces Pisces is a Water Sign, the twelfth and Final Sign of the Zodiac which also rules the twelfth House, the House of the Unconscious. Pisces is ruled by the Planets Jupiter and Neptune, Jupiter being the Roman king of the Gods and Neptune being the God of the Oceans. In the Zodiac Pisces is the opposite of Virgo. Pisces means Fishes in Latin. Pisces seek salvation within themselves, striving for total self - sufficiency and self - reliance. Initially they may be appear very materialistic, but that is only because they don't want to have to worry about material wants on their way to self - knowledge and fulfillment. They wish deeply to do the right thing and may become confused about their true aims and get bewildered and lost in a materialistic jungle. At their truest, they are crystal clear, unselfish, devoted, demanding little, always sacrificing themselves for others. The Key Phrase for Pisces is "I believe". They are emotional and sensitive and can easily be influenced by good and bad, practicality and realism often escapes them. They are also secretive, hard to know, and hardly know themselves. They must learn how to use power wisely, they have vitality, have an urge to rule. They are easygoing, affectionate, submissive and offer no threat or challenge to stronger and more exuberant characters. They are emotional rather than rational, instinctive more than intellectual, and have limited willpower. They tend to withdraw into their own dream world as a retreat from the harsh reality of day - to -day living and the inability to cope with real life. However, they can be remarkably creative in literature, music and art. The Mythology of Pisces The constellation resembles two roundish objects, each of which is tied to the same point by a long length of string . Generally the objects have been considered as fish, although since by including fainter stars visible to the naked eye, the strings themselves take on the appearance of stick-figure bodies (with the roundish objects thus becoming heads). Some forms of early Greek mythology viewed it as men bound to a point. It is generally thought that in earlier depictions, only the constellation Piscis Austrinus was considered to be a fish. According to one version in Greek mythology, this constellation represents fish into which Aphrodite and Eros transformed in order to escape the monstrous Typhon. The two fishes are often depicted tied together with a cord, to make sure they do not lose one another. According to another version, since the binding point is below the ecliptic, and thus considered to represent being in the underworld, and that one of the figures (the one on the left) appears to escape, but the other (on the right) seems to head back toward the ecliptic, then, together with Cetus (another constellation in the Zodiac sign of Pisces), this may have formed the basis of the myth of the capture of Cerberus, one of The Twelve Labours of Herakles. The Astrology of Pisces The Western astrological sign Pisces of the tropical zodiac (February 19 - March 20) differs from the astronomical constellation and the Hindu astrological sign of the sidereal zodiac (March 12 - April 18). It is the domicile of Jupiter (since its discovery Neptune has been considered Pisces' ruling or co-ruling planet by many modern astrologers) and the exaltation of Venus. It is also one of the four Mutable signs (along with Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius), and is said to rule over the feet. It is associated with the Twelfth house of the horoscope, and therefore is also said to rule over drugs, secrets, and large institutions, such as prisons, hospitals, and even business or governmental organizations
Aries March 21- April 19
About the Zodic Star Sign Aries Mars Governs the Aggressive - Warlike and Impatient Constellation Of Aries All will hear my views and voice - Trial and error is my school of choice. Like a dragon, dashing and daring I appear Fighting for those that I hold dear. I am ARIES, child of Mars. Characteristics For Those Born In April Assertive Mars controls the month of April. In Greek Mythology, this planet is called "The Lord of War," and rules the impatient sign of Aries. You were born a leader, however, because of your inborn impatience you may also learn by making a few mistakes. Your strong and impatient desire to succeed must be controlled and hasty decisions avoided. Others perceive you as a competitive and motivated child-like person. More than any other sign of the zodiac, souls born in April must learn steadiness, organization, and most of all, diplomacy. When confronted, grace and charm does not really belong to you. Martian souls possess strong leadership and engineering abilities and April men are attracted to dangerous sports, speed, engineering, and the military. Due to your "turbo charged" personality, you are also accident-prone to the head and should protect it at all times. Both male and females born in April tend to talk too much and must learn to listen to others and control impatience. You must focus on your needs steadily and finish what you have started. Inadvertently, the "red" uncontrolled Martian personality will hurt sensitive souls; thus damaging the chances for respect and promotion. Your explosive temper is generated by an inborn fear of rejection and an inner inferiority complex. Do not take rejection or opposition personally. The "childlike" attitude could attract manipulative spirits wishing to structure or use the immense creativity and energy of the Mars competitive spirit. You do love your home and you are responsible with your family. Nevertheless you prefer to be where the action is, as you get bored easily. If you practice patience, tolerance and diplomacy, there is no limit to where Mars will take you and this is all the way to the highest level of accomplishment. Your main lesson is to learn all the diplomatic and loving traits of the opposite Venus-ruled sign Libra. Some young April souls are totally consumed with themselves and will not share possessions or the light of the stage with others. Once you find yourself and your confidence, the option to become a leader in any chosen field will be given to you. Souls born in the month of April must assume a diplomatic attitude when dealing with others and reward those who have been helpful. Word of caution; dealing with any Aries soul demands that others should be aware of their natural drive to control all corporate financial avenues because of their subconscious drive and fear of power i.e., Bernie Madoff and Conspiracy champion author, David Icke (note both souls were born April 29 or 9 days after Adolf Hitler also born in April). The location of your natal Dragon's Head or Tail will seriously alter the strengths or weaknesses of Mars in your chart
Taurus April 20- may 20
About Taurus By Hypnotherapist and Astropsychologist Dr. Louis Turi Website: www.DrTuri.com For Taurus Note: Dr. Turi grew up in Provence France, Nostradamus' birthplace. He uses the Nostradamus method of prediction which includes attributing only one sign for each month of the year, i.e., Taurus for May, Gemini for June, etc. About the Zodiac Star Sign Taurus Venus Governs the Beautiful and Financially Oriented Constellation Of Taurus Luxurious and elegant I have the memory of an elephant Loving all of life's finer pleasures Gifted am I at acquiring more coffers and treasures I am TAURUS, child of Venus. Characteristics For Those Born In May The month of May is governed by the planet Venus and by the reliable sign of Taurus. Others perceive you as beautiful, somehow stubborn and practical. You are the moneymaker sign of the Zodiac and you have stability and true love to offer to others. You need to control your jealousy, insecurity, and your authoritarian attitudes and avoid eating when upset. You are a gifted artist and strive for organization. You are also attracted to the professions of banking, real estate, the arts, computers, radio, television, Astropsychology, aeronautics, food, real estate and investigation, to name a few. Many "Bulls" will reach fame and fortune and enjoy the security of a beautiful and big house. Strong and dominant, you have inherited a deep intuition, a tremendous common sense, and a powerful will. Venus rules love and possession; you must avoid destructive thoughts pertaining to jealousy, stubbornness and insecurity. Learn to channel Venus' constructive powers towards creativity, diplomacy and love. If you behave in an insecure stubborn, sarcastic, destructive, or unattractive manner, you will lose it all in the end. Your down-to-earth approach to life must not interfere with your spiritual growth. Part of your lesson in this lifetime is to keep an open mind to the world of the spirit and use metaphysical information to ensure financial growth. Your desire for practicality and riches is legendary, but you will always regenerate with knowledge of New Age and metaphysical matters. You will courageously handle the difficulties of life with a solid attitude, and you inherited a beautiful nobility of purpose. Girls born in May are beautiful, classic, intellectual, magnetic, and sensitive, and will always combine Venus' beauty and sensual magnetism to attain their goals. You are meticulous and critical about your mate and it is important for you to marry someone well-groomed and well-respected. With you, love must last forever. Food is often on your mind; again, do not eat when you are upset. Remember to respect the Universal Law (see Moon Power), as your awareness and moon planning will become a major contribution towards reaching many of your dreams. The location of your natal Dragons Head or Tail will seriously alter the strengths or weakness of Venus in your chart. You can learn much more about yourself or anyone else by ordering Dr. Turi's most popular books: Beyond the Secret, I Know All about You: The True Power of Astropsychology, The Power of the Dragon, And God Created The Stars. The Characteristics of Taurus By Loy Young Taurus is the calm in the center of a storm. They can make life nearly conflict free with their ability to resolve issues. Without diluting the facts, they will massage them until they are harmonious and in balance. Do they go too far with little regard for their own personal feelings? If they are a Taurus, they just might do that. With the love of a secure, safe place to be and a willingness to do whatever it takes to get it, Taurus can become a "yes" person. When one agrees with almost anything, just to avoid conflict, something is eventually going to explode. When it does, beware! Once the damage is done, there is no taking it back. Energies: Harmony energy expressed as comfort, safety and balance. This is a very strong energy that seeks to find comfort, safety and balance in the resolution of conflict. That is its entire purpose. Harmony does not just happen, it takes patience and a loving heart to see through the differences and come to a resolve that results in a safe environment. Virtues: Patient, security loving, persistent and placid. Patient Nothing seems to press your buttons. No flying off the handle for you. You are seen as the kindred heart and calming influence by all. Security loving Your environment must be safe and secure without the feeling of danger lurking around the corner. Others in your life sense this and are drawn to protect you from harm. Persistent You are like a train going down hill, without brakes to slow you down. You are so task orientated that there is nothing that can stop you, once you have a destination in mind. Placid You don't show your emotions often, but when you do, it is a pleasure to behold. Your mild-manner conceals your inner most emotions. Vices: Jealous, possessive, self-indulgent and blaming. Your negative characteristics are really just your positive qualities that are not yet balanced. That just means your vices are still in progress and haven't yet matured into the virtues they will become. • Jealous You want to have all the possessions that others have as your own and often express a jealous desire for what you cannot have. • Possessive What you have is yours alone. Sharing is a foreign trait to you. • Self-indulgent You lack self-control in pursuing your own pleasure and satisfaction. • Blaming You tend to blame others for your failures. Love Compatibility Taurus and Scorpio are equally active in sexual affairs and have much in common romantically. Taurus wants to own a lover, while Scorpio will be possessive at an emotional level. Opposites attract and balance each others extremes. Taurus likes money, safety, and is patient. Capricorn and Taurus have a mutual understanding of each other's personalities. Taurus can bring out the best in Capricorn giving the encouragement needed to come out of the cave. The sensual Taurus will draw out the romantic side of the reserved Capricorn. Cancer can be a good combination, since both need security and are loving and affectionate. Cancer adds the imagination Taurus needs, and Taurus is attentive, filling the need of Cancer. Ones strength supports the others weakness. Taurus's tenacity and Virgo's sharp mind are a good combination for a love relationship. It will be love at first sight, as well as, for the long term. About the Author - Loy is an accomplished astrology researcher and practitioner; relationship specialist and published author. Sign up for her FREE Zodiac signs and forecasts newsletter. Use the monthly energies to enhance your relationships and daily life. Visit Loy at /www.loysrelationshipastrology.info The Characteristics of Taurus By Julie Hopkins A Taurus is a special kind of person with very unique characteristics. You may not have known that the Taurus likes to be the center of attention just like the counterpart in the animal kingdom. In fact, many people who are a Taurus tend to be very bullish or stubborn when it comes to interacting with other people. This can tend to be both a positive and a negative in certain ways. Positively, it can lead to a good sense of purpose and following through on projects and ideas. However, in some instances it may have the person seeing red when it comes to being able to handle any kind of criticism of what they may firmly believe in their mind. A Taurus will in many cases have a very big, boisterous personality which some people may say is abrasive while others would call it lighting up the room. They usually don't tend to shy away from the limelight and instead crave that kind of attention and opportunity to lead a group. On a purely intellectual level, the Taurus may not be a superstar, instead preferring to get things accomplished with brute strength or a proven strategy which may have worked well in the past. It would be good for a Taurus to learn to try new and better ways of doing things. The Astrology of Taurus Ruler of the Second House Element: Fixed Earth Key: "I Have" Symbol: The Bull Ruling Planet: Venus Exaltation: Moon Detriment: Mars Fall: no traditional fall Critical Degrees: 9 & 21 Azimene Degrees: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Colors: Forest and deep, dark greens, brown Birthstone: Emerald Flowers: Rose, Buttercup Fragrance: Gardenia Metal: Copper Cell Salt: nat sulph Afflictions: sore throats, hay fever, earaches, obesity. Characteristics include: Stubbornness, possessiveness, materialistic, acquisitive, patient, practical, reliable, indulgent, self-reliant, apathetic. Mythology The identification of the constellation of Taurus as a bull may be quite old. Dr. Michael Rappengl of the University of Munich [1] believes that Taurus is represented in the Hall of the Bulls in the caves at Lascaux. The paintings are some 16,500 years old. One of the painted bulls is near a cluster of dots that looks like the Pleiades, and which is the correct position over its shoulder to be that asterism. The same pattern is found in pits in the floor, which could have been filled with oil and lit to recreate the lights of the Pleiades inside the cave, though there is no evidence that this actually happened. In Greek mythology, this corresponds with the bull-form Zeus took in order to win Europa, a mythical Phoenician princess, and thus father of Minos. As such, since it is necessary to traverse the area of sky known as the Sea to reach it when passing through the Zodiac, it forms the origin of the myth of the Cretan Bull, one of The Twelve Labours of Herakles.
Gemini May 21- June 20
About Gemini By Hypnotherapist and Astropsychologist Dr. Louis Turi Website: www.DrTuri.com Note: Dr. Turi grew up in Provence France, Nostradamus' birthplace. He uses the Nostradamus method of prediction which includes attributing only one sign for each month of the year, i.e., Gemini for June, Cancer for July... Sterling Silver Gemini Diamond Pendant 14K Solid Gold Mens Ring - Gemini Gemini Pin from the Artazia Collection Gemini Pendant Personal Power Gemstone Oil: Gemini About the Zodiac Star Sign Gemini Mercury Governs the Nervous and Witty Dual Constellation Of Gemini Freethinking and intelligent You will not find me under rigorous management You may think you know me well Then my other half over you casts a spell I am GEMINI, child of Mercury. Characteristics For Those Born In June The planet Mercury rules the sign of Gemini. You are intellectual, nervous and adaptable, born with a strong drive to communicate, you are classified in Greek mythology as "The Messengers of the Gods." You inherited a gift of youth, a double personality and a quicksilver mind enabling you to adapt easily to any situation. On a negative note, Mercury, the "Lord of the Thieves" breeds volatile and unreliable people due to their dual characteristics. You are a gifted communicator; radio, language, photography, sales, movies, acting, dancing and the medical field and any type of public relations work appeals to you. Your natural speed for life's experiences makes you impatient and nervous. You must learn to focus and crystallize your powerful mind. You have the potential to become an efficient speaker and produce interesting books. Due to your strong desire for security, many of you will be attracted to the real estate and food industries. Your financial potential is unlimited if you learn and make a good use of the Universal Law in charge of your Second House of income. Strong Mercury will produce an incredible amount of physical and spiritual energy that must be dissipated. The unaware psychological fields classify those children as A.D.D. ("Attention Deficit Disorder") or ADHD. Contrary to what scientists assume and perceive as an indisposition, ADHD is actually a potent gift from God. The soul is simply programmed to naturally reject traditional education, thus opening the rare door to genius and with it the potential for new discovery. Incidentally, President Clinton, Einstein, and I were born with an "ADHD affliction." So, if a teacher is mistaken about some information, the Mercurial soul's inborn sense of curiosity and discovery will bring about potential information leading to the truth. Impatience, nervousness, mental curiosity, and a short attention span are your characteristics. You will never follow long-established dogmas. Your Mercurial spirit will open new doors to mental exploration. You are curious by nature and are always questioning. Boredom is your worst enemy and you must associate with intellectual people who can stimulate your incredible mind. Telling jokes is also a part of your mental agility. A word of caution for you: Always be alert when the Moon crosses the deadly sign of Scorpio at work, especially after the Full Moon. Remember to respect the Universal Law as your awareness and moon planning will be a major contribution to avoiding dramatic experiences and will help you reach many of your dreams. The location of your natal Dragon's Head or Tail will seriously alter the strength or weakness of Mercury in your chart.
cancer June 21- July 22
About the Sun Sign Cancer Characteristics For Those Born In July Cancer Amulet Silver Diamond Pendant Necklace Cancer Zodiac Pin Artazia Collection The moon and the emotional sign of Cancer rule your life; as a moonchild your life is strongly affected by the Moon's fluctuations. Knowing and using her whereabouts in the belt of the Zodiac is a must for you to succeed in all areas of your existence. Family matters will always play an important part in your life. You are classified as the "caretaker" of the Zodiac. Much of your success depends on the awareness and ability to use both the moon and your powerful intuition. You are distinctively gifted with real estate and food (cooking or eating). Lunar children have a solid sense of organization and have inherited strong managerial gifts. You are a perfectionist and are quite critical at times. Plants and green appeals to you, and you tend to worry too much about health to the point of becoming a vegetarian. You will perform very well in a position of power or management. Financial security is important to you and you will shine through your ability to amass riches and possessions i.e., real estate mogul, Ross Perot. You have a gift with children and you have a natural zest to teach them. You must avoid depressing thoughts of the past and keep control over your powerful imagination. Steadiness, organization, warmth, love, and charm belong to you. Your powerful emotions can be channeled positively with music, singing, and the arts in general (country music is a Cancer/July vibration). You are attracted to successful people (older or younger mates) and many Cancerians want to marry rich. Your natural tendency to smother family members and friends at all times makes you admired and deeply loved. You must learn to control your overwhelming sensitivity and participate with life outside of your home a little more. As a rule, all Moon children are great homemakers unless the soul selected a non-domestic masculine Moon before reincarnating on this dense physical world. Like all other water signs, you regenerate in research, science, and metaphysics. You tend to worry too much about your and others' health and you should adopt a more positive spiritual attitude. Learn to let go of the wrong people and move on with life. It is a must for you to respect the Universal Law, as your awareness and moon planning will become a major contribution toward avoiding dramatic experiences and reaching many of your dreams. The location of your natal Dragon's Head or Tail will seriously alter the strengths or weakness of the Moon in your chart.
Virgo August 23-September 22
Perfectionists Organization freak (may be sloppy to an extent but has a place for everything) Cares for whats on the inside more than the out (including food and humans ^_^) Paying close attention to minor details Prone to worry (kinda relates to the minor detail thing) {true again} Truth be told, however, Virgo's good at sacrifice, and at making lemonade out of lemons. These extremely tender hearts are always willing to help, and their sharp focus allows them to take charge of even the toughest situation. So if you're a Virgo yourself, you know that when you're that good at grasping particulars, it's quite natural to see flaws -- hence that reputation for being nit-picky. But if it weren't for you, the rest of us would miss the trees for the forest, so don't ever let anyone put you down for your keen eye! We all need troubleshooters in our lives, people who are able to see the potential problems in a situation before they develop -- and that's definitely Virgo. So get out there and find one of these meticulous folks; enjoy a lesson in careful observation and tell your pal that their ability to appreciate minutiae really is precious. *When it comes to relationships, Virgo is as devoted as a sign can possibly be.* *These sincere souls are willing to do whatever it takes, whenever it's needed, to let their beloveds know just how dear they are. And if you're close to a Virgo, you can attest to the fact that they're the proud bearer of one of the keenest wits in the entire zodiac, thanks to that sharp eye and those quick, accurate comments. As a partner, this sign's as faithful as they come -- like all the earth signs. (Don't forget: Being earthy, after all, means that Virgo was given the gift of fully appreciating the sense of touch and the importance of closeness.)* [so true!]*So don't hesitate to reach out and touch a Virgo you know and love -- and let them know how valuable they are to you. * {was this passage just written about me? lol so true!} Virgo is an Earth Sign The sixth Sign of the Zodiac which also rules the sixth House, the House of Health. Virgo is ruled by the Planet Mercury, Mercury being the Messenger God in Roman mythology. In the Zodiac Virgo is opposite Pisces. Virgo is the sign of the Virgin, shy, nervous and repressed, while being practical and logical. Drawn to work with projects and individuals they Serve with reasoning and analytic ability. They are detailed and precise, sometimes fanatically tidy. They have a desire for perfection and an enormous attention to detail. They perceive the world through intellect and because of this they tend to be very judicial. They are skilled at communicating. They are devoted and sometimes jealous. Virgos Serve, in such a sense that they can lose themselves totally in the nature of the work that they have set themselves out to do. They need diversion, activities, fun, hobbies to broaden their lives and are unhappy when they are wrestled away from the grindstone. Their jobs become their lives. If they are unemployed they totally lose their reason for being. Since they are so wrapped up in their jobs to the exclusion of everything else they should find jobs which are well - rounded and give them exposure to the rest of the world. Virgos are fanatic about cleanliness, perceived or real, and may develop phobias about hygiene and sanitation. Conventionality and a strict adherence to society's rules and regulations are what to expect from a Virgo mate if they have not progressed along life's learning path. They are very observant, shrewd and critical of anything outside of their own beliefs. Outward signs of affection are difficult to express, which may give the impression of coolness and of being too reserved. They conceal themselves from the outside world because of fear and distrust; they are very afraid of being hurt, because it is so difficult to form new relationships. They are sensible and discreet and great at giving advice to others that they actually need themselves. They must be careful not to have relationships with more passionate partners, because they cannot adapt to extreme passion.*wrong....at least for me -_-* Because they are so meticulous they lose sight of larger issues, and meticulousness itself becomes their focus in life. Virgo Men Explained By Chris F. Ford Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac and is represented by a female. The Sun is in this sign from August 23rd to September 22nd making individuals born in this period Virgo. Virgo is one of the earth signs making them close to nature and the world around them. Virgo men are normally most compatible with Capricorn and Taurus women. Virgo men, like all other men, have both a positive and negative side to their character. There is little that can be done to influence either the positive or negative side of their character. In many cases the negatives are caused by too much positive energy. Positives Virgo men are dedicated and devoted. They will do whatever they can to protect their family and loved ones no matter whatever challenge they may face. Married with this devotion is an intellectual and an attention to detail which Virgo men can succeed both at work and home. Virgo men have an analytical and measured approach which makes them excellent problem solvers and shrewd in difficult situations. These characteristics mean some are fantastic lawyers. Negatives They can sometimes be too devoted and over proud of those around them. This means Virgo men will often gloat about their life causing those around them to resent them. The devotion can also make them over-protective and likely to take retribution, ranging from murder to petty and pedantic remarks. Overall, Virgo men love and are devoted. It is important to have your own space and not to allow jealousy to develop. Moreover, they are proud men so they want to be in a relationship with a woman who makes them proud.
Libra Sep 23- oct 22
About Libra By Myriam Maytorena Black Rhinestone Embroidered LIBRA Baseball Hat Libra Pewter Pendant on Beaded Leather Necklace Diamond 14k White Gold Libra Pendant Necklace, 16" Sterling Silver Blue Sapphire Libra Pendant 18" Linda Goodman's Sun Signs: Libra Libra Gold Dipped Necklace Libra Pin Artazia Collection The seventh Sign of the Zodiac which also rules the seventh House, the House of Partnership. Libra is ruled by the Planet Venus, Venus being the Goddess of Love in Roman mythology. In the Zodiac Libra is opposite Aries. Libra is the sign of the Scales, looking for Peace and Harmony, Balance and Cooperation, Marriage and Partnership, sometimes fickle and indecisive. What a Libra is Like: Strong - Willed, determined, stubborn, complex, secretive with more skeletons in their closet(imagined or real) than anybody else. They are objective and just but abhor conflict and will give in just to keep the peace. They perceive the world through intellect and because of this they tend to be very judicial. They are skilled at communicating. Despite being independent, Libras want to make other people happy because they value other people more than they value themselves. That does not mean that they yield themselves totally against their principles; they can then be like a rock, unyielding. They will not allow themselves to become embroiled with things or people which are distasteful, because they have an enormous sense of elegance and morality. They treat their employees and servants as equals with lots of respect and see their fellow man with dignity and values. They are very civilized with elegance, good taste and charm and mostly good looking. However, once they make up their minds they stick to their opinions. They are artistic, well balanced, with good perception and observational facilities. They are good at resolving conflicts by compromising, sometimes settling at their own disadvantage. They are romantics, to the extent of indulging in promiscuity. In marriage, however, they are successful because they look for a union of the minds. Astrology of Libra The Western astrological sign Libra of the tropical zodiac (September 23 - October 22) differs from the astronomical constellation and the Hindu astrological sign of the sidereal zodiac (October 31 - November 22). In some cosmologies, Libra is associated with the classical element Air, and thus called an Air Sign (with Aquarius and Gemini). It is also one of the four cardinal signs (along with Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn). Libras are the diplomats of the Zodiac. Its polar opposite is Aries. It is the domicile of Venus and the exaltation of Saturn. Each astrological sign is assigned a part of the body, viewed as the seat of its power. Libra rules the lower back and kidneys. The symbol for Libra is the Scales, making it the only sign of this zodiac whose symbol is not a living creature. Mythology of Libra The constellation, which had originally formed part of the claws of the scorpion (Scorpio), is the youngest of the Zodiac and the only one not to represent a living creature. In later Greek mythology, the constellation, which when considered on its own looks vaguely like a set of scales, was considered to depict the scales held by Astraea (identified as Virgo), the goddess of justice. Since Libra was originally part of Virgo (as scales), and before that part of Scorpio, it was not a distinct entity for which a zodiac sign was named. Its place may have been taken by Boötes, which is the nearest to the ecliptic. Since the place Boötes should have held on the ecliptic is vacant, it may have, together with Ursa Major, Draco, and Ursa Minor, also in Libra, led to the myth of the apples of the Hesperides, one of The Twelve Labours of Herakles.
Leo Jully 23- August 22
About Leo By Myriam Maytorena Leo is a Fire Sign Zodiac which also rules the fifth House, the House of Pleasure. The fifth Sign of the Leo is ruled by theSun, in ancient times the Center of the Universe. In the Zodiac Leo is opposite Aquarius. Leo is the sign of the Lion, the flamboyant King of Beasts who wants everybody to know that he is the King. What a Leo is Like: Opinionated but extremely capable, they see projects through to the end. Arrogant and egotistical they are popular and good at making friends and influencing people. They are good actors in every sense of the way, on stage and off. They are natural generous leaders who live life with enormous drama indeed like a roaring Lion. Pleasure, overindulgence, gambling and spending money makes them feel good. They have an instinctive desire for both acclaim and self - approval. They will literally use a mirror to see what effect they are making and will study what to do to make a better impression. They want to be desirable, attractive, and will acquire the traits needed to appear better. Self - approval replaces conscience, they'll do anything as long as it improves their image. Introspective they are not, self - analysis is unimportant, the effect they make on other people however, is. Leo is the most dominant, creative and extrovert of all the zodiac signs. They are truly Lions in their splendour and personality, ambitious, courageous, self - confident, strong - willed, independent without any self - doubt. Born leaders, they are most effective when in command, bringing out the best from their employees or co - workers. They possess enormous magnetism, are uncomplicated, act bigger than life with enormous daring. Ambitious, thriving on adversity, they will pursue their goals relentlessly. Intelligent, philosophical, sometimes religious, almost fanatical in their religious beliefs. This fanaticism can be positive as well as negative. In competition they are ruthless, jealous, and will resort to trickery, cheating, backstabbing and lying to best their rivals. They are not above using other peoples' ideas and presenting them as their own. Their passions and lusts are also Lionine, for luxury, power, sex, money. Normally they can control themselves because of an inner wisdom which creates checks and balances.
Scorpio October 23 - November 21
By James Shankle Scorpio Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Scorpius. Scorpio may refer to a Scorpion, a venomous animal, from which most of the following get their name: Scorpius, one of the constellations of the western zodiac; Scorpio (astrology), the astrological sign represented by this constellation; Technology Scorpio (dart-thrower), Roman artillery invented in 50 BC. It is also considered a water sign and one of the four fixed signs. A fixed (strong and solid) sign, Scorpio governs will and authority. The Fixed Quality means it is more centered on the "here and now", its essential energy movement being to preserve and sustain what was begun. Love Love is central to the life of typical Scorpios and inspires many of their ambitions and actions. Their actions in love tend to promise deep commitment and sexual pleasure, even if they are not telling you this directly. Scorpios are very weary about trusting anyone, a person needs to gain their trust and this gets built up over time and once all the 'trust tests' have been passed, Scorpio loves deeply and intensely. Power Powerful, passionate, exciting and magnetic, these people also make some of the best sales and marketing gurus when they decide to enter this field. They succeed because they communicate the power of their convictions. Scorpios also make excellent doctors, surgeons, scientists and leaders, they are perfectly suited to any form of business that makes a difference in the world, they tend to prefer one person giving orders and leading a unit of people/practices. Scorpio rising people can be quiet or loud, can lead or work "behind the scenes", but they always seem powerful and determined. Feel In conventional social gatherings they are pleasant to be with, thoughtful in conversation, dignified, and reserved, yet affable and courteous; they sometimes possess penetrating eyes which make their shyer companions feel naked and defenseless before them. They have a strong and concentrated manner which suggests their feelings run deep. Rarely people who will blow their chances with impatience, they plan out their moves carefully and deliberately, relying on their awesome ability to feel out others and situations. Person They are diggers when it comes to the world of emotion--they can see beyond facades and cut right to the core of a person. The person that a Scorpio respects and holds close to them is treated with amazing kindness, loyalty and generosity. Friends Friends of Scorpios will be treated like family and given every help and consideration. Scorpios tend to be highly selective in friendships. Although Scorpio generally performs well in social and work situations, he is most comfortable either alone or with the small circle of family and friends he is closest to. They are generous and hospitable toward friends, and also make strangers welcome when they call for help or advice. Energy When they harness their abundant energy constructively, their self-confidence tempered with shrewdness, and their ambition coupled with generosity toward others, they excel at whatever they undertake. They throw themselves into what they decide to do with concentrated energy and awesome willpower. Family They may make great sacrifices for their family and friends, and in some instances are even capable of acts of great selflessness. An integral part of the Scorpio personality is to be resourceful. About Scorpio By Myriam Maytorena Scorpio is a Water Sign The eighth Sign of the Zodiac which also rules the eighth House, the House of Sex. Scorpio is ruled by the Planets Mars and Pluto; Mars was the God of War in Roman mythology while Pluto was the God of the Underworld. In the Zodiac Scorpio is opposite Taurus. Scorpio is the (sometimes) self-destructive Scorpion refusing to give up when everybody else would have thrown in the towel. What a Scorpio is Like: Strong - Willed, determined, stubborn, complex, secretive with more skeletons in their closet (imagined or real) than anybody else. They are very stubborn and get things done when nobody else can. They have deep emotions and are lusty and perceptive. Scorpio is a dualistic sign in that it combines materialism with spirituality. Scorpios are full of life meaningful only after adding an almost mystic significance. Scorpio's basic need in life is the search for inner values, nothing shallow here! At its worst Scorpio is like Lucifer, at its best a genius. They are luxurious and extravagant in their tastes, not interested in money. They have enormous magnetism which allows them to luxuriate to their hearts content without having to work for it. Giving their all is reserved for private, sometimes secret pursuits. Scorpios are the most intense, profound, powerful characters in the zodiac with a seething intensity of emotional energy hidden from plain view. They possess an almost hypnotic quality which they use to further their goals. They are thoughtful, dignified and reserved, yet with such a magnetism that they accomplish their aims with very little effort. They possess enormous tenacity and willpower, with sensitivity and deep emotions. They can be too demanding and unforgiving of faults in others, aroused to anger quickly which may create enemies, sometimes for life. They possess strong reasoning powers tempered with imagination. Scorpios are passionate lovers and sexually a delight to their mates who might find it difficult to keep up with them.
Sagittarius November 22- December 21
About Sagittarius Sagittarius is a Fire Sign The ninth Sign of the Zodiac which also rules the ninth House, the House of Philosophy. Sagittarius is ruled by the Planet Jupiter, Jupiter being the King of the Gods in Roman mythology. In the Zodiac Sagittarius is opposite of Gemini. Sagittarius is the Archer, and a Centaur, half man, half horse. What a Sagittarius is Like: Scholars and Learners, hotheaded and aggressive Intellectuals tending to be impulsive and independent. They are explorers and interested in mental learning as teachers and philosophers. Jupiter is the Planet of Luck and many Sagittarians indeed experience more than their share. They talk and exaggerate too much and have enormous confidence in themselves. They are outgoing and friendly, broad-minded and enthusiastic. Sagittarius' approach to life is straightforward, with a radiant nature, lots of vitality and an alert mind. They want to experience, know, try, explore. They are travelers, in fact or in their imagination and they like to go fast. They have a hard time finishing things because they don't have the patience, they don't have the time to bother. They are not shallow, they believe sincerely to the bottom of their heart; ideals become embedded in their soul. They are normally very straightforward and unimpeachable. The higher types lead the abundant life to the maximum. They bring happiness to others and contribute greatly to society in the areas of science, arts , religion and philosophy. Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life, are full of enterprise, energy, versatility, and enjoy travel and adventure. They are idealistic, ambitious, optimistic even when there are many disappointments. They are honorable, honest, and truthful with an innate sense of justice. They are good conversationalists and make good researchers. They are fast thinkers, are intuitive and often original, but are better at adapting than inventing. Sagittarians are ardent lovers sincere and passionate in Romance. Sagittarians are ardent, sincere and straightforward in love, normally conventional and in control of their sexual natures. Yet if thwarted, they may revenge themselves upon the opposite sex by becoming cynically promiscuous. Sagittarian women find it difficult to express affection and may run the risk of being thought frigid.
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