Posts by Claire Scott:
question Tourettes Syndrome answer A neurological disorder beginning in childhood that involves stereotypical, repetitive motor movements (tics). These are often accompanied by multiple vocal outbursts such as grunting or inappropriate words such as swearing. It is about three times more prevalent in boys than in girls. question Down Syndrome answer A genetic condition occurring as […]
Read morequestion Papyrus answer Papyrus is a loud and flamboyant skeleton who presents a confident, charismatic image of himself. He tends to work hard, and despite his brash personality, he is a very kind skeleton at heart. He is extremely optimistic and innocent, as shown on a Genocide Run when he continues to believe the player […]
Read morequestion continents answer large land masses surrounded by water. question what do geographic features look like on maps, globes, and diagrams? answer Water related features include lakes, rivers, tributaries, gulfs, and bays. Land related features include mountains, hills, plateaus, plains, islands, and peninsulas question geographic features are related to… answer patterns of trade, westward (frontier) […]
Read morequestion The statement, If I do X, I can expect Y, exemplifies a: answer behavior-outcome expectancy question The term reciprocal determinism means that: answer the person, the environment, and the person’s behavior continually interact with each other question Social cognitive theory has been criticized for: answer … question According to social cognitive theory, social cognitive […]
Read morequestion Implicit Egotism answer we like what we associate with ourselves (people’s names, jobs) question mere exposure effect answer tendency for novel stimuli to be liked more or rated more positively after the rater has been repeatedly exposed to them question matching phenomenon answer The tendency for men and women to choose as partners those […]
Read morequestion duties of a citizen answer obey laws, pay taxes, defend the nation, serve in court, attend school question responsibilities of a citizen answer be informed, speak up and vote, respect other’s rights, respect diversity, and contribute to the common good question necessary and proper clause answer congress has implied powers;right to exercise rights not […]
Read morequestion altruistic suicide answer type of suicide that occurs where ties to the group or community are considered more important than individual identity question anomic suicide answer type of suicide that occurs when the structure of society is weakened or disrupted and people feel hopeless and disillusioned question comparative method answer research technique that compares […]
Read morequestion Sahara Desert answer northern sea of Africa from Atlantic to the Indian Oceans is composed of… question Niger River answer river that dominates the Western region of Africa, “hump of Africa” question Great Zimbabwe answer Karl Mauch found the ruins of… question Kenya answer African country in which prehistoric human beings first lived question […]
Read morequestion externality answer a benefit or cost that affects someone who is not directly involved in the production of a good or service question example of negative externality answer pollution second hand smoke question example of positive externality answer college education medical advances question public goods answer good that may not be produced at all […]
Read morequestion Social Role Theory answer o Sex differences in behavior arise from distribution of men and women into social roles in society • Women more likely assume domestic roles of homemaker and primary caretaker of children • Men more likely to assume roles in paid economy and be primary family providers o Says men and […]
Read morequestion 1027 – 221 BCE answer years question longest dynasty in Chinese answer described as question Warring States answer last 500 years = question split up & everyone starts fighting; emperor became weak; civil war answer Warring states question crisis of traditional valves answer chaos = question oracle bones & tortoise shells answer wrote on […]
Read morequestion A majority of the world’s people live in answer middle-income nations. question Absolute poverty is answer life threatening. question According to Anti-Slavery International, about how many men, women, and children live today in conditions that amount to slavery? answer 200 million question According to Walt Rostow, nations begin at the _____ stage of development […]
Read morequestion Cross-Cultural Literacy answer understanding how the culture of a country affects the way business is practiced question Culture answer a system of values and norms that are share among a group of people and that when taken together constitute a design for living question Can MNCs themselves be engines of culture? answer YES question […]
Read morequestion According to Erikson, once children have a sense of autonomy, they A) Achieve the psychological conflict of the preschool years B) Become less contrary than they were as toddlers C) Become hesitant to try new things D) Have a new sense of purposefulness answer B) Become less contrary than they were as toddlers question […]
Read morequestion income inequality answer The unequal distribution of an economy’s total income among households or families. question Ways to measure income inequality answer 1. By Income category 2. Distribution by quintiles (fifths) question Lorenz curve answer A curve showing the distribution of income in an economy. The cumulated percentage of families (income receivers) is measured […]
Read morequestion the study of human behavior in society answer Sociology question developed the concept of “critical distance,” which refers to being able to detach from the situation at hand to view things critically answer George Simmel question understanding behavior to which people give meaning. answer verstehen question wrote in 1901 “the problem of the twentieth […]
Read morequestion Athman and Taylor answer Compared people to onion question Social Penetration Theory answer process of developing deeper intimacy with another person through mutual self-disclosure and other forms of vulnerability. ( the more time we spend with each other, question Self-disclosure answer sharing of history, preferences, attitudes feeling and values. – Revealing of one self […]
Read morequestion The beginning of the federal government’s involvement in social issues, including health, occurred with the passage of a. Medicare Act b. Medicaid Act c. Ransdale Act d. Social Security Act answer d. Social Security Act question The creation of the National Prevention Plan was mandated by the a. Affordable Care Act b. Healthy People […]
Read morequestion Distinguish between economic growth and economic development answer Economic growth refers to increases in output and incomes over time, often measured on a per capita basis. Economic development refers to a process that leads to improved standards of living for a population as a whole. question The evolving meaning of economic development answer Economists […]
Read morequestion people in the US live in a stratified society in which social strata are created by the unequal distribution of wealth, power, and prestige answer true question because crime rates are higher in lower-class areas, many criminologists believe that the causes of crime are rooted in socioeconomic factors answer true question in recent years, […]
Read morequestion Why did Adulis become such an important center of trade? answer It was located on the Red Sea question Which group did not come to Aksum to trade? answer China question How did the climate or geography of North Africa change between 10,000 B.C. and 1000 B.C.? answer Rainfall gradually diminished and areas that […]
Read morequestion Sui Wendi answer emperor who reunited the north and south question Tang Taizong answer China’s most admired emperor question Wu Zhao answer The only woman to rule China, who helped guide China through one of its most brilliant periods question Grand Canal answer linked the Huang He to the Yangzi River, shipping food grown […]
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