Bettina Hugo

City: Washington, Washington
University: South Puget Sound Community College

Posts by Bettina Hugo:

Antigone Questions – Flashcards
15 Sep 2020 Flashcards

What is the setting? Kingdom of Thebes, palace of Creon To whom does Antigone refer as general and why does she use that term? Creon to represent his power. Wanting to emphasize his superiority over Thebes. What new suffering must Antigone and her sister, Ismene, endure? They endure the sorrow of not being able to […]

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Chapter 8 Ancient Greece – Flashcards with Answers
14 Sep 2020 Flashcards

1. What kinds of landforms are found in Greece? rocky mountains, water, peninsulas, islands, rugged coastline *Few small valleys and coastal plains provide flat land for farming and villages. 2. How did the sea help shape early Greek society? Travel across the mountains and seas was difficult, so communities were isolated from one another. The […]

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Y103 Chapter 4 – Flashcards
14 Sep 2020 Flashcards

The necessary and proper clause ______. is used by Congress to justify the exercise of powers not mentioned in Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution In a parliamentary system, the ______ is the dominant branch of government. legislature Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of federalism? It enables the states serve as […]

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GA History Exam College Grad Req – Flashcards
14 Sep 2020 Flashcards

Sunbelt southern and southwestern states, from the Carolinas to California, characterized by warm climate and recently, rapid population growth Appalachian Mountain located in eastern United States; second largest mountain range in the United States Treaty of Paris Signed by the United States and Spain in December 1898, this treaty ended the Spanish-American War. Under its […]

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Nursing 2, Unit 3 – Flashcards
11 Sep 2020 Flashcards

question A nurse in a provider’s office is preparing to assess a young adult male client’s musculoskeletal system as part of a comprehensive physical examination. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? (Select all that apply.) A. A concave thoracic spine posteriorly B. An exaggerated lumbar curvature C. A concave lumbar spine posteriorly […]

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Biology chapter 1 review – Flashcards
10 Sep 2020 Flashcards

question scientific methodology is closely linked to ___ and ___ answer exploration and discovery question scientists share their findings with the scientific community by answer publishing articles that undergo peer review question publishing peer-reviewed articles scientific journals allows scientist to answer test and evaluate each others work, and share ideas question scientists strive to be […]

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History 1301 (Test #3 review) – Flashcards
09 Sep 2020 Flashcards

question Tariff of 1816 (protective) answer This protective tariff helped American industry by raising the prices of British manufactured goods, which were often cheaper and of higher quality than those produced in the U.S. question Bonus Bill answer A bill introduced by John C. Calhoun to provide a federal highway linking The East and South […]

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America: A Narrative History Chapter 6 – Flashcards
02 Sep 2020 Flashcards

question Exeter Riot answer Hard-pressed farmers in New Hampshire surrounded the legislative building, demanding that the representatives print paper money to ease their plight question Shay’s Rebellion answer Storming of the Massachusetts federal arsenal in 1787 by 1,200 armed farmers seeking debt relief from the state legislature through issuance of paper currency and lower taxes. […]

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Western Civ Chapter 2 – Flashcards
30 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question Philistine power was based in answer the Pentapolis question The culture of the Hitties was answer strongly militaristic, prone to conquest and colonization question The Hebrew cult of Yahweh answer was significantly advanced by the Levites question The Minoans remain somewhat mysterious to modern historians because answer their written language has not yet been […]

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Chapter 19 AP world history – Flashcards
30 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question What was the ancient capital of the Incas? answer Cuzco question What products came from the Spanish and Portuguese colonies of Latin America? answer servants, slaves, and retainers question Who were the Iberians? answer Spaniards and Portuguese question During the Middle Ages, which Christian kingdoms emerged in Europe? answer Aragon and Castile question Identify […]

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Religion 103 Final- Exam 1 – Flashcards
30 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question Which of the following reasons did the professor believe to be the most important reason for studying world religions today? answer Politics question During the lecture we were able to define the whole concept of religion in a way that fits all religions. answer False question Which of the following forms of religious expression […]

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Glencoe World History Chapter 18 – Flashcards
29 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question First Estate answer The first class of French society made up of the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church. question Second Estate answer The second class of French society made up of the noblility. question Third Estate answer They consisted of the bourgeoisie, the san-culottes and the peasants; they paid high taxes and had […]

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Flashcards About Gov 2306 chapter 1
27 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question Texas political culture is best described as moralistic political answer False question Politics in texas has been defined by the almost equal political popularity of both the democrats and republicans answer False question Throughout its history business interests have dominated Texan political culture answer True question Houston is located in the gulf coastal plains […]

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American History Chapter 13 – Flashcards
27 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question Trappers and explorers in the rocky mountains answer Mountain men question Why did Marcus and Narcissa Whitman travel the Oregon Trail? answer The Whitmans moved to Oregon to convert Native American tribes to Christianity. question Setup that brought trappers together with businessmen from the east answer Rendezvous question Why did the Mormons migrate west […]

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AP Art History Key Terms – Flashcards
25 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question Pylon answer A pair of truncated, pyramidal towers flanking the entrance to an Egyptian temple. Ex: The Temple of Horus at Edfu question Hypostyle answer A hall with a roof supported by a row of columns Ex: Temple of Amon-Re at Karnak question Hierarchical Scale answer The representation of more important figures as larger […]

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AP WORLD UNIT 3 (big ass test) – Flashcards
24 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question Which of the following was an agricultural village society in the fifteenth century? answer Iroquois question Which of the following West African people resisted the development of kingship and state building in their region? answer Igbo question The capital of Timur’s expansive empire was answer Samarkand question Which of the following was an agricultural […]

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Topic 7- Life history patterns – Flashcards
22 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question Life history answer an organisms lifetime pattern of growth , development, and reproduction question Parthenogenesis answer a form of asexual reproduction in which the ovum develops without fertilization by a male. question Monogamy answer involves the formation of a lasting pair bond between one male and one female question Polygamy answer The acquisition by […]

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World History Info (1550-1650) – Flashcards
19 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question Why was Spain considered to be the wealthiest kingdom in Europe during 1550-1650? answer Spain gained all of the gold and riches from the colonies they conquered. question What did Bourbon King Henry IV declare in attempt to end the St. Bartholemew’s Day Massacre? answer A religious truce. question How far was Phillip II’s […]

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Definitely not the PALS precourse assessment – Flashcards
16 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question A previously healthy infant with a history of vomiting and diarrhea is brought to the emergency department by her parents. During your assessment, you find that the infant responds only to painful stimulation. The infant’s respiratory rate is 40 breaths per minute, and central pulses are rapid and weak. The infant has good bilateral […]

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World History Chapter 5 Flashcards
11 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question What are the two distinct cultures that developed in early Greece? answer the Minoans and the Mycenaeans question When was Minoan developed? answer 3000 BC question How long did the Minoan civilization last? answer 2000 Years question What main sea was used by the Minoans for trade? answer Aegean Sea question Exacavations that have […]

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U.S. History Chapter 22 Test – Flashcards
05 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question What Did the G.I. Bills do for veterans? answer G.I. Bills gave loans for schooling, housing, and food to veterans of World War 2. question What Act outlawed closed shop and featherbeadding? answer Taft-Hartley Act question What is closed shop? answer Forcible hire of union workers question What happened in the Election of 1948? […]

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The Roman World – Flashcards
05 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question Rome was answer Founded by the Etruscans question The government of Rome answer Was originally a monarchy but later became a republic question Early Roman legend and tales answer We’re incorporated into Livy’s historical accounts to teach moral values and virtues question A central aspect of early Roman conquest was that all conquered peoples […]

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