Bettina Hugo

City: Washington, Washington
University: South Puget Sound Community College

Posts by Bettina Hugo:

World Development – Flashcards
05 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question A new town is answer comprehensively planned to be as selfcontained as possible question According to geographer Peter Hall, the first great city in world history was answer Rome question Automobile manufacturing would be illustrative of which sector of a city’s economy answer secondary sector question Cities in More Developed Countries include those in […]

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Developmental chapter 8 – Flashcards
04 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question between ages 2-6. answer when do first friendships form? question when children converse, act out complementary roles and learn that their own desires for companionship and toys are best met when they consider others needs and interests. answer early childhood friendship question as a means through which young children learn about themselves and their […]

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ATI Cardiovascular – Pharm – Flashcards
24 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question A health care professional is caring for a patient who is about to begin taking verapamil (Calan) to treat atrial fibrillation. The health care professional should tell the patient to avoid grapefruit juice while taking verapamil because it can cause: Tachycardia Dehydration Diarrhea Hypotension answer Hypotension question While talking with a patient about drug […]

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AP Art History Ancient Greece Pictures – Flashcards
24 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Athenian Agora Plan answer Per: Archaic through hellenistic greek F: plan of early Athens, before Parthenon center of town (stores, social & political events, temples, schools) commercial, civic, religious, and social buildings D: 600-150 BCE A: Athenians P: N/A C: South Stoa: origin of the word stores, was a grouping of shops. Plaza at […]

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Music Listening – 20th century – Flashcards
22 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question In music, the early twentieth century was a time of stagnation. disinterest. the continuation of old forms. revolt and change. answer revolt and change. question T/F Twentieth-century music follows the same general principles of musical structure as earlier periods. answer false question The most famous riot in music history occurred in Paris in 1913 […]

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Astronomy Ch. 3 Practice Test – Flashcards
22 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Suppose the planet Uranus were much brighter in the sky, so that it was as easily visible to the naked eye as Jupiter or Saturn. Which one of the following statements would most likely be true in that case? answer A week would have eight days instead of seven. question How does a 12-month […]

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REL 100: Crossword terms – Flashcards
15 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Dao answer “way” or “path”, “the Way of all things”, rhythm of nature question Qi answer “the One.” the primordial energy, the breath of life, life force question Yin answer dark, heavy, obscure, passive, earth, death, and feminine, question Yang answer light, warm, airy, active, life, heaven, and masculine question Li answer Sacred rituals, […]

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Chapter 25 – Kishlansky – Europe and the World – Flashcards
14 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question “new imperialism” answer Historians’ term for the late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century wave of conquests by European powers, the United States, and Japan, which were followed by the development and exploitation of the newly conquered territories. (p. 726) question Suez Canal answer A canal linking the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. It was a vital […]

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Anne Frank reading guide questions and answers. – Flashcards
13 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question When is Anne Frank’s birthday? answer June 12 question Who is Anne’s best friend at the Jewish secondary school? answer Jopie de waal question What does Anne call her diary? answer Kitty. question In what year did the Frank’s emigrate to Holland from Germany? answer 1933 question According to Anne, who are the greatest […]

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Examined Life – Flashcards
12 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Philosophy answer theoretical inquiry which poses and attempts to answer certain basic and universal questions of existance question basic questions answer issues fundamental to all human thought and action question universal questions answer pertain to human existence as they raise issues of ultimate concern for the conduct of our lives question Question of Being […]

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abnormal psyc chapter 3 – Flashcards
07 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Models of Abnormality answer perspectives used to explain events Each model spells out basic assumptions, gives order to the field under study, and sets guidelines for investigation Models influence what investigators observe, the questions they ask, the information they seek, and how they interpret this information question Past Models of Abnormality answer Until recently, […]

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Kentucky Teacher Standards – Flashcards
07 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question 1. THE TEACHER DEMONSTRATES APPLIED CONTENT KNOWLEDGE answer Teacher knows what they’re teaching and helps students to understand why they are learning it. question 2. THE TEACHER DESIGNS AND PLANS INSTRUCTION answer Lesson plans based on students’ abilities and learning styles. question 3. THE TEACHER CREATES AND MAINTAINS LEARNING CLIMATE answer Positive learning environment, […]

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HUM 3&4 – Flashcards
05 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question The civilization of Minoan Crete: answer enjoyed great prosperity due to extensive sea trade and commerce AND developed elaborate skills in art and architecture, visible in their great palaces question Homer’s Iliad points out the: answer honor and courage of Greek aristocratic heroes in battle. question The development of the polis had a negative […]

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Sociology – Chapters 6, 7, 8 – Flashcards
03 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Deviance answer The violation of social norms (or rules or expectations) regardless of how serious or minor the violation may be question Conformity answer The opposite of deviance; following of norms question relative deviance answer Because different groups and cultures have different norms, what is deviant to some is not deviant to others question […]

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EDF – Flashcards
01 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Social Institutions in a society provide answer internalized rules, or norms, of behavior question Typically, a student in a teacher education is answer all of the above question Race became an important difference in public schooling answer after the Civil War question The governmental agency responsible for setting up schools for newly freed black […]

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MNGT 414 CH. 3 – Flashcards
01 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Institutional Context answer includes other elements of society besides national culture such as: -Education -The govt. -The legal system –Can affect important business-related differences among societies. —May encourage adoption of values inconsistent with national cultures. —Understanding the institutional context is critical to effective multinational management —At a basic level, a manager cannot completely understand […]

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EDUC 1330 Final – Flashcards
30 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question A federally funded program established in 1965 to improve the basic skills of low-ability students from low-income families is called______ answer Title I question According to education data, the ethnic group that consistently has the lowest high school completion rate is _______ answer Hispanic question All of the following are strategies for reducing the […]

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Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility – Flashcards
29 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question these are rules that help us tell the difference between right or wrong and encourage us to do the right things. answer Ethics question 1) they help individuals in situations where they aren’t sure what to do. 2) they vary from person-to-person, situation-to-situation and culture-to-culture. 3) they are based on both individual beliefs and […]

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Exam 3 correct answers – Flashcards
26 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Once a married couple has kids their martial satisfaction is the highest when the kids are answer moved out question In this marriage type, spouses adopt conventional gender roles and tend to avoid conflict: answer separates question Your place of work enforces the policy that indicates, If you show up for work 1 minute […]

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Social Role Theory – Flashcards
16 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question role ambiguity answer role expectations are unclear question role conflict answer two or more opposing views on role definition question role reversal answer roles are opposite to that which previously existed question locus of control answer the extent to which an individual believes that life events are under his own control (internal locus of […]

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Chapter 9 Section 3 – Flashcards
14 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question A message put forth by books , magazines, and popular songs that idealize women and the home answer Cult of domesticity question A campaign to limit or ban the use of alcoholic beverages answer Temperance movement question A reformer who helped organize a movement for women’s rigts answer Elizabeth cady Stanton question Women’s right […]

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Medical Insurance Ch. 9,10,11 review: Overview – Flashcards
13 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Medicare benefits are available to individuals under answer One of six beneficiary categories question Disabled adults may be eligible for answer Medicare benefits question Hospital benefits are provided by answer Medicare Part A question Outpatient hospital benefits are provided by answer Medicare part B question Hospice benefits are provided by answer Medicare part A […]

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