Attitude Of Management Students Towards Entrepreneurship Business Essay Example
Entrepreneurship and little concern creative activity are basics of economic Development throughout the universe. Entrepreneurial development today has assumed particular importance since it is a key to economic development. The impact of entrepreneurship instruction has been recognized as one of the important factors that help youths to understand and further an attitude toward entrepreneurship.
Management instruction provides a great potency for the constitution of new, little concerns. There is an immense chance for developing direction alumnus as enterprisers. However, this potency is non exploited to its full extent. The intent of the research is to analyze the direction pupil 's attitudes towards entrepreneurship, every bit good as their positions of entrepreneurship as a calling option and involvement in entrepreneurial preparation. This survey was conducted in selected territories of North Karnataka. A sum of 200 questionnaires were sent to Management pupils and 152 pupils were responded. The research sho
...ws that bulk of the respondents are holding positive attitude towards entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship has become an mundane cant. Policymakers, economic experts, academicians and even university pupils are speaking about it. Today, entrepreneurship is regarded as one of the best economic development schemes to develop state's economic growing and prolong the state 's fight in confronting the increasing tendencies of globalization .
Entrepreneurship and little concern creative activity are basics of economic Development throughout the universe. Entrepreneurial development today has assumed particular importance since it is a key to economic development. The aims of industrial development, regional development, regional growing and employment coevals depend upon entrepreneurial development. Entrepreneurs are, therefore the seeds of industrial development and the fruits o
industrial development are greater employment chances to an unemployed young person, addition in per capita income, the higher criterion of life and increased single nest eggs, gross to the authorities in the signifier of revenue enhancement and balanced regional development ( Poornima Charntimath 2007 ) .
The impact of entrepreneurship instruction has been recognized as one of the important factors that help youths to understand and further an Attitude toward entrepreneurship. The attitude and cognition of entrepreneurship are likely to determine their disposition to get down their ain concern in the hereafter .
Entrepreneurs play an of import function in lending for the development of an economic system of a state. The most industrially developed states like USA, Germany, and Japan are the grounds that an economic system is a consequence for which entrepreneurship is the cause. To speed up economic development we have to utilize entrepreneurship as a tool.
A paradigm displacement among alumnuss is needed, as their parts to entrepreneurship would excite the state's economic growth, and assist it travel towards going a developed state by 2020. This is particularly of import, since alumni are the academic intellectuals and have the accomplishment set to progress the future national economic system .
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor ( GEM ) ( 2007 ) reports a changeless growing of entrepreneurial activities in India. There are turning Numberss of surveys carried out to find the influence of regional development and economic development, civilization etc. , on entrepreneurship.
Management instruction provides a great potency for the constitution of new, little concerns. There is an immense chance for developing direction alumnuss as enterprisers. However, this potency is non exploited to its full extent.
The intent of
the research is to analyze the direction pupil 's attitudes towards entrepreneurship, every bit good as their positions of entrepreneurship as a calling option and involvement in entrepreneurial preparation.
To analyze Management pupils attitudes towards entrepreneurship, every bit good as their positions of entrepreneurship as calling option and involvement in entrepreneurial preparation.
To find the penchant of professions among Management pupils.
To cognize the perceptual experience of Management pupils on their entrepreneurial purposes.
Sampling Design: The sampling technique used in this survey is probability trying, a simple random trying technique is used. The sample unit is taken as pupils of direction ( MBA ) analyzing in the first and 2nd twelvemonth of their graduation from the selected territories of North Karnataka. The entire sample size is 152. The sample is collected from Management Institutions situated in North Karnataka ( Bagalkot, Bijapur, and Dharwad are chosen for the survey ) .
While finding the assorted factors, an exploratory survey was carried out, with the aid of secondary information collected from the assorted magazines, diaries, and cyberspace. Once the basic factors for the survey were found a descriptive survey is carried out to cognize the attitude of the respondents.
Data is collected with the aid of primary study every bit good as secondary beginnings. The secondary information was collected from assorted national and international diaries, magazines and cyberspace. The primary information was collected with the aid of a stopping point-ended, structured questionnaire through web based study. The questionnaire was adapted with some changes from a bing undertaking work done by Paivi Karhunen - Svetlana Ledyaeva et.al. In Russian pupils ' perceptual experiences of entrepreneurship Results of a study in three
St. Petersburg universities. The questionnaires will be distributed to aim respondents through e- mail. The respondents were given one hebdomad clip to return the questionnaires. The questionnaire was sent 200 respondents but merely 152 respondents reverted back.
Collected information was statistically analyzed utilizing the computing machine package bundle SPSS ( Statistical Package for the Social Sciences ) .
An article written by Krishna Kumar Agarwal & A ; Rajesh Kr. Upadhyay, `` Attitude of Youth Towards Entrepreneurship: A Case Study of Varanasi `` in the survey it was identified that the young person needs a secure, stable, and well paid profession and hence, the preferable professions among all are MNCs, Large Domestic Companies and Government sector. Despite holding a good image of enterprisers, the hazard associated with entrepreneurship makes it a low preferable profession among the young person. It means that entrepreneurial activities can be boosted up if the hazard associated with entrepreneurship could be brought down with proper policy intercessions and support from assorted stakeholders including authorities, be aftering bureaus, society and household.
Zaidatol Akmaliah Lope Pihie ( 2009 ) in his article `` Entrepreneurship as a Career Choice: An Analysis of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Intention of University Students '' findings indicate that the pupils had a moderate mark on all concepts related to the entrepreneurial purpose and entrepreneurial self-efficacy in the facets of direction, fiscal and selling. Furthermore, pupils with positive entrepreneurial aspirations scored higher in entrepreneurship purpose and self-efficacy which is significantly different from those who do non hold positive aspiration. The pupils besides scored reasonably on attitudes towards entrepreneurial calling and sensed behavioral control. The findings besides indicate that those who perceived
entrepreneurship need to be learnt at university have a significantly higher average mark on attitudes towards entrepreneurial calling every bit good as sensed behavioral control.
Margaret Emalereta Akpomi ( 2008 ) has made a survey on `` Entrepreneurship Among Graduates-to-be of Business/Management Faculties and Economic Development in Nigeria '' The consequences of the survey revealed that merely 12.4 % of graduates-to-be aspire to ain concerns upon graduation. Among the grounds given were that there are no take-off funds/sponsorship, unequal readying to confront the demands of running concerns and the hapless attitude of Nigerians towards buying made-in Nigeria goods.
Paivi Karhunen, Svetlana Ledyaeva, Anne Gustafsson- Pesonen, Elena Mochnikova, Dmitry Vasilenko have done a survey on `` Russian pupils ' perceptual experiences of entrepreneurship at three St. Petersburg universities '' the survey reveals that Russian pupils consider entrepreneurship as a really attractive calling option. Furthermore, for Russian pupils to be an enterpriser is more attractive than for Finnish pupils. In contrast to Finnish pupils, there are no noteworthy differences in the attitude toward entrepreneurship between Russian male and female pupils. Another of import determination is that the Russian pupils are inclined to be more optimistic and to concentrate more on the positive sides of entrepreneurship than the Finnish 1s and in general Russian pupils emphasized most motivational factors as more of import than their Finnish opposite numbers, back uping the position of Russian pupils being more entrepreneurially oriented.
It was besides identified in the survey that when compared Russian respondents to Finnish pupils, the largest dissension was found sing the peril of entrepreneurship, which the Russian respondents perceived as higher. In add-on, Russian respondents had slightly lower sentiment on enterprisers
' morality.
The attitude towards entrepreneurship may be influenced by educational steps. How- of all time, despite the acknowledgment that instruction and anterior entrepreneurial experiences may act upon people's attitudes towards getting downing their ain concern, the impact of entrepreneurship instruction, as distinct from general instruction, on purposes towards entrepreneurship has remained mostly undiscovered ( Donckels, 1991; Krueger and Brazeal, 1994 ) .
The research work is confined to the survey of the attitude of direction pupils towards entrepreneurship: a survey of selected territories of north Karnataka.
The research work attitude of direction pupils towards entrepreneurship is strictly based on the study of the respondents from selected territories north Karnataka.
The survey is conducted in different directions establishment bing in selected territories of north Karnataka. The findings of the study should non be generalized at the national or international degree.
The lone three territories of North Karnataka are taken into consideration are Bagalkot, Bijapur, and Dharwad.
Table 1: Division of respondents on the footing of gender
Graph- Educational background of the respondents
Table No-2 and Graph-2 shows that 35.5 % of the respondents are from BBA grade holders, 28.9 % of the respondents are B.Com degree holders, 18.4 % of the respondents are BCA degree holders, 11.8 % of the respondents are B.Sc degree holders, 3,9 % of the respondents are BBM degree holders and 1.3 % of the respondents are BA degree holders.
Table 3: Table and graph demoing the respondent's work experience.
Figure demoing work experience of the respondents
Table No-3 and Graph -3 illustrate that 89.5 % of the respondents are nonholding any anterior work experience and merely 10.5 % of the respondents are holding anterior work experience.
4. Table and graph demoing the per centums of respondents household members as enterprisers.
Figure demoing the enterprisers in the household
Table No-4 and Graph-4 represent that 80.3 % of the respondents are non-holding entrepreneurs household background, 14.5 % of the respondent's male parents are enterprisers and 5.3 % of the respondent's brothers are enterprisers.
Table 5. Table and graph demoing future calling programs of the respondents.
Figure picturing the hereafter calling program of the respondents
Table No-5 and Graph-5 point out that 36.8 % of respondents are opined that, they look for employment in the private endeavor, 26.3 % respondents are interested in self-employment i.e. they want to go enterprisers, 22.4 % respondents are interested in employment in the public sector, 9.2 % of the respondents want to fall in their male parent concern, 3.9 % of the respondents wants to go on their higher instruction and 1.3 % of respondents, responded that they depending of destiny.
After analyzing the general features of the respondents, we now move on to analyze their entrepreneurial motives in more items. We evaluate the factors that are perceived as most of the import incentives for getting downing one's ain concern. The respondents were asked to measure factors, which might increase their desire to go an enterpriser harmonizing to a five-point graduated table from non at all to really much . Table 5 summarizes the consequences for the entire sample.
Table 6. Motivational factors for entrepreneurship, mean values
As shown in the Table No-6 the major motivational factors which increase the desire to go enterpriser are, the accomplishing end in life in conformity with our ability and autonomy of being one 's ain foreman
have got highest rank from the respondents, followed by other factors such as entrepreneurship is consequence based income, autonomy in taking one 's undertaking and responsibilities, chance to work as superior, and my accomplishments and capableness point to entrepreneurship. However, the chance to acquire rich as such was ranked at last preceded by the autonomy of taking one's on-the-job hours. In contrast, the respondents emphasized more on accomplishing ends in life.
After discoursing the motivational factors which increase the desire of the respondents to go enterprisers, now we are traveling to analyze the factors which respondents view as diminishing their desire to go enterprisers. The factors which decrease the desire include endogenous and exogenic factors.
Endogenous Barriers: Endogenous barriers or factors include personal features and accomplishments and these factors are such that the individual can command and influence.
Exogenous Barriers: Exogenous barriers or factors are related to the operating environment of the enterprise.
Table 7. Endogenous barriers for entrepreneurship
As shown in Table, the respondents viewed that, their current life state of affairs as pupils, the fright of tough competition, deficiency of concern thought, and fright of debt is the major endogenous barriers or hinderances for going the enterpriser. In contrast the personal characters like loss of free clip, entrepreneurship does non accommodate my character, and overly irregular working hours were viewed by the respondents as non peculiarly large obstructions for entrepreneurship. Some other factors like insecure income, deficiency of professional accomplishments and competency, enterprisers are overly at the clemency of their investors and society provides no safety cyberspace for enterprisers slightly besides hinder from going the enterprisers.
The respondents were asked to measure the exogenic
barriers which decrease the desire of going an enterpriser. Using the 5-point graduated table used ranged from non at all to really much. The consequences of the appraisal are presented.
Table 8. Exogenous barriers for entrepreneurship
As shown in Table No-8, the respondents viewed that, the major obstructions for going an enterpriser are deficiency of entree to fiscal resources, authorities policies, corruptness, local substructure, and bureaucratism. In contrast, the factors like offense, deficiency of labor and trouble in happening clients are considered as the least influence.
The following portion of our analysis is focused on respondent's attitudes towards entrepreneurship. The pupils were asked at what grade they agree or disagree with different statements which characterize general sentiment on entrepreneurship, societal importance of entrepreneurship, province support of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial moralss, and entrepreneurship's function in making work topographic points. The pupils were assessed on these statements utilizing a five-point graduated table from disagree wholly to hold wholly . The consequences are summarized in Table -9.
Table 9. Attitudes towards enterprisers and entrepreneurship, % of respondents.
As shown in Table No-9, the statements are loosely classified in to two groups on the footing of distribution of replies. First, there were a figure of statements, about which the respondents were comparatively consentaneous ( i.e. bulk of them either agreed or disagreed ) . The majority of the respondents felt that enterprisers take inordinate hazards. Hence, a consensus was found in support to the statement `` Entrepreneurship is for people who have bravery and thoughts '' . Second, the statements in which respondents clearly had troubles in noticing. This is reflected by the distribution of replies across all classs; statements such
as people who can non accommodate to conventional occupations end up as enterprisers, enterprisers are dishonest and prosecute their ain ego involvement, and enterprisers get rich on other people work. Third, the bulk of the enterprisers entirely or partially differ with some of the statements like enterprisers do non care about environmental issues to a sufficient extent, and enterprisers are dishonest and prosecute their ain ego involvement.
The last portion of our analysis is focused on the appraisal of entrepreneurial instruction among the respondents.
Interest in entrepreneurial preparation
The respondents were asked their involvement in engagement in entrepreneurship development developing program by inquiring in a closed-ended inquiry yes or no.
As shown in Table No-10, 93.4 % of the respondents have shown their involvement in take parting the entrepreneurship development program.
Preferable constituents of entrepreneurial preparation
The respondents were asked to measure the importance of assorted constituents of entrepreneurship development preparation programme could include, utilizing a five-point graduated table from non at all of import to really of import . The consequences for the whole sample are presented in Table- 11.
Table 11-Results of appraisal of the constituents of the plan
As shown in Table No-11, respondents viewed that all the given constituents were of import in the preparation program, the least mean rank was given by respondents was 4.43. Decision doing accomplishments, selling accomplishments, managerial accomplishments, and undertaking readying accomplishment constituents viewed as most of important by the respondents.
26.3 % of the respondents desired to be self-employed and 9.2 % of the respondents wants to fall in household concerns.
The research shows that bulk of the respondents are holding a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship. Majority of the respondents felt that
enterprisers take inordinate hazards. Hence, a consensus was found in support to the statement `` Entrepreneurship is for people who have bravery and thoughts ''
The majority of the respondents viewed that major Endogenous barriers for going enterpriser are their current life state of affairs, the fright of tough competition, deficiency of a concern though, the fright of debt, insecure income, deficiency of professional accomplishments and competency and enterprisers are overly at the clemency of their investors.
Major Exogenous barriers for entrepreneurship viewed by the respondents are deficiency of ain fiscal resources, authorities policies, corruptness, local substructure, acquiring finance and bureaucratism.
It is interesting to observe that 93.4 % of the respondents are ready to undergo the Entrepreneurship Development Programme.
Respondents opine that the EDPs must incorporate and give more emphasis on determination devising accomplishments, selling accomplishments, managerial accomplishments, and undertaking readying accomplishments.
This survey well expands the apprehension of what drives the purpose of direction pupils to go an enterpriser. The bulk of the pupils have a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship and they are interested to go to the entrepreneurship development program. It indicates that at present bulk of the respondents instantly after completion of their graduation they will non get down their bearer by setting uping endeavor but in future bulk of them are traveling to be turned as enterprisers. To go on this proper policy intercessions and support from assorted stakeholders including authorities, be aftering bureaus, society and household is really of import.
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