Ap English Exam Free Response Essay Example
Ap English Exam Free Response Essay Example

Ap English Exam Free Response Essay Example

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Two Very Different Marriage Proposals Both the first passage from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and the second from a novel written by Charles Dickens are marriage proposals made by men. Even though the explicit purpose of these proposals is to persuade, the two essays reveal two very different assumptions each of the writers have on the subject of marriage. This major difference separates the essay in terms of the approaches each of the writers took and this more than anything is very likely to land one man in the happy seat of a bridegroom and the other in the onely seat of a bachelor. Mr. Collins, the writer of the first passage, is far from being persuasive due to his failure in taking into consideration the lady’s interests while the character from Cha


rles Dickens’s novel revolves his essay around the interests of his loved one so that she could be convinced of his love and affection toward her. Mr. Collins’ absence of thoughtlessness that belies the whole purpose of a persuasive essay comes from the selfish ideas that he had about marriage. The arguments that he brings up are ot about why she should marry him, but rather about why he should marry her instead. It is as if the receiver, the lady in question, asked Mr. Collins to marry her first and he is writing a response to the request. Also phrases such as, “and for your own, let her be an active, useful sort of person, not brought up high, but able to make a small income go a good way,” reveal that Mr. Collins thinks women are men’s subordinates when i

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comes to marriage. Because of these self-interested assumptions, the tone of this proposal is condescending and superficial, ull of arrogance and logic, but devoid of feelings. In his arguments that he lists as reasons for his marrying her, it is impossible to sense any sort of loving emotion and care. The words such as, “right,” “example,” and “recommendation,” makes the letter sound more like a contract than a marriage proposal. Overall, Mr. Collins’ marriage proposal is a total disaster because he failed to take a right approach, addressing the concerns and interests of the person whom he tries to persuade The second marriage proposal written by the character from Charles Dickens’s novel is at he far end of the spectrum from the one written by Mr. Collins because of two major reasons. First of all, the writer of the second passage starts his letter by confessing his love for the receiver. This strong confession of love distinguishes the second marriage proposal from the first which is full of pretentious words and reeking with meaningless formality. Furthermore, to emphasize intimacy, the character from Charles Dickens’s novel addresses the lady in question with the personal pronoun, “you. ” The second reason that differentiates this male haracter from Mr. Collins is the fact that unlike Mr. Collins who makes self-centered arguments, Charles Dickens’s character makes arguments that can actually appeal to the receiver whom he wants to persuade. The repetition of the phrase, “you could draw me to~,” which conveys his desperate love for the receiver, sets the focus not on him but on her. He wants her to “take a pride in him,” and promises her that

he would try his utmost best to please her. This kind of selfless approach gives this marriage proposal an earnestness that annot be felt in the first marriage proposal made by Mr. Collins. It is possible to note from the stark difference of these two marriage proposals that it is very important to have a right approach when writing with a specific purpose in mind. It is the writers’ approach and assumptions that influence their arguments and the tone of their writings. Comparing Mr. Collins’s self-centered approach and Charles Dickens’s character’s selfless way of persuasion, it is more than obvious who will end up winning the answer, “yes. ”

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