Analyse the techniques used in the 1996 Levi’s Riveted advertisement Essay Example
Advertising is the act of conveying information to individuals, whether it is through showcasing a product in a store window, airing a television commercial, or sponsoring a racing car in the F1. Primarily, advertising is recognized as a way of marketing products, but it can also be implemented to promote public awareness regarding a health-related concern or broadcast diplomatic propaganda. Amongst the different methods employed, television advertising stands out as one of the most widely utilized mediums today.
Directors are seeking new ways to captivate their audiences, as the traditional format of celebrity endorsements has become monotonous. Steve Ramses is among those breaking the mold with his Levi's 'Riveted' jeans ad from 1996. The commercial follows two escaped convicts as they navigate through five distinct landscapes, including a snow-covered forest, a dilapidated shelter, r
...apids, and a train tunnel.
The advertisement features two convicts, one white and one black, who are seen wearing Levi's jeans and handcuffed together. Despite being subjected to various forms of abuse throughout the different scenes, the jeans manage to withstand the ordeal. Prior to the woodland scene, the ad showcases two different sequences, including a tired black convict's hand flexing and exhausted face while on a train. This makes it clear to the audience that the remainder of the ad is a flashback to the fugitives' chase.
Ramses dissipates tension by depicting the convicts escaping, enabling the audience to focus on the punishment of the jeans instead of worrying about the fate of the fugitives during the chase. The subsequent scene features individuals emerging from a van to initiate pursuit. Whether these individuals should be labeled as 'authorities' is questionable sinc
they seem more akin to a vigilante group than law enforcement.
The mob comprises of unkempt and poorly attired men who bear arms and employ excessively fierce canines. Pursuing the fugitives, a fake gunshot sound is heard, followed by showing a man holding a gun, emitting smoke, and then conveying an impression of cracking on the camera lens. Ramses intended to alert the viewers that the 'authorities' were ready to utilize their weapons. The appearance and actions of the mob suggest excessive violence, in turn instilling a desire in the audience for the convicts to make a successful getaway.
Ergo, the immediacy of pace is evident in the advertisement. This immediacy would have created tension, but a shot of safe convicts was already shown at the beginning. The first arena takes place in a snowy woodland, which is deciduous and currently leafless, giving it a lifeless appearance. The combination of black tree trunks and bare branches against the white backdrop of snow creates a bleak and hopeless atmosphere. This makes the woodland a greater danger for the convicts since escaping a bleak winter woodland is less likely compared to a green summery one.
The woodland's sinister presence is heightened by the monochrome filming throughout the entire advert. This technique serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it suggests that the jeans are suitable for everyone, regardless of ethnicity - as demonstrated by the inclusion of both a black and white actor. Secondly, the lack of color reinforces the notion of opposing forces, highlighting the existence of good and evil, right and wrong. By portraying the mob as unequivocally menacing, the convicts are positioned as the sole heroic figures.
wants to grant the convicts this status for two purposes. Firstly, it eliminates any tension that may arise because we have always empowered the "good guys" to win. Secondly, as humans, we do not want evil to triumph. As a result, we, as the audience, begin to feel for the convicts. The sympathy in our minds is strengthened by a 'point of view' image taken through the eyes of one of the convicts.
Using a hand-held camera, also known as a "body camera," the shot immerses us in the experience of the convicts as we run with them through densely packed trees. The limited visibility of only black trunks and white snow highlights the hazardous environment they are navigating, making us empathize with their plight and root for their safe escape. Additionally, the camera switches to over-the-shoulder shots from the back of the mob, intensifying our involvement in the scene.
As we watch, we observe the dogs eagerly pulling against their chain leashes, anxious to pursue the fleeing prisoners. Paradoxically, it is these very chains that prevent the convicts from being caught. The pursuing throng trails closely behind the fugitives, creating perilous situations for both parties. The camera angle shifts to a bird's-eye view of the sprinting convicts, prominently displaying the dark metal fetters binding the pair together.
This is aided by the backdrop of white snow and monochrome filming, which makes it easier to distinguish. In the center of the screen, the chain catches the audience's attention, with its visible metal shackles. We are then presented with a frontal view of the convicts, in which the black man turns to observe the approaching mob. During
this action, he trips and falls. The white man affixed to him by handcuffs pulls him along for a brief distance before gingerly helping him to his feet so they can continue their journey towards freedom. The handcuffs function as an assurance that they will either succeed together or fail together.
Showing in slow motion, the black man's jeans trailed through the snow as he lay down. This prolonged sequence emphasizes the strength and durability of the jeans, which endure the stress of the cold weather. As a result, the audience becomes interested in owning them, knowing that they can withstand any challenge thrown at them. The next challenge for these tough jeans is a rundown shack.
Upon nearing a potential place for shelter, the speed of the chase intensifies. Positioned at the front of the dwelling are intimidating items, such as a deteriorating chain in the snow and an axe lodged within a small, inverted log. These elements contribute to an overall threatening ambiance. As the fugitives are on the verge of entering the hut, a vicious, ebony canine emerges from the entrance.
The animals' teeth gnashing is captured in extreme close-ups from a low camera angle, making the audience feel inferior to the powerful dog, Ramses. This heightens the perceived danger for both the viewers and the fugitives. As a result, the latter swiftly retreat from the refuge and flee to the left of the shack.
As the men flee, one of them accidentally hits a set of old but still sharp meat hooks, causing them to swing as they escape. Despite this danger, the hardy jeans remain undamaged. The next scene shows the fugitives navigating a
forested trail, eventually reaching a ravine with a river. With the mob closing in, the convicts jump into the water to evade capture.
The convicts' jump into the river is captured from above, giving the impression of a greater distance due to the vertical perspective. As the convicts make contact with the water, the audience is submerged by the camera. The river is shown to be rough with rapids, adding to the danger of the scene. Submerged shots highlight the potential danger of drowning that the convicts face. The authorities are seen looking down at the convicts in an over-the-shoulder shot.
The decision was made not to enter the water due to their attire being perceived as inferior to that of the convicts. This allowed the group to run alongside the river at the top of the ravine walls, providing the fugitives with additional time. However, this time was much needed as the two men were thrown about and pulled under the water several times while navigating the rapids.
The convicts managed to navigate through dangerous rapids without damaging their jeans. The camera, known as a 'bungee camera', was rigged to the bottom of a bungee rope and bounced in and out of the water at a similar frequency to the convicts. Rapids occur when a river flows over barely submerged rocks at high speeds, making them inherently dangerous to anyone navigating through them. Despite this, the convicts successfully avoided hitting any submerged rocks.
Despite the inherent danger of the area, the convicts safely crossed it while wearing Levi's jeans, which may have been more due to luck than the interference of the jeans. The rapids
resemble a washing machine, but the fact that the jeans come out unharmed suggests that they can withstand washing and won't shrink. This is especially appealing to mothers and wives who want easy-to-wash clothes for their children and husbands, respectively. Ultimately, the convicts emerged from the river unscathed.
Despite the less steep banks of the ravine continuing ahead, indicating the jeans are still versatile and potentially comfortable even when wet, the mob is able to locate and resume their pursuit of the convicts. Their flight eventually leads them to a railway tunnel, where they take to the tracks and begin their journey through it. While traversing the tunnel, they hear a train's warning hoot and turn around to see it approaching from behind.
The fugitives have a slight advantage over the steel behemoth. The camera captures their point of view as they watch the train approach, and then switches to a shot from their perspective. The train's smoke obscures most of the light, and only the faint headlight remains visible. This lack of light represents the convicts' diminishing hope.
Attempting to outpace the oncoming train, their sole hope rests in crossing the tunnel's finish line ahead of the locomotive. The odds of success are as dim as the carriage's headlamp. Despite the odds, they traverse the woods and emerge from the tunnel just in time to elude the hurtling train.
As the convicts race down the track, the black man takes a slight lead while his companion veers off course before running parallel to the track. The train comes into view, emitting a large amount of steam and smoke as it exits a tunnel. The audience and the advertisement
both seem to breathe a collective sigh of relief that the train did not harm the convicts. As the train's second boxcar approaches, the black man reaches out to grab a hanging chain.
This clip features an extreme close up shot taken in slow motion, which amplifies both the agony and the effort of the reach. As the man grasps the chain, the shot frequency rapidly increases. The man subsequently climbs atop the wooden top of the boxcar; however, the white man is unable to grip either the chain or the boxcar. Consequently, it is now up to the black man to assist him. A 'point of view' shot from the black man's perspective depicts the white man being dragged as they travel above rapidly moving gravel. Should the white man falter, both fugitives face certain death.
As the black prisoner pulls his fellow inmate to safety, using the handcuffs and then the jeans, it becomes clear to us that they have finally found refuge. Once the white man secures his position on the boxcar, the gunfire lessens, indicating that the race for survival is over. They both collapse onto their backs in the middle of the boxcar, seen from above, exhausted but unharmed. This is followed by a shot of the same black man's face that opened the scene, signaling the end of the flashback. Both men sit up and witness the emergence of a crowd from the tunnel, realizing that they have regained their freedom.
As the train departs, the mob halts and gazes on in realization that their endeavor was fruitless. The prisoners grin and resume their position. The ultimate scene presents an aerial
view of the escapees recuperating as the Levi's logo materializes on top of them with accompanying words highlighting the jeans' reinforcement - rivets.
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