Life is the most important possession a person could have in this world. It is the ultimate way of enjoying the wonderful things in life including having a family and recreation although problems would occur most of the time. However, being alive is still valued by most of the people.
Only those who committed suicide failed to consider the value of life. Being pregnant is one way of celebrating life. It is bearing a child who could be given a chance to live in this world and enjoy life. However, there is an anti-thesis of life, and that is the dreaded act called abortion.Abortion is basically ending pregnancy by means of killing the life of the unborn fetus. Abortion can only be done legally in matters that are between life and death of the mother w
...ho bear the child.
When it is done outside that reasons, abortion is not legitimate in the eyes of men and God. We cannot ignore the possibility of speaking about the Supreme Being who created us. God is the creator of all the living things on earth including human beings. If that is the case, He is the only one who has the authority to take back life.
Men do not have the right to kill especially an innocent fetus in the mother’s womb who never tasted the chance to live life. Our responsibility is to bear and rear children and not to cut their birth. In other words, anything that is connected to abortion is basically murder in the mind of an ordinary or average person. Are we going to allow abortion to reject our responsibility to rear and care
for our unborn children? Is it right and ethical to kill an innocent unborn child? Are we kind enough to look for other solutions to solve our problems regarding having an unwanted pregnancy aside from abortion?The answers of these questions depend upon the ethical standards and values of a person towards life.
This is because in this paper, it is submitted that abortion is immoral because it condones violence, including violence against women; it is the murdering of an innocent life; and it is also immoral because it objectifies human life. Abortion: An Immoral Act Before discussing the reasons why abortion is immoral, we need to discuss the meaning or definition of abortion. The old meaning of abortion is that it is the expulsion of the fetus prior to its viability (“Definition of Abortion”).Abortion includes spontaneous abortion or otherwise known as miscarriage and induced abortion wherein a doctor or even a fake doctor may conduct the killing of the fetus (“Definition of Abortion”).
One classic means of facilitating miscarriage is to place foreign objects in the uterus so that the placenta and the embryo can be disrupted leading to spontaneous abortion. During those times when industry is not yet existent, pregnant women were hit in the abdomen over the uterus and to jump in her abdomen while lying in the ground are ordinary means of induced abortion.While these methods are considered effective, there is no guarantee that a woman could be saved with respect of her life since the uterus might be ruptured or the amniotic fluid around the fetus might enter the woman’s bloodstream. The worst thing is that the introduction of foreign objects
in the uterus might cause tragedy on the part of the woman. However, there are more modern methods used by the people at present.
Surgical abortion is conducted by physicians or other persons trained to do so.The primary goal of induced abortion is to disrupt the pregnancy so that the woman cannot proceed to term and deliver the baby after 9 months. Based on the definition that I had given, the possibility of danger on the part of the pregnant woman and even the fetus is apparent. We cannot say that abortion is proper when we know that the pregnant woman’s life is at risk. In general, there will be more casualties in doing abortion than just the continuation of the pregnancy and choosing the life of the mother and the fetus over irresponsibility.
There are three major arguments that will be discussed in this paper.These are abortion is immoral because it condones violence, including violence against women, it is the murdering of an innocent life and abortion is immoral because it objectifies human life. The first two arguments are very important since it talks about the reservation of humanity. The third reason of the immorality of abortion is more related to ethical standards.
So then, the first one to be discussed is the argument which says that abortion is immoral because it condones violence including violence against women. Violence is universally condemned as it is a brutal act of terminating the peaceful life of a person by killing his life.Violence is an anti-thesis of life and must be eradicated. Those people who succumbed to violence are usually careless about the principles of peace and
They choose to destroy than to create and protect lives. In the meaning alone of violence, there is no hope of a peaceful living. In connection with that, abortion that is done against women is degrading them and putting them into a situation that endangers their life. We are so much concerned of the lives of women since we know that they are considered as the most important par of the society.
Women are those who take care of every need in the family. The innate display of compassion and genuine love in the hearts of women is a solemn proof that they are the builders of a nation. Women are also considered the vessel of humanity for without them, no famous and intelligent good leaders were ever born in this world. Now, if women are always placed in a disadvantaged position, do we think that we can have an orderly world and places to live in our homes? Of course there is none, since male members in our families do not have the classical compassionate nature of women that is necessary for a wonderful life.
In line with that, abortion can be done by means of legal medical abortion and those done by quack or fake doctors. Both means of aborting a baby are disadvantageous to the life of the mother. Even during the pre-industrial time when pregnant women are allowed to lie down and anyone will jump off in its abdomen so that the fetus can be aborted, violence is still the apparent anti-thesis of life. Women are in danger in such situation wherein foreign objects are inserted in the uterus. When the amniotic
acid surrounding the fetus will enter the bloodstream out of violent abortion, the pregnant women will die.
Abortions Website stated that medical abortion has its own disadvantages. The disadvantages of a medical abortion include the fact that it is like prolonging the agony of the mother since it may be completed up to 21 days, it requires many visits to the doctor, there is a 10 per cent risk that medical abortion may not be completed requiring another means, it can cause heavy bleeding, abortion drugs can lead to negative side effects like severe headache and fever and many other serious infections (“Advantages and Disadvantages of Abortion”).These are the reasons why there is a need to think over deeply if a woman would succumb to abortion than thinking other options. Medical abortion is very dangerous on the life of the mother as it may result to body infections thereby placing the woman in a very risky situation. Despite the fact that doctors will see to it the legal medical abortion is properly done and that diligence of a good father of the family would be observed, there is guarantee that the life of the mother can be fully protected. Hence, legal medical abortion is still not the best way to face the problem of unwanted pregnancy.
Imagine how risky on the health of the mother if medical abortion would be done. Severe headache and fever could lead to death of a woman who had undergone medical abortion if unattended by the doctors. Severe bleeding may also result to death if negligence proves to be the contributing factor of an abortion incident. While it is true that medical
abortion is the best way to avoid responsibilities during pregnancy, it can also be said that abortion may wipe out all responsibilities if the mother would die as a result of the immoral act.
If medical abortion is risky, then it is more risky if abortion is done by fake or quack doctors. Women, who would like to end their pregnancies through the help of fake or quack doctor, are in danger. Fake or quack doctors are those who are not authorized to perform medical intervention on the health of a person. Their intervention of the health of a pregnant woman by means of abortion is not authorized by the government and it could harm its patients.
There is no guarantee that the materials used by the quack doctor are free from infectious bacteria and other death-causing matters.Aside from that, fake doctors could easily evade the law if anything wrong happens to the pregnant woman or mother since its operations are not recognized by the government. The pregnant women who are the victims of quack doctor will be forced their risk their lives. If that would happen, is it not risky on the part of pregnant women? Then, it is necessary that abortion should be done against pregnant women or even if done with their permission. The second major argument why abortion is immoral is the fact that abortion is akin to murdering of an innocent life.
Murder is a planned or pre-meditated killing of the life of a person. It is one of the crimes that are considered heinous due to the fact that it is done with utmost violence. Hence, it is moral corruption to
end the life of the fetus that thrives in the mother’s womb. The law and the courts of justice respect and equate the fetus as a human person (“Abortion”). In other words, a fetus if alive at the time it was separated from the umbilical cord acquires the rights and privileges accorded to a person or human being.
We should be reminded that the only right that can be given to an unborn child is the protection of its stay in the mother’s womb. As abortion objectifies human life, there are many other specific reasons why abortion is immoral. First, abortion is an indirect defiance of the principle of the sanctity of life (“Ten Arguments for Abortion and against Abortion”). We know that life is considered sacred and no man is given the authority to take a person’s life.
Others who are allowed by law to kill persons like soldiers were commanded to do so to maintain peace and order.However, those who commit abortion do not have the legal right to do so except when the life of the mother is at an extreme risk during pregnancy. Thus, due to the sanctity of life, no one is doing a right thing when abortion is a choice over other solutions to an existing problem related to unwanted pregnancy. Second, a person who lives in a civilized society is given punishment before the courts of justice if found and proved to be a criminal such that abortion is no different in the given situation.
Abortion is still an intentional killing of a fetus unless there is a strong proof that it was not intended to happen. Therefore, it is
but proper to consider abortion as a criminal act or as a crime against humanity for taking the life of an innocent person is basically condemned in a civilized society. Third, there are other alternatives in facing a problem related to unwanted pregnancy. Abortion can be done away by means of adoption. There are several people who want to adopt a child such that it is not true that there exists an unwanted child.
Besides, adoption is a legitimate means of having a child from another person. Therefore, abortion is not the only solution available to the problem. It is a matter of ethical behavior choice over killing an innocent unborn baby. Fourth, About Website mentioned that there are various complications related to abortion that might also happen in the future. These complications may include risk of ectopic pregnancy, chances of miscarriage and the increase of risks of pelvic inflammatory disease.
If a pregnant woman ever happens to resort to abortion, the risk of infection and complications is high and it makes her vulnerable to unhealthy conditions. Therefore, a woman is still in a disadvantaged position if she will resort to abortion by whatever means. Fifth, there is unfairness and injustice against an innocent child even before he came into this world. In cases of rape and incest, there is a possibility that a victim becomes pregnant. If that is the case, the most common solution is abortion thereby cutting the life of the fetus inside the mother’s womb.
On the other hand, the perpetrator or the criminal is left unpunished. The rapist or the one who committed incest must be arrested and punished before the law. That
is the right thing to do than killing the fruit of the unlawful act which is the innocent fetus. If we cannot implement justice for all people when they were alive, how much more to those are still in the woman’s womb? It is so ironic that we always seek of justice and fairness for all people when we disregard those that need ultimate justice like innocent fetus who cannot defend themselves in case of illegitimate attack.If that is the case, is justice and fairness really meant equality? Sixth, there is objectification of persons when abortion is utilized as another means of contraception. This act would lead to discrimination of fetus that could have been allowed to be delivered from the mother’s womb.
If abortion would be used as a contraceptive, there will be no meaning to the sanctity of life. Humanity will eventually loose its opportunity to produce intelligent and good individuals out of pregnancy and birth of children. In other words, the development and progress of humanity will be jeopardized.Seventh, it is immoral to utilize tax money to fund abortion activities. This is because majority of the American people are not in favor of abortion (“Ten Arguments for Abortion and against Abortion”).
It would be an act of injustice to use funds that were not intended by the one who provided it in respect of the person’s views and opinions. In other words, there is an implied betrayal on the part of the government on the stand of the people regarding the issue such that their money was used for matters that they do not agree or support.Lastly, abortion may cause emotional disturbance
and psychological pain to women who resorted to it with or without their full consent. Emotional pain may cause a woman to be mentally disturbed leading to lucid interval wherein they become crazy at times. Their conscience will remain their primary enemy. Although this situation may not be applicable to other women who resorted to abortion, this is still dangerous on the part of women since after-effects of abortion might happen after so many years.
On the side of religious argument, it is advanced by many people that we are created by God and commanded to multiply in this world.An intelligent analysis could tell us that if we were commanded by God to multiply then our faith would assure us that there is a means to survive in this world despite the hardships. Conclusion We are aware that the basic purpose of abortion is to prevent a pregnant woman to term and deliver a baby. It is another way of killing an innocent fetus that thrives in the mother’s womb. The primary argument in the paper is that abortion is immoral since it promotes violence especially violence against women.
It also kills an innocent child in the mother’s womb and objectifies human beings.People tend to protect the welfare of women since they were considered as the vessels of humanity that is why abortion is condemned by other people. Moreover, abortion is a very dangerous act against women. Aside from the fact that it destroys their emotional strength, women can have medical and health risks due to abortion.
A very dangerous means of abortion is the one that is done by means to jumping over the
abdomen of the pregnant woman since it causes infection in the bloodstream. It can also cause pelvic inflammation of a woman thereby putting her life into danger.Aside from that, it is also not a good practice to kill innocent fetus in the mother’s womb. It destroys the sanctity of human life.
It destroys humanity and its essence thereby making this world a filthy place to live. Anderson mentioned that children were considered as a heritage from the Supreme Being (Anderson, 2003). Children were given to make this world a happy place to live. Therefore, who are we to make that wonderful gift from God put to waste? Finally, there are common side effects of abortion that may harm a pregnant woman.
As discussed earlier, these after-effects if left unattended might cause death to a woman. It is the responsibility of every person to educate and teach every pregnant woman to choose more humane ways or pro-life methods to solve unwanted pregnancy. If these things can be done, there is a great possibility that humanity can be prevented to be destroyed by the people themselves. Hence, ethical standards must be used by all means in order to maintain peace and order as well as a progressive world to live with.
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