Chapter 22 Test Test Questions – Flashcards

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Darwin originally defined evolution as _____. ( Overview) the passing of acquired characteristics to offspring an individual's ability to adapt to its environment descent with modification a way to classify organisms based on morphological similarities None of the listed responses is correct.
descent with modification
Which of the following is a key observation that must be explained in a unifying theory about life? ( Overview) All living things require oxygen to survive. Many basic characteristics are shared by all living things. Evolution is based on descent with modification. The Earth is very old. Organisms are rarely well-suited to their environments
Many basic characteristics are shared by all living things.
Which of the following is an example of the process of evolution? ( Overview and Concept 22.3) the existence of homologous traits such as the forelimbs of mammals the large number and diversity of species of marsupials in Australia the changes in organisms over time observed in the fossil record herbivory the observed match between organisms and their environments
herbivory Herbivory, such as that practiced by the soapberry bugs on the goldenrain tree, acts as a process of natural selection. Natural selection is one of the major processes that drives evolution.
The scala naturae, or scale of nature, is based on the ideas of _____ Darwin Lamarck Aristotle Linnaeus Lyell
At the time Darwin voyaged on the HMS Beagle, the popularly accepted theory in Western culture that explained the origin of Earth's plants and animals held that the various species _____. ( Concept 22.1) arose continually from nonliving materials by spontaneous generation had been created by divine intervention a few thousand years before had evolved from now-extinct organisms arose from a single species that had survived the biblical flood are all related to one another
had been created by divine intervention a few thousand years before
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Carolus Linnaeus is considered to be the founder of _____, and he _____. ( Concept 22.1) paleontology ... believed in catastrophism uniformitarianism ... believed the same geologic forces are operating today that occurred in the past genetics ... described the mechanism for descent with modification evolution ... first proposed that acquired characteristics are inherited the binomial classification system ... thought that resemblances among different species reflected the pattern of their creation
the binomial classification system ... thought that resemblances among different species reflected the pattern of their creation
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The modern idea of extinction as a common occurrence in Earth's history was first proposed in the early 19th century writings of _____. ( Concept 22.1) Cuvier Lamarck Aristotle Wallace Lyell
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Lyell's principle of uniformitarianism _____. ( Concept 22.1) was rejected by Darwin in favor of catastrophism was compatible with the idea of the Earth being only a few thousand years old was similar to Lamarck's theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics states that current geologic processes are very different from those that operated in the past strongly influenced Darwin's view of how living organisms could change over time
strongly influenced Darwin's view of how living organisms could change over time
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Which of the following is a true statement about Charles Darwin? ( Concept 22.2) He was the first to discover that living things can change, or evolve. He based his theory on the inheritance of acquired characteristics. He worked out the principles of population genetics. He proposed natural selection as the mechanism of evolution. He was the first to conclude that Earth is billions of years old.
He proposed natural selection as the mechanism of evolution
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At the time Charles Darwin sailed on the HMS Beagle, _____. ( Concept 22.1) the idea that animals and plants might change over time was absent from Western science several biologists had proposed that species might change over time, but none had suggested a convincing mechanism that might cause the change the idea of evolution was widely accepted because it could fit into the biblical story of creation the idea of evolution was widely accepted by scientists, but Darwin's great impact was to popularize it for the layperson None of the listed responses is correct.
several biologists had proposed that species might change over time, but none had suggested a convincing mechanism that might cause the change
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Because he was well aware of the effect his theory of evolution would have on the public and on the Church of England, Darwin delayed publishing his work for several decades while he gathered additional evidence. After invoking selective breeding of domesticated species as evidence that groups of organisms are capable of change, he then proposed that natural populations can change as well. On which two lines of evidence did he base this proposal? ( Concept 22.2) Individuals within a population vary, yet island species around the world all appear to be related to each other. Organisms produce more offspring than can be supported by their environment, and adaptations to specific environments increase an organism's ability to survive and reproduce. Organisms within a population vary, and all populations produce more offspring than can be supported by the environment, resulting in competition for survival within the population. Some individuals leave more descendants than other individuals, but the individuals in a population are essentially identical to each other. Some individuals within a population have greater survivability and reproductive success than others, and favorable traits within a population will accumulate over generations.
Organisms within a population vary, and all populations produce more offspring than can be supported by the environment, resulting in competition for survival within the population.
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During his voyage around the world, Darwin was inspired to think about evolution by _____. ( Concept 22.2) the works of others such as Lamarck fossils he collected studying adaptations of organisms to their environments the unique organisms he saw in the Gálapagos Islands All of the listed responses are correct.
All of the listed responses are correct.
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In Darwin's view of descent with modification _____. ( Concept 22.2) an organism's traits only affect its own survival natural selection can improve the match between an organism and its environment individuals can evolve environmental changes have no effect on the organisms living in that environment natural selection only operates when an organism needs to evolve
natural selection can improve the match between an organism and its environment
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What insight did Darwin gain from reading Thomas Malthus's essay on human suffering? ( Concept 22.2) Organisms have the capacity to overreproduce. Natural selection should be capable of considerable modifications over hundreds of thousands of generations. Population size usually remains relatively stable. Favorable characteristics of a population accumulate over time. All of the listed responses are correct.
Organisms have the capacity to overreproduce
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The breeding of plants and animals for particular traits by humans is called _____. ( Concept 22.2) natural selection sexual recombination paleontology artificial selection homology
sexual recombination
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During periods of rapid environmental change, what may happen to a species that was well-suited to the former environment? ( Concept 22.2) the species may go extinct. Individuals with particular traits that provide an advantage in the new environment will have higher reproductive success. The population may change so much in adapting to the new environment that it is considered a new species. Traits that were favorable in the original environment may be detrimental in the new environment. All of the listed responses are correct.
All of the listed responses are correct.
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The smallest unit that can evolve is a(n) _____. ( Concept 22.2) species genotype individual population morph
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Which of the following is not an observation or inference on which natural selection is based? Poorly adapted individuals never produce offspring. Individuals whose characteristics are best suited to the environment generally leave more offspring than those whose characteristics are less well suited. There is heritable variation among individuals. Only a fraction of an individual's offspring may survive. Species produce more offspring than the environment can support.
Poorly adapted individuals never produce offspring.
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Which of the following observations helped Darwin shape his concept of descent with modification? Species diversity declines farther from the equator. Fewer species live on islands than on the nearest continents. Birds can be found on islands located farther from the mainland than the birds' maximum nonstop flight distance. Earthquakes reshape life by causing mass extinctions. South American temperate plants are more similar to the tropical plants of South America than to the temperate plants of Europe.
South American temperate plants are more similar to the tropical plants of South America than to the temperate plants of Europe.
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Evolution is supported by
scientific evidence
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Desent with modification by natural selection explains
the adaptations of organisms and the unity and diversity of life
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Which of the following statements best describes theories? A) They are nearly the same things as hypotheses. B) They are supported by, and make sense of, many observations. C) They cannot be tested because the described events occurred only once. D) They are predictions of future events.
B) They are supported by, and make sense of, many observations.
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Catastrophism, meaning the regular occurrence of geological or meteorological disturbances (catastrophes), was Cuvier's attempt to explain the existence of A) evolution. B) the fossil record. C) uniformitarianism. D) the origin of new species. E) natural selection.
B) the fossil record.
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With what other idea of his time was Cuvier's theory of catastrophism most in conflict? A) gradualism B) the fixity of species C) island biogeography D) uniformitarianism E) the scala naturae
D) uniformitarianism
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What was the prevailing belief prior to the time of Lyell and Darwin? A) Earth is a few thousand years old, and populations are unchanging. B) Earth is a few thousand years old, and populations gradually change. C) Earth is millions of years old, and populations rapidly change. D) Earth is millions of years old, and populations are unchanging. E) Earth is millions of years old, and populations gradually change.
A) Earth is a few thousand years old, and populations are unchanging.
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During a study session about evolution, one of your fellow students remarks, "The giraffe stretched its neck while reaching for higher leaves; its offspring inherited longer necks as a result." Which statement is most likely to be helpful in correcting this student's misconception? A) Characteristics acquired during an organism's life are generally not passed on through genes. B) Spontaneous mutations can result in the appearance of new traits. C) Only favorable adaptations have survival value. D) Disuse of an organ may lead to its eventual disappearance. E) If the giraffes did not have to compete with each other, longer necks would not have been passed on to the next generation.
Characteristics acquired during an organism's life are generally not passed on through genes.
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Charles Darwin was the first person to propose A) that evolution occurs. B) a mechanism for how evolution occurs. C) that Earth is older than a few thousand years. D) a mechanism for evolution that was supported by evidence. E) that population growth can outpace the growth of food resources.
a mechanism for evolution that was supported by evidence.
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Which of these conditions should completely prevent the occurrence of natural selection in a population over time? A) All variation between individuals is due only to environmental factors. B) The environment is changing at a relatively slow rate. C) The population size is large. D) The population lives in a habitat where there are no competing species present.
A) All variation between individuals is due only to environmental factors
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Natural selection is based on all of the following except A) genetic variation exists within populations. B) the best-adapted individuals tend to leave the most offspring. C) individuals who survive longer tend to leave more offspring than those who die young. D) populations tend to produce more individuals than the environment can support. E) individuals adapt to their environments and, thereby, evolve.
E) individuals adapt to their environments and, thereby, evolve.
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Which of the following must exist in a population before natural selection can act upon that population? A) genetic variation among individuals B) variation among individuals caused by environmental factors C) sexual reproduction D) Three of the responses are correct. E) Two of the responses are correct.
A) genetic variation among individuals
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