What To Do With Your Money Essay Example
What To Do With Your Money Essay Example

What To Do With Your Money Essay Example

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  • Pages: 1 (242 words)
  • Published: July 25, 2018
  • Type: Article
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There are four examples that showcase different aspects of microeconomics. These include making decisions about time and money, engaging in transactions on eBay, exploring a bustling city, and reading about a soccer match. After studying microeconomics, your understanding of these concepts will undoubtedly change.

Instead of engaging in activities such as Internet browsing, blog reading, or Facebook updating, you have the chance to dedicate your time to studying microeconomics. Yet currently, you are not opting for any of these alternatives.

The decision to read this chapter is economically driven, as it requires managing the conflicting demands of time, money, and resources. With a limited 24-hour day, individuals must allocate their time among various activities like sleeping, eating, working, studying, read


ing, playing video games, and socializing. Every choice made about these activities represents an economic choice.

Studying economics allows you to comprehend the decision-making process, for both yourself and others, and teaches methods to enhance these choices. It is essential to acknowledge that money is a limited resource. If there were no financial restrictions, you would likely have an extensive list of items you desire to buy. However, because of restricted income, you must select among different preferences. Each time you make a purchase – be it a T-shirt, breakfast bagel, or new computer – essentially, you are forfeiting the opportunity to acquire something else.

Economics involves making decisions about the allocation of limited resources, whether it is managing time or any other scarce resource.

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