Othello 716 words College Essay Example
Othello 716 words College Essay Example

Othello 716 words College Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (285 words)
  • Published: December 31, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Othello: Essay

The interpretation of Shakespeare's revenge tragedy Othello varies based on the context and the responder.

The ongoing relevance of Shakespeare's plays can be attributed to their exploration of provocative concepts and complex characters. Each viewer may interpret the plays differently, whether through contextual analysis or close study of the language. Othello employs a variety of literary techniques, including symbolism, foreshadowing, irony, and soliloquies, that shape our understanding of the play.

As a contemporary reader of Othello, I am intrigued by the perspective that women are depicted as marginalized outsiders. This is reflective of the present-day societal limitations faced by women. Desdemona, Emilia, and Bianca are presented as disempowered and excluded characters. Meanwhile, the play's portrayal of men's attitudes towards women echoes this disempowerment. Additionally, t


he narrative prompts me to delve deeper into the racist underpinnings of Elizabethan society. Othello's blackness further underscores his status as an outsider within the play.

By examining the context of the play, the feminist and racial outlooks can be analyzed. The feminist viewpoint is a prominent theme, with women in Shakespeare's society expected only to wed.

Marriage was the sole occupation for women, involving significant responsibilities for managing the household and raising children. Society expected women to be obedient, pure, and submissive to their husbands and all men. A feminist analysis of the play portrays male oppression of women, contrasting their devotion to their husbands. Iago exhibits misogyny towards women throughout the play, shedding light on society's views of them. It is evident that men are at the forefront of gender power relations.

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