Washing Machines Essay Example
Washing Machines Essay Example

Washing Machines Essay Example

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With the dawn of technology, a lot of innovations were discovered and each of them in one way or the other has continued to improve the living standard of the human race. Every aspect of our lives has been affected positively or negatively. One of such contribution is the invention of a washing machine. The use of a washing machine is a convenient way of washing clothes. It not only saves time but also saves body energy. It is a stress free way to do laundry. With the electric washers it is easier to do more loads of clothes at a time, and with the free time other house chores can be done.

Washing machines have controls, buttons, and dials. This is used to set the desired temperature, fabric type, if pre-soak is required, quantity of load etc. Hand washing which is the oldest for


m of laundering, it’s very time consuming, it leaves sores, and it is hard to rinse away soap residual with this method of laundering. It consumes too much of body energy because it is a tiresome task For example, a nursing mother will find it more convenient using a washing machine rather than hand wash. As stated in an article by Carrie P.

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Snow said “Technology... is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ” This is not to say that the washing machine has no limitations, which can arise from the initial high capital investment of procuring the machine, water consumptions, and electricity bill. According to the statistics released by the California energy commission, a typical

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American household does nearly 400 loads of laundry per year, using about 40 gallons of water per full load with a conventional washer.

However, hand washing is cheap: it only involves soap, tub or a bucket, water and, hands. Hand washing allows for a more detailed wash, it conserves water use to the barest minimal and this is the reason it is still popular in some parts of the world, especially in developing nations With improvement technology in the 21st century, some of the cost implications have been drastically reduced with the introduction of energy saving brands. The water use has been reduced to about 5 gallons.

However, it’s important to state that hand washing is not with holding the pros and cons of the washing machine, the advent of the washing machine is still a better option than hand washing; it perfectly fits into the busy schedules of the 20th century where everything must be fast.  The new solar powered washing machine makes the most of the sunshine with smart grid. The system is being trialled in the Dutch city of Breda, where 300 new houses have been built using this new technology. Creators hope that testing it in this way will not only help to develop the technology, but also help them to understand how people use it. The pilot is initiated by grid operator Enexis, in cooperation with powercompany Greenchoice and development corporation HEJA.

Using special devices,residents of two neighbourhoods in Breda are able to select the most favourable time for using energy, which can be the cheapest or the most sustainable. A special website informs them about this. The test lasts for 2 years

and will show if people are prepared to use these options or not. The project involves 246 apartments with woodstoves and solar panels and57 houses with heat pumps and solar panels, to be completed in 2012.

In eachhome, smart devices like a smart electricity meter or a smart washing machinewill be installed, connected to a smart energy computer. Besides givingresidents information about the energy they use and produce, it collectstheir preferences and controls all devices as efficiently as possible. Enexis' main purpose is to explore how much people are willing to useelectricity in a flexible way in order to save money and the environment. Theoutcome shows us how we can integrate sustainable energy, like solar panels, into the grid and meet growing demands.

In this smart network, the washing machine, logged into an online weatherchannel, knows exactly when the sun shines or when the price of power on theenergy exchange APX -ENDEX is most favourable. For example: it could bemore efficient to do your laundry at night and not in the evening. Or maybeit's best to do it during the day when solar panels produce power. Enexis emphasizes that with this pilot it wants to contribute to a transition to sustainable power. Project manager Joris Knigge of the innovation department: "This is an example of proactive development of a smart grid.

Our company, together with the others involved, prepares itself for the future. On the other hand, we ask ourselves if consumers are ready for this. That's what this test will show. " Enexis is an independent energy distribution network operator in seven Dutch provinces, responsible for the development, construction, control, maintenance, and management of distribution networks. It

is headquartered in Rosmalen and connects 2. 6 million customers to their power companies.

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