Dark Chocolate Is Good for Health Essay Example
Dark Chocolate Is Good for Health Essay Example

Dark Chocolate Is Good for Health Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (406 words)
  • Published: April 3, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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When the term “chocolate” comes to mind, many of you might associate it with the phrase “delicious, but won't it ruin my diet?” Interestingly, research has shown that certain chocolates can actually be healthy. Being derived from plants, chocolate encompasses numerous health attributes typically found in dark vegetables. However, it's important to point out that not all chocolates possess these benefits - wise selection is crucial. Among the varieties available, dark chocolate has been verified to offer significant health advantages.

Dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants which safeguard the body against aging brought on by free radicals potentially leading to heart disease. It also assists in the moderation of blood pressure through the generation of nitric oxide and the balancing of certain body hormones. Eating dark chocolate can contribute to heart health, and consuming a tiny bar


daily keeps the cardiovascular system operating effectively. Research has demonstrated a daily small dark chocolate bar can lower blood pressure for those with hypertension. Additionally, it can reduce LDL cholesterol, the harmful type, by up to 10 percent. Dark chocolate even serves as an anti-depressant. Therefore, remember to turn to chocolate to lift your spirits after a breakup.

I comprehend that some may question, doesn't chocolate contribute to weight gain? However, here's a pleasant revelation - not all fats in chocolate affect your cholesterol. Only a third of the fat found in chocolate is harmful, which is saturated fat that escalates cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease. On the contrary, the remaining two-thirds comprises of beneficial fats that include acids prevalent in olive oil which exert a neutral impact on cholesterol levels.

Here are a few guidelines for those who

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love chocolate. The first tip is about calorie balance. A bar of dark chocolate typically contains around 400 calories, so it's recommended to divide it into small square pieces and consume a piece each day. Starting your day with a tiny piece of chocolate sets the perfect tone. The second tip encourages the choice of dark chocolate because it tends to contain significantly more antioxidants than white chocolate. For the third tip, opt for chocolates that include nuts or orange peels instead of caramel or nougat, as the latter two mainly add sugar and fat, undermining the health benefits obtained from chocolate consumption. The fourth tip is to refrain from consuming milk with chocolate, as it prevents the absorption of antioxidants from the chocolate by your body.

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