Can Terrorism Ever Be Justified Essay Example
Can Terrorism Ever Be Justified Essay Example

Can Terrorism Ever Be Justified Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (918 words)
  • Published: October 10, 2016
  • Type: Essay
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The world is currently facing the most dangerous and deadly problem of terrorism. Many innocent lives are lost and others suffer severe harm due to numerous acts of terrorism. The consequences, both physically and emotionally, often cannot be fixed, causing people to demand justice. People often wonder why these events happen, why innocent individuals have to suffer, and how those who carry out these terrible acts can do so.

Understanding the reasons behind terrorists' actions, whether they stem from altruism or self-interest, can be challenging. However, it is undeniable that terrorism causes extensive destruction and emotional anguish for individuals. When examining different forms of terrorism observed globally, including incidents in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the devastating 9/11 attack in New York, a crucial query emerges: Is there ever a moral justification for terrorism? Terrorism involves illegal acts of violence, f


orce, intimidation, or coercion carried out to achieve political objectives (

Terrorism, as defined by The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, 2009, is the act of causing fear and submission in societies or governments for political, religious, or ideological motives. It involves individuals or groups known as terrorists targeting people and/or property. This definition highlights the detrimental impact terrorism has on society, posing a significant threat to humanity and undermining the efforts of many individuals.

Unfortunately, no resolution is achieved from this evil act. Terrorism is simply a means of expressing demands and desires that often go against government laws and infringe upon people's rights. Cruel and infamous organizations employ this act to intimidate and coerce the government. The disturbing reality is that innocent individuals are consistently th

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ones who suffer as victims of this injustice. This only demonstrates that misunderstandings between two prominent and influential factions within society can result in grave consequences.

When two parties cannot satisfy each other or when one party has offended the other, a clash of principles can escalate into a fatal conflict. Force, threats, and violence are employed as means to demonstrate superiority and increase the chances of achieving goals. Greed, the thirst for power and wealth, the misuse of authority, and the fight for rights and principles are among the motivations behind acts of terrorism. However, no matter the motives, terrorism can never be justified. No single viewpoint or belief is significant enough to warrant resorting to terrorism.

Terrorism is an inhumane act that encompasses communication, negotiation, and the assertion of power and authority. It cannot be justified since it infringes upon the rights of innocent individuals and undermines the morale of the affected nation. Contemplating the 9/11 attack enables us to comprehend terrorism's genuine essence. Numerous people, including mothers, fathers, youth, children, and devoted public servants lost their lives unfairly. Their destiny was unwarranted, and no level of sympathy can completely mend the wounds caused by this horrendous incident.

The tragedy of 9/11 had a deep effect on families, as children were left without parents and friends grieved the loss of their loved ones. The entire nation felt the sorrow as many lives were lost and people were trapped beneath debris. Even with the passage of time, those who suffered these devastating losses will always bear the pain. The tragic deaths resulting from terrorism continue to leave a lasting mark on

America's history. When discussing this event in media coverage, there is frequently reference to "terrorist attacks" and suicide bombers.

The fear caused by terrorism and its associated risks jeopardizes people's safety, leading to chaos and panic. This has a detrimental effect on society, destabilizing it economically and socially. Additionally, individuals' cognitive abilities and decision-making skills are also impacted. Therefore, it is imperative for the government to enact measures that protect the population from terrorism and other related threats.

Thorough preparation and adequate resources are crucial in effectively combating terrorism. It is important to inform the public about self-protection measures and ways to support each other, fostering peace, unity, and positivity within society. The government should take responsibility for initiating resolutions to protect its citizens and the nation as a whole. Currently, preventing terrorism poses the greatest challenge globally.

To tackle issues, it is crucial for conflicting sides to communicate and discover resolutions. It is equally important for every nation to be ready. Furthermore, the government and its citizens should come together. While challenging, promoting global peace in both personal and collective capacities can have an impact. Unity, mutual respect, and freedom are advantageous in combating terrorism.

For any government, prioritizing the well-being of its citizens and dismissing personal interests and ambitions is crucial in advancing peace and progress within the country. According to Devera from (10), all justifications for acts of terror ultimately stem from one source - hatred. Terrorism is fueled by intense and potent hatred. While there is no definitive strategy to eradicate terrorism completely, individuals and nations can always unite to oppose it and safeguard their freedom

and security. No justification or method can ever validate terrorism.

Promoting communication, fostering peaceful and safer relations among governments, and advocating for the abandonment of personal and selfish motivations while combating discrimination and prejudice can be sources of inspiration in spreading freedom and unity. Taking the initial step and instilling the right values in all children, who represent the future, is a common starting point for all of us. By actively cooperating, supporting one another, and receiving assistance from governments, it is possible to halt the escalating animosity between nations, organizations, and religions. In this way, efforts toward peace can be effectively disseminated worldwide.

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