The Power of Parents Essay Example
The Power of Parents Essay Example

The Power of Parents Essay Example

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William Bell’s Crabbe is a novel filled with suspense, action and emotion. With the main character being a teenager that runs away from home, it makes for an intriguing story. Crabbe (Franklin) explains all of his thoughts and beliefs on school, parents and life in the course of the story. As a result, the story gets the reader to ponder upon different subjects one would not think about otherwise. Near the beginning of the story, the young man explains how he is upset that everyone (mainly his parents) had planned out his life, his future and he had no say in it.

He desires freedom and no part in this plan. One’s parents usually have expectations of their child, especially when approaching the end of high school. But it


is your choice whether or not you will live up to those expectations. In the second to last paragraph of chapter two, Crabbe briefly explains the reasons why he was running away, one of them being that he finds actions can make a bigger impact than words. Another explanation would be to run away from his life, “I was sick of my life and already sick of the future that everyone had planned for me but nobody bothered to consult me about.

I wanted to be free, to opt out of the plan. ” This quote was said by Crabbe, when he is reflecting on his reasoning for his running away. It demonstrates his sense of independence, responsibility and autonomy. Crabbe tries to make it clear to his parents that he does not like the limits of freedom that they have give

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him. He tries to explain that he can make his choices on his own, that he can now choose what he wants to do with himself.

It is therefore clear that his parents did not get the message, a lot so like mine, who often do not understand my point of view on things. Like Crabbe, my parents and I do not always agree eye to eye. For instance, when they split, my mother was to have full custody over my sister and I. The decisions had already been made; we were to move into a new house with her within the month. I was frustrated that they had decided my future without consulting me nor my sister. A few weeks in, my mother slowly explained their reasoning on the matter.

My parents had deduced that it would be easier to live in one house as opposed to two, and that Orleans is more practical than Greely. At the time you get frustrated with the matter, but you eventually realise that your parents are not there to hurt you, but rather do everything in your favor. Like Crabbe, I was also “sick of the future everyone had planned for me”, but I now realise that it was for the best, and I am sure that his parents did the same for him.

My experience is not quite the same as Crabbe’s, but my parents had planned my future out for me without asking for my opinion, just like him. Hence, it is similar but not the same. In conclusion, the impact that parents, as well as others have on children is enormous. Although

the children do not always agree with the parents’ decisions, choices or motives right now, they might find that their opinions change afterwards. Parents and others are not there to hurt you but rather to protect you.

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