Gender Roles Example Essay Example
Gender Roles Example Essay Example

Gender Roles Example Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (394 words)
  • Published: August 31, 2016
  • Type: Essay
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The central theme of the gender equality discussion is that women are equal to men as individuals. They are not trying to prove anything or request preferential treatment. Their only goal is to have the same rights and opportunities that men have traditionally enjoyed, such as voting, working, and receiving an education. These rights were achieved through advocacy efforts, but there are still countries where women do not have the protected ability to drive or travel alone.

The concept of gender equality acknowledges that women and men should be treated equally and valued equally, while acknowledging their potential differences. Throughout history, women have faced significant challenges in their fight for rights, including female infanticide, dowry killings, and domestic violence. However, progress has been made as these practices are now banned. It is also worth noting with pride that our


president is a woman.

Although legislation has changed, the mentality of people remains the same. Unfortunately, in numerous developing countries, women are taught to tolerate abuse as a virtue and consequently become complicit in their own mistreatment. Additionally, societies often ignore the infringement of women's rights by accepting them as inferior citizens.

The issue of women being paid less than men for the same job and having to single-handedly raise children, potentially sacrificing their careers, is a challenge they currently face. To tackle this problem, it is essential to create awareness among men in our society regarding these inequalities.

Enabling women to exercise their rights not only provides practical advantages but also leads to positive transformations. Research reveals that if women were given equal opportunities as men in terms o

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accessing productive resources, they could enhance their farm yields by 20-30 percent. Ultimately, this would assist in alleviating hunger for 100-150 million individuals. Furthermore, when a woman receives education and achieves financial independence, she can significantly impact the overall well-being of her entire family. Hence, why do we withhold this fundamental right from her?

The societal roles of men and women are not biologically determined but rather influenced by society, capable of evolving over time. Although cultural or religious justifications may exist for these roles, they remain flexible. In contemporary society, women have multiple responsibilities and potentially even more than men. Shouldn't this lead to greater rights for women? Nevertheless, due to their compassionate and tolerant nature, women are satisfied with equal rights.

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