Health Disparities Essay
Health Disparities Essay

Health Disparities Essay

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  • Pages: 2 (363 words)
  • Published: December 23, 2021
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Disparities in health as well as health care have been in existence for over two centuries. Studies reveal that health disparities continue to remain problematic in ethnic together with racial minorities with little improvements or none despite recognition of the existence of the problem (Philips and Malone, 2014). Other health disparities equally emanate from issues like gender and mental health among others.However in addressing these disparities, advanced practice professional nurse must seek for effective means of addressing the disparities so as to ensure effective provision of health care services among patients.

In the nursing practice, I will address the disparities by focusing on engagement with the patients before addressing their health concerns. Most studies especially in the 21st century that focus on means of eliminating health disparities attribute health care provider engagement with the patient


before providing any other service as critical in eliminating the disparities. Close engagement with patients prove crucial in that it helps a health care professional to understand the patient fears and thus convince the patient against the held fears so as to benefit from the health services accorded. Some nursing situations like realization of some diseases that impact on specific racial or other minorities have led to the idea of the importance of practitioner-patient engagement before diagnosis so as to uncover the underlying issues that may limit patient recovery (Baldwin, 2013). Some of these issues comprise of beliefs that hinder patients from adhering to the prescribed medication as the beliefs leads to fear. By conducting a close engagement with a patient, an advanced practice professional nurse manages to understand the underlying issues affecting patients from a specific group. With such knowledge, i

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becomes easier to change the health care policy so as to ensure that the minorities are accorded more concern in health care settings.


  1. Baldwin, D. M. (2013). Disparities in Health and Health Care: Focusing Efforts to Eliminate Unequal Burdens. Retrieved from
  2. Philips, J. M., & Malone, B. (2014, February). Increasing Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Nursing to Reduce Health Disparities and Achieve Health Equity. Retrieved from
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