The Heart of The Matter: Thinking philosophically Essay Example
The Heart of The Matter: Thinking philosophically Essay Example

The Heart of The Matter: Thinking philosophically Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (392 words)
  • Published: January 19, 2022
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The issues of the twenty first century affect the lives of human beings in some direct or indirect ways. That is why it is not reasonable to just watch and say that nature is taking its course. Philosophical thinking could be of great benefit in trying to understand the issues in the twenty first century. Various philosophers have drawn their attention into the course through contemporary philosophy and they try to explain some phenomena in the contemporary world. Taking for example, what causes social fragmentation at a time when it is least expected? Why are there issues on information and misinformation at such an information age? How do humans impact the environment? Is it possible to attain a good life without causing harm to the environment? These are just but a few issues that demand philosophical thinking.

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According to this student, Descartes is one of the contemporary philosophers who detached himself from the other philosophers in order to establish a foundation of knowledge in science. It is true that Descartes used doubt constructively. He questioned some perceptions and desired to know how he knew what was right. Kant was also thoughtful about the contemporary issues. He disputed the idea of the sun travelling around the earth. However, Kant did not give an alternative thought but he wanted people to think for themselves hence get enlightened. This would mean that people would have courage even to think about other issues and come up with a well thought conclusion.

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According to this student, the world is moving at a supersonic speed basically because the human race has embraced the multi-tasking idea. The studen

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is right to note that Descartes doubts even the existence of the body. The structures that make up the body are not ultimately important as the brain can do everything that the body does. This means that Descartes disputes the bodily criterion in defining a person. In Kant’s point of view, the contemporary society accesses most of the information through technology and therefore the people have no need of thinking philosophically for enlightenment. The people believe that they can pay a cost to have everything done for them. That being the case, people will never engage their minds in getting solutions for the problems facing them. The observation made by this student is true.

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