Social Anxiety behind Excessive Facebook Use Essay Example
Social anxiety is the fear of interacting with others, which can cause feelings of self-consciousness, inadequacy, embarrassment, inferiority, and humiliation due to the fear of being negatively judged. People who appear more confident when alone but experience irrational anxiety in social situations may be dealing with social anxiety.
Social anxiety disorder, or social phobia, is a widespread problem that affects many people globally. Epidemiological research reveals that it is the third most prevalent mental disorder in the United States, ranking just below alcoholism and depression. Individuals with social anxiety experience significant emotional distress when faced with different situations, including meeting new individuals, being watched during task performance, and interacting with figures of authority. A strong association has been discovered between social anxiety and excessive use of Facebook, especially among those who seek reassurance and companionship while desiring t
...o connect with others.
According to recent research, social media has revolutionized communication by causing anxiety, affecting self-perception, and rapidly spreading emotions globally (DiSalvo 50). These platforms allow users to present the image they want others to see. A study examined how an individual's self-esteem is related to the time they spend curating their online profile and persona (Valenzuela, Namsu and Kerk 882).
People with lower self-esteem are more preoccupied with others' opinions on social media and tend to delete posts in order to control their desired image. Conversely, individuals with high self-esteem dedicate time to curating their profiles by sharing information and posting pictures that reflect their desired persona. Moreover, studies have shown that Facebook contributes to heightened anxiety levels by inducing feelings of insignificance and excessive worry (Fleming). Social media's constant updates prompt individuals to constantly check their news
feeds and statuses via phone. Many people experience unease when unable to access email or social media accounts, with over half reporting difficulty sleeping due to negative emotions and anxiety after using these platforms.
In a study conducted by O'Keeffe, Gwenn, and Kathleen (802), it was found that chronic stress caused by tension can result in various health issues. Additionally, the research revealed that using Facebook can contribute to social anxiety when meeting someone for the first time. Individuals who view someone's Facebook profile before meeting them in person often experience psychological arousal and anxiety as they constantly compare the person to their online persona. Prior to this study, experts had already determined that reviewing a person's social media profile prior to a meeting could help reduce nervousness, particularly for those with social anxiety. Previewing a profile beforehand offers some familiarity with the individual. Utilizing social media for communication instead of face-to-face interaction is considered a beneficial approach for initiating relationships.
The influence of social media platforms, such as Facebook, on individuals' emotions is significant and has a broad impact. Likewise, weather conditions can also have an impact on someone's mood. According to research, rainy days result in feelings of sadness and negativity, which subsequently leads to the posting of negative comments on social media. This could potentially contribute to heightened social anxiety among people. Conversely, those residing in areas without rain tend to experience more positive emotions and share optimistic updates, resulting in a pleasant and stronger effect. The contradictory effect of Facebook on mood is now widely recognized.
According to Baumeister and Eli, Facebook has been linked to a surprisingly high number of negative mental health
issues. These include low self-esteem, bitterness, and jealousy. Regularly using Facebook is connected to increased depression as people compare their activities and achievements with others. It is important to note that Facebook does not directly cause depression but rather contributes to it when individuals already feel depressed and spend significant time comparing themselves to others.
The study also found that social comparisons with someone more attractive or accessible tend to worsen one's feelings, while comparing oneself with someone who has lower grades tends to improve self-perception. Additionally, excessive Facebook usage increases the likelihood of experiencing symptoms of depression.
Overall, despite the potential negative effects of social media and Facebook, they also bring about positive impacts on individuals. These platforms enable psychologists to monitor patients' mental health, foster connections among people, and promote awareness surrounding social anxiety and mental health concerns. It is essential to recognize the possible downsides and provide support for vulnerable individuals grappling with mental health problems and depression. The key lies in utilizing these websites while maintaining a sense of detachment.
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