Why We Crave Horror Movies, by Stephen King Essay Example
Why We Crave Horror Movies, by Stephen King Essay Example

Why We Crave Horror Movies, by Stephen King Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (333 words)
  • Published: April 20, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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While some may question the allure of witnessing a mentally unstable individual murder innocent individuals, there are many who find excitement in horror movies. Stephen King once stated, "I believe we all possess some degree of mental illness." The reason for this excitement appears to stem from the ability of horror films to offer an escape from reality, transporting viewers into a realm filled with disorder and wrongdoing. This effect seems pleasurable for people. As one watches a horror film, the anticipation mounts for the plot to develop further and for terrifying moments to unfold. So why do we feel compelled to watch these frightening movies? It could be because we derive enjoyment from being frightened. Perhaps it allows us to seek solace in the proximity of others as we collectively scream, experiencing the same terror that plagues the


characters being pursued and slaughtered. I can vividly recall watching my first horror movie, Jason, at a friend's house who possessed an obsession with this collection of films.

Staying up all night, I was terrified that falling asleep would make me vulnerable to Jason's attacks. In these movies, he preyed on his victims while they slept, manipulating their thoughts to create a terrifying reality. The eerie music playing throughout the film sent shivers down my spine and quickened my heartbeat. When someone's demise was imminent, I couldn't help but scream in fear, imagining myself in their horrifying situation.

From start to finish, the movie engendered genuine fear in me. Once it ended, I was too afraid to sleep due to the lingering dread of becoming the next target. Horror movies are akin to witnessing a catastrophic car crash

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- despite wanting to divert your gaze, it's impossible. Numerous individuals possess an irresistible allure towards horror movies. I believe this stems from the fact that they offer a feeling of vitality and deliver an adrenaline surge. Ultimately, as long as there exists a fanbase for horror movies, their popularity will endure.

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