What Dreams May Come Essay Example
What Dreams May Come Essay Example

What Dreams May Come Essay Example

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  • Pages: 1 (230 words)
  • Published: April 16, 2017
  • Type: Case Analysis
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The afterlife is explored through visually stunning scenes in the 1998 drama What Dreams May Come. This film features Robin Williams and Cuba Gooding Jr. in outstanding performances that keep the audience engaged until the very end. This essay will highlight the major achievements of this memorable movie.

Director Vincent Ward envisioned a fantastical and purely visual world to portray the possible paradisal realms. The story revolves around Chris Nielsen, who dies in a car accident and awakens as a painting in the afterlife. He initially grasps for a flower, which turns out to be a handful of paint, and slips on a colorful pathway. His spiritual guide Albert aids him in comprehending his


surreal surroundings by creating a window in a wall, causing the paint to drip as he pushes it through. Alongside this vivid imagery, the plot also delves into the question of whether we have a responsibility to impact life on Earth from beyond.

The reason for this inquiry is that Chris' spouse desires to take her own life after his passing, and Chris is determined to facilitate her entry into the afterlife he inhabits. However, suicide grants admission to a separate realm of the afterlife, rather than the one Chris is living in. In conclusion, What Dreams May Come provides food for thought and stunning imagery that urges us to contemplate the potentialities beyond our routine existence.

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