Vocabulary for Skyward – Flashcards
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A Skyward Secondary Grade Book utilizes numeric grades applied by the teacher based upon the work of a student. This is applied to grades 2 thru 12.
Secondary Grade Book
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Each computer in the District network is named for the building or position for which it is used and located. The name of each computer is located in the properties area of the computer. To find this, go to the START button, then COMPUTER area, do a right-mouse over COMPUTER and select PROPERTIES. In the center of this window you will see the name of the computer. This will be important for any tech support that you may have so that the person helping you can access your computer remotely.
How to find Computer Name
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Skyward widgets are boxes with specific information in them regarding District News, Recent Messages, or Teacher Quick Access. These boxes may be moved around the dashboard, to suite the users preference. The district may post information in the District News widget regarding deadlines for grading period closings.
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This widget is a shortcut to the teacher's Attendance Screen and to the individual content gradebook.
Teacher Quick Access Widget
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The print queue is a place where reports are stored for a maximum of two days once they are run within Skyward. Reports may be printed from this area, but are not automatically printed when run from the database. The user must view the report and send to a printer in order for it to actually print to paper.
Print Queue
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Categories are weighted groups in which assignments are placed. The categories weights are set at the district level by the Curriculum Department during the summer, before any grades are entered into the gradebook.
Grading Categories
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