Unit 5 Reading Check Quizzes – Flashcards

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When Patty looks in the mirror, she sees an overweight girl. She is 5 feet tall and weighs 87 pounds. She does aerobics for at least two hours daily and eats very little. Patty most likely suffers from: a.) bulimia nervosa. b.) anorexia nervosa. c.) anxiety. d.) degenerative organ disease.
b.) anorexia nervosa.
In girls, the onset of puberty brings the lowering of the voice at approximately age: a.) 15. b.) 13. c.) 14. d.) 11.
c.) 14.
Which of the following school schedules would be most beneficial to adolescents because of their sleep cycles? a.) classes beginning at 6:20 a.m. and ending around 3:10 p.m. b.) classes beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 4:00 p.m. c.) classes beginning at 8:30 a.m. and ending around 3:10 p.m. d.) classes beginning at 7:00 a.m. and ending at 1:00 p.m.
c.) classes beginning at 8:30 a.m. and ending around 3:10 p.m.
In the United States, which of the following is the second leading cause of death among adolescents? a.) AIDS b.) syphilis c.) homicide d.) suicide
c.) homicide.
During puberty, boys: a.) more than double their arm strength. b.) increase muscle strength most noticeably in the legs. c.) decrease body fat by about 20 percent. d.) increase muscle strength by about 20 percent.
a.) more than double their arm strength.
Amphorn lives in Thailand. With whom is he likely to have his first sexual encounter? a.) a girl who is younger b.) a girl his same age c.) a girl who is from a lower social class d.) a woman who is older and more experienced
d.) a woman who is older and more experienced
Bill noticed that he has some pubic hair. His next growth event will probably be: a.) spermarche. b.) beard development. c.) voice change. d.) growth of penis.
d.) growth of penis.
Which of the following persons is likely to have the greatest health problems because of iron deficiency? a.) 25-year-old Louisa, who has three children b.) 16-year-old Marilyn, who is menstruating c.) 15-year-old Nathan, who exercises very little d.) 12-year-old Monica, who has not yet experienced menarche
b.) 16-year-old Marilyn, who is menstruating
During puberty, testosterone increases: a.) in both males and females. b.) only in females. c.) in neither males nor females. d.) in males.
a.) in both males and females.
In the twenty-first century, early puberty positively correlates with which of the following? a.) the tendency for girls to date boys younger than themselves b.) early-maturing boys becoming leaders in their schools and community c.) aggression and antisocial behavior in boys d.) the tendency for girls to enter into later, nurturing relationships
c.) aggression and antisocial behavior in boys.
For girls, the usual sequence of physical changes in puberty is: a.) menarche, the growth spurt, and the beginning of breast development. b.) the growth spurt, menarche, and the beginning of breast development. c.) the beginning of breast development, the growth spurt, and menarche. d.) the growth spurt, the beginning of breast development, and menarche.
c.) the beginning of breast development, the growth spurt, and menarche.
Ever since he began puberty, Barry has been staying awake late at night and craving sleep in the mornings. His parents should: a.) get Barry professional help. b.) realize that this is due to his avoiding them. c.) realize that this is due to hormonal shifts. d.) realize that this is due to changes in the brain.
c.) realize that this is due to hormonal shifts.
Over the last two centuries, children have tended to reach their adult height earlier and are taller than their ancestors. What is the name for this type of phenomenon? a.) generational trend b.) secular trend c.) evolution d.) genetic predisposition
b.) secular trend
Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why adolescents have more injuries than any other age group? a.) brain changes b.) social context c.) SES d.) body changes
c.) SES
Which of the following is true of all eating disorders? a.) The hunger centers of the brain malfunction. b.) Genetic abnormalities are present. c.) A history of alcoholism and other addictive disorders is found in the family. d.) Food consumption is disconnected from the internal cues of hunger.
d.) Food consumption is disconnected from the internal cues of hunger.
The hormone that causes the ovaries and testes to greatly increase their production of estradiol and testosterone is: a.) follicle-stimulating hormone. b.) growth hormone. c.) cortisol. d.) gonadotropin-releasing hormone.
d.) gonadotrophin-releasing hormone.
Research conducted by Schwab in 2001 seems to indicate that the greatest emotional shifts in adolescents are caused by ______ amounts of hormones. a.) extremely high b.) moderate c.) extremely low d.) actively fluctuating
d.) actively fluctuating.
Which of the following has the largest impact on whether adolescent sexual discovery and exploration is healthy and enjoyable or shameful and frightening? a.) the adolescent's gender b.) sex hormones c.) brain function d.) culture and social context
d.) culture and social context
Which of the following statements is correct regarding the relationship between body fat and the onset of puberty? a.) There is a negative correlation between obesity and the early onset of puberty. b.) There is a positive correlation between obesity and early onset of puberty. c.) There is no correlation between obesity and the early onset of puberty. d.) There is a correlation between obesity and the early onset of puberty only among Native American adolescents.
b.) There is a positive correlation between obesity and the early onset of puberty.
The term menarche refers to: a.) a girl's first menstrual period. b.) the first ovulation of a mature egg. c.) the first year of menstruation, which is usually anovulatory. d.) the beginning of growth of the uterus.
a.) a girl's first menstrual period.
Roger is typically an easygoing adolescent but every once in awhile he suddenly becomes moody and lashes out at his younger sister. Which of the following pubertal processes would most likely contribute to this behavior? a.) fluctuating estrogen levels b.) a sudden increase in testosterone levels c.) a sudden burst of GnRH d.) a sudden increase in cortisol
b.) a sudden increase in testosterone levels
John noticed that his testes have grown larger. His next growth event will probably be: a.) his beard develops. b.) his pubic hair begins to appear. c.) his voice changes. d.) he has his first ejaculation.
b.) his pubic hair begins to appear.
Which of the following STI's can increase the risk of uterine cancer? a.) human papilloma virus b.) syphilis c.) AIDS d.) chlamydia
a.) human papilloma virus
Girls who become pregnant before the age of 15 are more likely to experience: a.) high blood pressure and spontaneous abortion. b.) a cessation of puberty. c.) a sense of energy and well-being. d.) an easy delivery.
a.) high blood pressure and spontaneous abortion.
Once the primary sexual organs begin to function, adolescents are biologically capable of: a.) participating in contact sports. b.) giving blood. c.) weight loss. d.) reproduction.
d.) reproduction.
Which of the following is a sexually transmitted infection? a.) cancer b.) chlamydia c.) tuberculosis d.) measles
b.) chlamydia
Recent research indicates that there is a direct link between deficiencies in the adolescent diet and: a.) the availability of vending machines on high-school campuses. b.) increased consumption of pizza and soda. c.) short lunch periods at school. d.) the price of energy drinks.
a.) the availability of vending machines on high-school campuses.
Which of the following age groups is likely to eat the most healthily? a.) adolescents b.) young adults c.) children between 5 and 12 years d.) adults over the age of 65
d.) adults over the age of 65.
Josephina is obsessed with her weight, yet she will eat a whole package of Oreos in one sitting. Afterwards she will go into the bathroom and make herself vomit. Josephina is of normal weight, but she constantly has heartburn. Josephina most likely suffers from: a.) anxiety. b.) bulimia nervosa. c.) anorexia nervosa. d.) degenerative organ disease.
b.) bulimia nervosa.
For boys, the first ejaculation generally occurs: a.) after the weight and height spurt. b.) following growth of the testes and penis. c.) when facial hair first appears. d.) when the final pubic hair pattern is established.
b.) following growth of the testes and penis.
Adolescence is known as a time when young people distance themselves from the values and behaviors of older people. Which of the following statements is true regarding this behavior? a.) Adolescents who strive toward a sense of total autonomy tend to be well-adjusted and healthy. b.) Adolescents who develop a strong sense of their own identity are likely to be in conflict with their elders. c.) Most adolescents do not choose to distance themselves from the values of older people in their lives. d.) Adolescents who feel valued by their communities and their elders are less likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors.
d.) Adolescents who feel valued by their communities and their elders are less likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors.
Parents' awareness of where their children are, what they are doing, and with whom they are doing it is referred to as: a.) control. b.) connectedness. c.) generational stake. d.) parental monitoring.
d.) parental monitoring.
Which of the following statements is true regarding condom use? a.) Most parents assume that their adolescent children know how to use a condom. b.) Religious parents are consistently less likely to teach their sons about condom use than are nonreligious parents. c.) Condom use is higher among adolescents than among older adults. d.) Most contemporary adolescents know how to use a condom properly.
c.) Condom use is higher among adolescents than among older adults.
Most adolescents need a bridge in their transition from childhood to young adulthood, easing the shift from childish behaviors to more independent ones. This bridge is generally provided by: a.) a romantic partner. b.) cliques and crowds. c.) favorite teachers. d.) permissive parents.
b.) cliques and crowds.
The ultimate psychosocial goal, according to Erikson, is identity: a.) foreclosure. b.) achievement. c.) moratorium. d.) diffusion.
b.) achievement.
Assume that you are a college professor who teaches human sexuality courses. In one of your classes you have three teens who have recently come to the United States from Germany. The majority of your students were born and educated in the United States. Since you tailor your curriculum to meet the needs and knowledge level of your students, what might you discover in this particular class? a.) The German teens most likely already know much of what you are teaching in college. b.) The American students are more likely to excel in the course because the material will be new to them. c.) You will find that students from Western Europe are much more naïve about sex than are American students. d.) The majority of your students will be bored with your curriculum because they know more than you think they do.
a.) The German teens most likely already know much of what you are teaching in college.
According to the text, which of the following is a significant inhibiting factor in the way that adolescents learn about sex and sexuality? a.) More and more adolescents are experimenting with sex at a younger age without being educated. b.) Consistent and reliable guidance and information is rare. c.) Adolescents rely too much on their parents for sex education. d.) The majority of teens around the world understand how HIV is transmitted.
b.) Consistent and reliable guidance and information is rare.
At age 17, Jeff aspired to become a serious musician. His group of friends began to change as he made more friends with serious musical interests and drifted away from friends with other interests. He is exhibiting peer: a.) focus. b.) facilitation. c.) exclusion. d.) selection.
d.) selection.
Ms. Kincaid, a new high-school math teacher, wants to appreciate her students and the impact of peer influence on a deeper level. A colleague explains that two concepts are helpful in achieving a better understanding: a.) peer support and peer preference. b.) peer pressure and peer facilitation. c.) peer selection and peer pressure. d.) peer selection and peer facilitation.
d.) peer selection and peer facilitation.
Abbie is aware of where her son is whenever he goes out, and she requires him to call if there is any change in plans. Abbie is demonstrating: a.) negative control. b.) parental monitoring. c.) position control. d.) foreclosure for her son.
b.) parental monitoring.
Angel's parents always wanted him to be part of the family business—and Angel never questioned this. At 21, Angel decided to leave the business to become a teacher. Angel is resisting: a.) forced conversion. b.) role repudiation. c.) identity foreclosure. d.) negative identity.
c.) identity foreclosure.
Which of the following factors has contributed to the increased number of suicides among European and American teens over the past four decades? a.) sexual promiscuity b.) lack of parental supervision c.) more psychological control exerted by parents d.) stricter gun laws
b.) lack of parental supervision
The idea in Western cultures that a certain amount of adolescent rebellion is considered normal and perhaps even healthy possibly reflects a: a.) cultural mandate. b.) social construction. c.) social fallacy. d.) culturally dependent contrivance.
b.) social construction.
Identify the accurate statement about adolescent crime: a.) Chronic offenders tend to be convicted of many repeated violent offenses. b.) The average girl has committed more crimes than the average boy, but she has not been arrested. c.) It is quite low, involving less than 20 percent of arrests for serious crimes. d.) There are many one-time offenders.
d.) There are many one-time offenders.
Identify the accurate statement regarding suicide in the United States: a.) In 2005, the suicide rate for the elderly was more than twice the rate for teenagers. b.) The suicide rate for adolescents has stayed essentially constant since 1962. c.) The rate of suicides in young adolescents ages 10 to 14 is higher than is the rate for older adolescents ages 15 to 19. d.) More than 2 percent of adolescents ages 15 to 19 committed suicide in 2002.
a.) In 2005, the suicide rate for the elderly was more than twice the rate for teenagers.
Identify the accurate statement concerning parental connectedness and control in parent-adolescent interactions: a.) These aspects are always destructive. b.) Whether these aspects are constructive or destructive depends on the sex of the child. c.) These aspects are always constructive. d.) Whether these aspects are constructive or destructive depends on the situation.
d.) Whether these aspects are constructive or destructive depends on the situation.
Which of the following is true regarding the use of antidepressants to treat depression in adolescents? a.) The newer antidepressants are totally safe and can be prescribed for adolescents without concern. b.) The use of antidepressants when combined with cognitive behavioral therapy decreases depression. c.) Psychotherapy alone is much more effective than medical treatment in adolescents. d.) Recent research has shown that the use of antidepressants in adolescents greatly increases the risk of suicide and therefore should not be used.
b.) The use of antidepressants when combined with cognitive behaviorial therapy decreases depression.
Ideally, before having sex, teenagers would discuss the risks of pregnancy and STIs, but in reality only about ______ of them have these discussions. a.) a third b.) half c.) one-quarter d.) one-tenth
b.) half.
An example of identity foreclosure is: a.) joining a religious cult. b.) taking a career path very different from that urged by parents and counselors. c.) refusing to vote. d.) dropping out of school.
a.) joining a religious cult.
Elyse broke up with her boyfriend after a fight. She has spent the last week repeatedly going over the fight in her mind, which caused her to sink into depression. Her continual reliving the fight is known as: a.) obsession. b.) reminiscence. c.) rumination. d.) fixation.
c.) rumination.
Which type of parenting is most effective during adolescence? a.) authoritative b.) neglectful c.) authoritarian d.) permissive
a.) authoritative
According to Erikson, adolescents are in the stage of: a.) independence versus neediness. b.) intimacy versus isolation. c.) integration versus separation. d.) identity versus role confusion.
d.) identity versus role confusion.
Nate's parents engage in very high parental monitoring and control. Compared with Nate's peers whose parents engage in less psychological control, Nate is more likely to: a.) be involved with weapons. b.) be depressed. c.) use drugs and alcohol. d.) be delinquent.
b.) be depressed.
Barrett is serving a 2-year mission for his church at the age of 19. When he returns home from his mission assignment, he will decide whether or not to attend college and will make decisions about career and family. Barrett is currently experiencing the identity status of: a.) achievement. b.) foreclosure. c.) diffusion. d.) moratorium.
d.) moratorium.
Seventeen-year-old Andrew failed several classes, lost his job, and spends most of his time sleeping on the couch. When his parents voiced their disapproval, he replied, "whatever." Andrew's response indicates identity: a.) achievement. b.) diffusion. c.) foreclosure. d.) moratorium.
b.) diffusion.
An individual's acceptance of the roles and behaviors that they define as male or female is referred to as: a.) gender identity. b.) heterosexual identity. c.) foreclosed identity. d.) ethnic identity.
a.) gender identity.
The term for a pause in identity formation, when alternatives are explored before final choices are made, is known as: a.) role confusion. b.) moratorium. c.) negative identity. d.) identity diffusion.
b.) moratorium.
Each morning Jessica carefully selects the clothes she will wear to school that day. Though she values academics, because she does not want to be identified as a nerd she wears current trends. She is trying to fit in with the: a.) cluster. b.) crew. c.) clique. d.) crowd.
d.) crowd.
Several suicides committed within the same group of people in a brief period are referred to as: a.) planned suicides. b.) cult suicides. c.) cluster suicides. d.) pact suicides.
c.) cluster suicides.
Following Erikson's lead, ______ distinguished four identity statuses. a.) Baumrind b.) Skinner c.) Marcia d.) Freud
c.) Marcia
According to research conducted in 2005, which of the following students is most likely to be admired during middle school? a.) Allie, who is a straight A student b.) Chong, who is conscientious and friendly c.) Louise, who uses marijuana and frequently finds herself in physical fights d.) Lloyd who attends school regularly but fails most of his classes
c.) Louise, who uses marijuana and frequently finds herself in physical fights.
Marsha says, "There is no way I am going to school today with this bruise on my cheek. Everybody is going to laugh at me." Marsha is demonstrating: a.) her belief in an imaginary audience. b.) an invincibility fable. c.) a volatile mismatch. d.) implicit judgment.
a.) her belief in an imaginary audience.
Recent research has indicated that many adolescents: a.) feel situationally invincible. b.) feel increasingly invincible over time. c.) are pressured to feel invincible. d.) do not feel invincible.
d.) do not feel invincible.
Most adolescents think about themselves: a.) frequently. b.) rarely. c.) periodically. d.) occasionally.
a.) frequently.
Piaget called the reasoning that characterizes adolescence: a.) formal operational thought. b.) concrete operational thinking. c.) metacognition. d.) the game of thinking.
a.) formal operational thought.
Which of the following is NOT a reason why adolescents, and sometimes adults, rely more on intuition than on analytical thinking? a.) Thinking logically takes more effort than relying on intuition. b.) Thinking logically might reveal the shortcomings of their intuitive thinking. c.) Logic does not always "feel right." d.) Logical thinking tends to support long-standing beliefs.
d.) Logical thinking tends to support long-standing beliefs.
Jeremy is 7 years old and has been asked to balance a scale with weights that can be hooked to the arms of the scale. Jeremy will probably: a.) solve the problem through a trial-and-error strategy. b.) put weights on both sides without considering distance from the center of the scale. c.) understand the inverse relationship between distance and weight. d.) put all the weights on one side of the scale.
b.) put weights on both sides without considering distance from the center of the scale.
Fifteen-year-old Rebecca still has a 10:00 p.m. curfew. She is asking her parents to extend her curfew on the weekends to 11:00 p.m. When her parents ask her why she thinks her curfew should be changed, Rebecca replies, "Because I am older now, and I've never been late for my 10:00 p.m. curfew. I think you can trust me, so can we at least give it a try?" This is an example of what kind of thinking? a.) logical b.) analytical c.) concrete d.) intuitive
b.) analytical
Ricky knows that he is not allowed to drive the family car after dark. He has even been punished in the past for doing so. Ricky's parents are out of town for the weekend, and Ricky picks up some friends in the family car and takes them to a movie. Which of the following best explains Ricky's behavior? a.) Ricky most likely has a mental disorder. b.) Even though Ricky is capable of rational thought, he doesn't always use it. c.) Ricky's prefrontal cortex has probably matured before his limbic system. d.) Ricky's immature prefrontal cortex prevents him from making rational decisions.
b.) Even though Ricky is capable of rational thought, he doesn't always use it.
Sixteen-year-old Paul drinks heavily and drives dangerously fast, believing that he cannot be hurt. Paul is demonstrating: a.) the personal fable. b.) self-awareness. c.) deductive reasoning. d.) the invincibility fable.
d.) the invincibility fate.
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