Understand Children and Young Person’s Development Essay Example
The procedural child and young people development which is also known as development milestones is vital to process every child goes through. Right from birth to adulthood, children develop, grow and learn (Keenan, 2016). All children and young people tend to share a similar pattern of development; therefore, development milestone is roughly the same. However, each child normally registers a different rate of development and uneven progression across all aspects. Elements of development typically entail physical; social, emotional and behavioral; intellectual and cognitive; communication and language aspects. The purpose of this paper is to analyze child and young people development process together with the factors that influence development (Schlinger, 2013).
Pattern of development from birth to 19 years old
0-3 years
At this stage, children tend to register rap
...id physical development as they mostly depend on reflexes for movement. When they are a year old, they demonstrate a lot more body control. They also begin to shuffle, crawl, pull or push things to stand. At 2-3 years old, they begin to make mark and scribble on paper; they also start kicking and throwing the ball.
Their language and communication skills also develop, Pre-linguistic stage, they can recognize similar voices, make one two syllable words like dada, tata. At age 3, they can make full sentences with around 300 vocabularies (Owens, 2015). They also develop their intellectual and cognitive skills; they tend to use their mouth to explore. Between 18 months to 2 years, they can point what they want, match colors and perhaps do jigsaw puzzles. Also, they become too egocentric in that they identify everything about themselves. At 2-3 years they begin to learn by imitating older childre
and adults (Carey et al. 2014).
3-7 years
At three years, children begin to gain independence. They tend to advance their dexterity and mobility as they will be running, jumping, walking among others which also enhances the development of their gross and fine motor skills. They attain more pencil control, and they begin to copy letters and shapes. Moreover, they can dress, and they prove to be more confident. At 5-7 years old, they develop early reading skills, and their vocabularies increase between 1500 to 4000.
7-12 years
At this stage, children grow thinner and taller as they lose their baby teeth. They begin to have their hobbies and interest mostly influenced by their involvement in football, dancing, singing as girls begin to show early signs of puberty. Also, they demonstrate a wide vocabulary of 4000-10000 with advance reading and writing skills.
12- 19 years
The teenagers begin to mature physically at this stage while others may show full signs of physical maturity. Boys start to go through puberty as they develop sex characteristics such as muscle growth, deep voices, pens growth which starts at late stages, scrotum and testicle growth together with the development of body hair. After initial breast budding at around ten years of age, their breast begins to swell. Furthermore, Girls begins to have their regular periods, their pubic hair begins to grow and become curlier, their bodies become more rounded curvy for womanhood. They also experience emotional maturity as their body experience drastic changes. The adolescent begins to be independence, and they begin to move away from the parent and get closer to their peers as some develop close friendship within their gender. Some also start
to develop a strong interest in the opposite sex. Also, this stage is characterized by intense questioning and uncertainty as they begin to prepare for the community and parental beliefs and values.
Factors impacting children and young people's development
Children and young people hamper different and unique personality and their intellectual, physical, emotional, social and language development if modified by individual both internal and external factors. These factors can further be categorized either positive factors that influence faster than normal development with less hindrance and negative or risk factors that instigate possibility of development delay.
Personal factors
These are personal or internal factors that have an influence over child development; they include disability and illness, motivation and characteristics. Motivation: children and young people normally have an innate curiosity to learn and discover and motivation to find new pleasurable activities. Upon joining the school, their internal motivation is simply replaced by the wish to perform well and feet among the peers.
Disability and illness: children with disability, for instance, wheelchair bound children can sometimes be a potential hindered and disadvantaged in their physical progression. This tends to hinder their participation in all normal activities like their peers, therefore, affecting their fine motor skills development. Children suffering from an illness like asthma have limited access to activities like running for them to be energetic and active. This also prevents them from forming a social bond with their peers.
Learning difficulties: having learning difficulties can general hinders overall child's development including their physical, cognitive and social skills (Pumfrey, 2013). For instance, if a child suffers from dyslexia, a problem with writing and reading makes it difficult for them to comprehend and process everyday learning
materials to keep them pace with their peers.
External factors
These external factors that influence child's development include their immediate environment. Immediate environment entails their family, socioeconomic background and the education they receive from institutions or their family. Family: children normally feel protected by those who surround them; therefore, they have the opportunity to development socially through frequent interaction with their relatives and friends (Ungar et al. 2013. Pg349). A bigger family tends to give moral values and education to their children who help in cognitive and social progression.
Socioeconomic: wealthy or poverty of family is highly influential when it comes to child's development as this dictates the type of education they receive (Newman et al. 2014). On the same ground, education a child receives greatly depends on other factors than the money. Modes of treatment a child receive right from kindergarten have a greater impact on their development.
Benefits of early intervention to support the development of children and young people
Any delay in development normally needs to be addressed promptly for the introduction of early interventions. It is of great importance to track child's development changes as this assist in the following ways:
Children and young people should register consecutive order to learn development skills. In the case of any delay in one skill, there will be a knock-on effect on other skills. For instance, a child require language skills before she will be able to write, also when a child has any delay in one area i.e. speech, it is capable of affecting other developmental areas such as social and emotional.
Therefore, early intervention and identification of problems in one stage will be of great help in ensuring that
children register a normal progress across all areas of development. Moreover, an early intervention assists the child to develop a good self-esteem. According to McAdams & Zapata-Gietl, 2015. Pg85. In a situation where early intervention is not affected, a child or young people may possess poor and bad self-image or self-pity which may make them reluctant to involve and participate in school activities. A child who demonstrate a poor language skills may feel embarrassed to speak in front of peers and perhaps teachers, this server as a typical example as to why early intervention is of great importance when it comes to child's development.
Potential effect of transition on children and young people's development
Gaining a potential understanding of effects of transition of children and young people's development shade light on how different transition stages and type can effect development in young people. Regarding development, young people should be granted the opportunity to talk about their future development stages so that they can be prepared. In some cases, they tend to ask questions. As a result, any harmful effects on their development can be reduced.
Unsettled experience, relationship or traumatic issues among the children is most likely to have an effect on their emotional development. A child may find it difficult to establish a trusting relationship with adults; this sometimes can be influenced by their affected emotion may be after incidents which seem insufficient to young people (Greenfield, 2014). Furthermore, it usually becomes a constant problem for children when they don’t participate in activities or their experience is not enhanced as this affect their development.
Assessing, monitoring and recording the development of children and young people informs the use
of intervention
Assessment, monitoring, recording of child development entails both formative and summative modes of assessment such as formal testing or SATS among others; it records a child's academic attainment or intellectual development (Merrell, 2014). Moreover, other forms of evaluation such as different child observation methods. Target child, tick box checklist, and time sampling method. They are normally used for different purposes by different experts. Teachers are normally required to assess and observe the development of a child whose progression is causing concern and the result to the teacher, in this case, teacher's checklist can be used. Feedback is normally given to the parents, and immediate response was undertaken.
These feedbacks are normally compared with the expected norms and milestone or expected age development statistics; these are then combined with the feedback from parents and any concern shared at home. The class teacher then discusses the result with SENCO to identify if any intervention is required. With the older child, they should be involved in any assessment of their development so as to record their feeling, views, and wishes. For instance, when assessing social development, they are normally observed in the playground, in a group of individual context. A young person may have EAL, but this might not be necessarily causing any delay in their development. In conclusion, measurement in early care and education together with the early intervention continues to be dominated with the testing of the detriment of the young people.
- Carey, Susan, and Rochel Gelman. The epigenesis of mind: Essays on biology and cognition. Psychology Press, 2014.
- Greenfield, P.M. and Cocking, R.R., 2014. Cross-cultural roots of minority child development. Psychology Press.
- Keenan, T., Evans, S. and
Crowley, K., 2016. An introduction to child development. Sage.
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