The short lived Titanic voyage Essay Example
The short lived Titanic voyage Essay Example

The short lived Titanic voyage Essay Example

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  • Pages: 11 (2994 words)
  • Published: November 7, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Even though Zimbabwe is a landlocked country, it may be acquainted with the tragic sinking of the Titanic nearly 100 years ago during its maiden voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. The White Star Company constructed this luxurious and massive ship, which included amenities such as a gymnasium, swimming pools, a squash court, and Turkish baths. On April 10, 1912, she departed from Southampton in England and was bound for New York but regrettably never arrived due to one of the most notorious maritime catastrophes in history.

A vast amount of information related to the Titanic disaster has been documented due to a comprehensive investigation. The Titanic was believed to be unsinkable, however, some have suggested that this arrogance may have provoked divine intervention. Although we may never know if this is true, it is striking how many aspects


of the tragic voyage can serve as a spiritual analogy, exposing the damaging attitudes and overconfidence of those who solely focus on worldly matters. The purpose of this article is to trace the events of the ill-fated Titanic journey and highlight several details as a cautionary tale, showcasing the danger and foolishness of neglecting our spiritual needs. As we imagine the Titanic's departure, we reflect on our own life journey and the dangers of relying solely on worldly possessions and achievements.

The unlikelihood of achieving our hopes and plans is similar to the experience of passengers on the great ship. Despite being provided with all necessities for amusement, sustenance, and entertainment, they fell short in their aspirations. The ship was truly enormous at 882 feet long, 92.5 feet wide, and 175 feet high from keel to funnel tops

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Among the ten millionaires on board were White Star's Managing Director Bruce Ismay and reputedly the world's wealthiest man, Colonel Aster.

With a crew of 899, the ship was equipped with two large steam engines that required constant fueling from the 6000 tons of coal reserves for a single crossing. While the lower class cabins were more basic and further within the ship, the passengers in first and second class were comfortably accommodated. Noteworthy amenities included four electric lifts, multiple restaurants, a Parisian Cafi?? with French waiters, a grand staircase, and crystal chandeliers. The 28 First Class State rooms and Suites were decorated in splendid styles of the era.

Additionally, it is worth noting that an entire orchestra was present to entertain and provide post-meal musical performances for the guests aboard the ship. Although the available amenities and resources onboard were lavish and abundant, these particular examples serve to illustrate our human tendency to perceive life as encompassing all of the essential components that are capable of fully satisfying our desires and needs - notwithstanding the fact that we may not have personally experienced each one.

Irrespective of our personal financial or social standing, we hold a great deal of respect and admiration for those who are affluent and renowned. We find solace in being a small part of this magnificent world and honour its idols and stars. The ship consisted of people from diverse backgrounds, including Irish immigrants who were searching for a better life in America. Together with the crew, there were 1324 passengers onboard - each representing the varied individuals of our society, occupying different societal strata. They all travel through time with their

own aspirations, hopes, fears and uncertainties. Although they have distinct stories to share, they are all ultimately fellow travellers on the same journey across the sea of life; some with specific destinations in mind while others savouring the voyage without any knowledge about where it may lead them.

The majority of individuals go through their daily routines without considering their deepest needs or reflecting on where they will ultimately end up, be it heaven or hell. The Titanic, similarly, sailed smoothly for four days before tragedy struck, mirroring the youthful optimism we have when starting out in life with hope and high expectations, oblivious to inevitable challenges. Childhood is a time of innocence before sin takes hold and the world's problems become apparent. Meanwhile, the telegraph operators aboard the Titanic were constantly transmitting messages from passengers and crew members alike.

As the enormous vessel sailed through the dark, endless ocean, passengers remained oblivious to its immense power and the perilous fate that awaited anyone foolish enough to venture into the deep alone. Similarly, as we make our way through life, we often forget that eternity looms over us and can claim us at any moment, much like the vast ocean taking in those whose thread of life is cut. The ship operators received a staggering seven warnings of icebergs in the area, further south than typical for that time of year and located in the shipping lanes. Despite these warnings, there was no panic or concern among Titanic's passengers.

Just like the famous Titanic, believed to be unsinkable and able to withstand anything nature threw at it, we too receive warnings in our lives. The world around

us showcases a God of incredible majesty, but often we turn a blind eye. Our consciences speak up, but we choose to ignore them. God's Word warns of Judgment Day and the hope of a gracious Savior, but we scoff and continue on blindly. The crows nest held two men named Fleet and Lee as an early warning system before radar existed. They stood braced against the cold night, peering ahead into the darkness.

Even without a pair of binoculars, their senses and instincts still proved to be insufficient in preventing disaster. This is similar to how humans tend to rely on their own understanding and dismiss the guidance of God, putting too much faith in the world's wisdom and prideful boasts instead of seeking the One who reigns over all of history. At 11pm on April 14th, the lookouts raised the alarm and contacted the bridge with the message "object dead ahead". A massive iceberg emerged from the dark waters and blocked the vessel's course.

Despite attempts to avoid it, like a ship trying to steer clear of a collision, sin is inevitable. Scripture describes how everyone, like lost sheep, will succumb to sin and break God's laws. It is a daily obstacle that even the great and small cannot escape, leading to habitual sinful behavior. However, the impact of sin is often underestimated. Many believe they can get away with it without facing long-term consequences or damage, as inner thoughts and motivations remain hidden from others.

The Titanic's encounter with the iceberg demonstrated this phenomenon. Although the ship attempted to turn to the left, it was not enough to avoid the massive ice formation.

As a result, fragments of ice fell onto the decks as the Titanic passed by. The ship then felt a slight shake for approximately ten seconds before moving on, leaving the iceberg behind.

Similarly, sin can be deceptive. Its harm may not be immediately noticeable, and God does not always intervene. We may only feel a slight pang of conscience or hear a few warning bells, but we often get away with our actions. We may even make light of our sins, just as some passengers played with chunks of ice on the ship's deck. However, like the iceberg, sin's true nature is largely hidden. It is unreasonable, offensive to God, and ugly, much like the massive size of the iceberg lurking beneath thousands of feet of water.

Although the ship appeared to be sailing smoothly, the damage inflicted below the waterline was critical and went unnoticed. In the same way, sin can harm us in ways we might not appreciate or understand, weakening our moral judgement and fibre. Its effects can be compared to internal bleeding, impairing our various organs and reducing their functionality.

As time passes, the consequences of sin become apparent in our behavior, speech, and conduct. We become more and more influenced by its demands. Similar to the sinking of the Titanic, where the once pristine creation quickly deteriorated, sin spoils and damages the original state of things. In a life-threatening situation like the sinking of the Titanic, Captain Smith ordered the immediate closure of watertight doors between the ship's 16 compartments. Despite initially underestimating the severity of the damage due to the ship's supposed unsinkable reputation, he and Mr. Andrews (the designer

of the ship) inspected it below deck.

As they observed, the water infiltrated rapidly. The coal stokers were the initial ones impacted, dealing with water sloshing at their feet during their work. It was determined that if only four compartments were flooded, the ship would withstand the ordeal. However, it became apparent that the iceberg had caused severe damage to the steel plates composing the hull of the vessel, well beyond a mere four compartments. It was evident that the water would inevitably spread to fill each compartment in succession, leading to the inevitable sinking of the ship.

Similar to the fate of passengers on a voyage, sin's destiny is inevitable once it has infiltrated the human soul. Some travelers were already asleep while others were enjoying themselves in dining halls and restaurants, chatting and playing cards, unaware of the tragedy that was about to happen. According to estimates, they had only three hours remaining before being engulfed by incoming seawater.

Captain Smith gave the command to prepare the lifeboats and send distress signals in hopes of receiving assistance during the chilling night. As sin pulls us downward, risking our eternal souls, we should also fervently pray. Distress rockets were launched in hopes of alerting nearby ships of their situation. Despite a ship visible on the horizon with twinkling lights, they did not respond to radio distress calls or the launched rockets.

During the tragic incident, the Californian was being operated by an asleep operator, an inquiry later confirmed. If only he had fulfilled his duty, the outcome may have been different. This scenario reflects how, sometimes, our cries for help go unheard and nobody is

capable of providing the necessary support when we yearn for truth, purification, and salvation. We may feel lost and sense that our lives are spiraling out of control, just like many of the passengers and crew who were unaware of the severity of the Californian's situation. Despite the tilting decks caused by the weight of the water, the lights were still on and the orchestra continued to play. This parallels society's tendency to ignore or downplay serious issues.

Despite the sinking decks and damaged society due to sinful human nature, people remain focused on their goals and dreams. The allure of bright lights and glittering entertainment persists, as they deny the gradual sinking of the foundations. Just like how the first class passengers on the Titanic ignored orders to go out on the decks and face the potential sinking, people choose to overlook the reality of their surroundings.

We share the concern that our world is gravely injured and that achieving world peace, personal transformation, and fulfillment seems unlikely without delivering ourselves. The Titanic disaster saw 1522 passengers drowned in icy waters while only 713 survived - all aboard the lifeboats. These small vessels may have appeared trivial compared to the ship they were on, but they were the key to salvation. It's possible that passengers strolling on deck before the tragedy felt insignificant when contemplating the vast ocean and a sermon on God's creation.

The nearby lifeboats would go unnoticed, and it's unlikely that anyone would realize they could be the sole means of rescuing souls in a dark, cold sea. This accurately exemplifies the gospel of Jesus Christ, as only He has the ability to save

people from Judgment and eternity lost. This is due to His bearing of sins on Calvary's cross, thereby satisfying God the Father's righteous anger and penalty for those who have faith in Him. Despite the truth in this message, it's often ignored like the lifeboats were. The true church and gospel are nearly entirely disregarded.

The significance of the relatively small lifeboats is comparable to that of the greatest ship that the world had ever seen. In the same way, Christ may be despised and ignored but is the most significant and essential Person for salvation. Only He can die for us and ensure our safe arrival in glory. When compared to Him, all the world's claims to glory and power are like the Titanic in her final moments - her splendor and engineering feats destined for obscurity in the ocean depths.

On the early morning of April 15th at 00:20, the initial command was given to deploy the lifeboats. Despite facing disarray and passenger hesitation, First Officer Matlock endeavoured to occupy "Number 7" lifeboat. The boat's capacity was for 65 individuals, however, only 24 joined.

It is surprising that some people believed they were safer on the Titanic, despite the evident tragedy. This sentiment is similar to those who have faith in this world over the assurances of a merciful Savior. Despite hearing God's call to rescue themselves, they hold onto what they are comfortable with, unwilling to accept that it is disappearing before them. These misguided people were within reach of safety but were unaware of it.

For those on the sinking Titanic, abandoning the ship in a small lifeboat and being lowered into the dark

sea below seemed like a foolish idea. It was better to stay on the large vessel with some hope of survival. Similarly, to the unspiritual mind, putting one's faith in what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross and leaving behind this world to follow Him may seem foolish. But this only holds true if one doesn't understand their own perilous situation. Without a Savior to represent them, everyone faces certain death and must stand before the righteous Judge of all the earth.

Left Behind: The fate of those who did not board the lifeboats is a grim reminder of how some failed to understand the severity of the situation. Some, like Andrews, the ship's designer, seemed resigned to their fate as they remained in the smoking room. Others, unwilling or unable to see any alternative, will succumb to this crippled and sin-sick world. Sadly, they refused help from a God of tender mercy and compassion. The middle lifeboats were better filled than those launched earlier. However, the last few had fewer occupants due to a lack of people. Similarly, although the Gospel is preached today, only a few respond meaningfully. Many will miss the opportunities and realize too late, just like a large group of women and children from steerage—a lower class accommodation deep down in the ship—whose fate was tragic.

Upon emerging on the decks, they discovered that all the boats had already departed, leaving them with a sense of hopeless despair as they acknowledged their untimely arrival. Similarly, numerous individuals may experience this same dreadful realization as they neglect the needs of their eternal soul until it is too late for assistance. Life's numerous

distractions and pursuits often consume our time, causing us to enter eternity alone and guilty. Notably, despite losing all hope, some members of the orchestra continued to play.

The act of calming the remaining passengers and crew on that cold, doomed night in the Atlantic was noble, but it presented a hopeless and sad scenario. The bravado and confidence of society seem misplaced and inappropriate when faced with mortality. People fill their lives with plans and experiences to silence the warnings of conscience, refusing to contemplate their futures beyond this life. Along with lifeboats, there were 3560 lifebelts and 48 lifebuoys, which the British Board of Trade deemed adequate provision for the unlikely event of sinking.

Despite their name, the lifebelts were entirely insufficient in protecting from the freezing sea, resulting in the loss of lives for those solely dependent on them. Similarly, many of us possess a dangerously inadequate faith in regard to our souls. We may reject the one true Savior and instead cling to alternative plans that are doomed to fail. Whether it be believing ourselves to be inherently good and thereby earned favor from God, hoping there is no God at life's end, believing we are morally superior to others, or thinking that God is not holy enough to reject anyone from His kingdom. The cries of those perishing in the sea still haunt their survivors, serving as a grave reminder not to place our trust solely in our own righteousness or human provisions and ideologies for eternal security.

At 2:20am, the ship sank with a powerful release of steam and sparks, causing those on board to be thrown into the sea. While

some were able to swim to safety boats and climb aboard them, the majority perished in the freezing water.

At dawn on a clear starlit night, survivors were forced to endure freezing darkness until the arrival of their first rescue ship, the Carpathia, at approximately 4:00am. Despite undertaking a subsequent search, only many bodies were found, and no further survivors. The 711 half-frozen occupants of the lifeboats rowed to the ship and were greeted with food and accommodations. With nothing more that could be done, they steamed towards New York and arrived on Thursday, 18th April.

As per God's teachings, only those who have accepted Christ will be guided to the eternal kingdom even through the darkness of death. The story of Titanic signifies both recklessness and courage, but it also reminds us to take our lives seriously considering whether we will be saved on Judgment Day or perish with the world. As instructed by the Bible, we should place our faith in Christ, admit our wrongdoing seeking forgiveness and surrendering our lives to Him. It is up to us to choose between remaining on deck until it is too late or boarding lifeboats that are already prepared. While the band may continue playing until the end, our fate solely depends on what decision we make.

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