The Reformation Spurred By People Theology Religion Essay Example
The Reformation, spurred by people such as Martin Luther and John Calvin, was the dramatic alteration of philosophy within the Church of England. The official start day of the month of the Reformation is said to be October 31, 1517 ( History Learning Cite 1 ) . This is the twenty-four hours that Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses onto the door of a church in Wittenberg, Germany. Even though this did non happen in England, it had a enormous impact on the Protestant reformation in England. During this clip in 1517, Henry VIII, who was the male monarch in England, was calculating out how he could cut ties with the Roman Catholic Church. He desired to disband from the Catholic Church because he wanted a divorce from his married woman, but the Pope would non let him t
...o acquire one ( Sommerville ) .
Henry VIII assumed the throne of England on February 13, 1509 ( Robinson 2 ) . By June of the same twelvemonth, Henry VIII had married Catherine of Aragon. Catherine of Aragon had been married to Henry VIII brother, Arthur, in 1501. Arthur was to presume place as male monarch, but died five months after his and Catherine 's matrimony. After Arthur died, the Catholic Pope dissolved their matrimony so that Catherine could get married Henry VIII ( Britianna ) .
The function of a queen at this clip was to do certain that the male monarch had an inheritor. In 1514, Catherine gave birth to her first babe. Because it was a male child, the people of England thought that this would be the inheritor to the throne. Unfortunately, the babe
died six hebdomads after it was born. After this first calamity, Henry VIII and Catherine decided to seek once more to hold a boy. In 1515 Catherine became pregnant and the babe was born on February 18, 1516. Hoping for a male child, so that they could hold an inheritor, Henry was really disquieted when they found out that it was a miss. This kid was named Mary. Mary finally became queen and was known as Bloody Mary ( Bell, Macon 57 ) . Convinced that Catherine would ne'er give him the inheritor he wanted, Henry VIII began to look for other ways to get an inheritor to the throne. Several old ages went by where Catherine had neither gotten pregnant or had a kid. By the twelvemonth 1525, Henry VIII had fallen in love with another adult female. This adult female 's name was Anne Boleyn.
In 1517, when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of a church in Wittenberg, Germany, England was still really tight with the Roman Catholic Church. In fact, Henry VIII wrote a statement reprobating Martin Luther 's 95 theses. In this statement it said that Martin Luther was a prevaricator and a moonstruck. For this written onslaught on Martin Luther, King Henry VIII received the rubric of `` Fidei Defensor '' , which means `` guardian of the religion '' , from Pope Leo X.
In the twelvemonth 1527, Henry announced that he was set on disassociating Catherine of Aragon. He was tired of waiting to hold an inheritor to the throne, and he was already wooing another adult female. In May of 1527, Catherine of Aragon appealed
to Rome about the divorce that Henry VIII desired. So during this clip, Henry VIII was making all he could to procure the divorce so that he could re-marry. While Catherine of Aragon was making everything in her power to do certain that the Roman Catholic Church did non let this divorce to travel through. In England, a tribunal instance was opened to make up one's mind whether or non Henry VIII could disassociate Catherine. It was decided that Henry must obtain permission and consent from the Roman Catholic Church in order to have the divorce. Henry VIII appointed Thomas Wolsey as Lord Chancellor ( Kirsch ) . Wolsey 's occupation was to run into with the leaders of the church in Rome to procure the divorce. However, no affair how difficult Wolsey tried, he could non derive permission for the divorce. He met with everybody that had connexions with the Catholic Church, even the Pope, but he was non successful in obtaining consent for Henry VIII to acquire a divorce. Enraged, Henry VIII instantly removed Thomas Wolsey from his place as Lord Chancellor.
In December of 1532, Anne Boleyn became pregnant. Equally shortly as King Henry VIII discovered this, he appointed one of his friends, Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury. Henry VIII did this, cognizing that Cranmer would make whatever the male monarch wanted. Immediately after Cranmer assumed his new place, he foremost granted the divorce to Henry VIII, declaring his matrimony with Catherine of Aragon nothing and nothingness. Shortly after, on January 25, 1533 he married Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. In September of that twelvemonth, Anne Boleyn gave birth to Elizabeth I. Disappointed
that it was non a male child ; Henry said that he still loved Anne and that they would bring forth a legitimate inheritor. However, following this kid were three different abortions.
By this clip, the Catholic Church in Rome was already disgusted with the actions of the King of England. When Henry VIII declared himself the official caput of the Church of England, Rome had plenty. The Pope excommunicated Henry VIII and said that there were no longer ties between the Catholic Church and England. King Henry VIII eventually received what he wanted, England and the Catholic Church in Rome, were wholly separated.
One of the most popular names when it comes to the Reformation is Martin Luther. Luther is credited with get downing the Protestant Reformation in Europe. On October 31, 1517, Luther rebelled against the Catholic Church and nailed his 95 theses onto the door of a church in Wittenberg, Germany. Luther knew how the Catholic Church worked at that clip. The Catholic Church said that in order to be saved, one must make good plants. Luther read into the Bible and found that this was non the instance. Alternatively, Luther preached that we have justification by religion entirely, non of good plants. Luther steadfastly believed that redemption was a private affair between adult male and God. He thought that the church leaders were holding excessively much influence on people 's personal relationships with God. When the Catholic Church heard that Luther was learning this, Luther was considered an castaway and a prevaricator.
Martin Luther wrote 95 theses. Some of these were direct onslaughts on the Catholic Church and their beliefs. Theses figure 35 on
Martin Luther 's list states `` They who teach that attrition is non necessary on the portion of those who intend to purchase psyches out of purgatory or to purchase confessional privileges preach unchristian philosophy ( Luther 1517 ) . '' If you read the 95 theses of Martin Luther you will see that throughout the full thing, Luther makes three major points. Luther criticizes three chief things that that Catholic Church was making that was incorrect ( Uncommon Travel Germany ) .
First, Luther was call on the carpeting the Pope for constructing the Cathedral of St. Peter 's with money earned from the merchandising of indulgences ( Atkinson 69 ) . At this clip, the Pope was focused on edifice cathedrals, particularly one cathedral in particular, St. Peter 's. Luther thought that utilizing the money that the church earned from indulgences to construct St. Peters was a waste of money. He said that if the Pope truly wanted to construct this edifice, he should utilize his ain money. The Pope was one of, if non the richest adult male in the universe at this clip.
The 2nd topic that Martin Luther onslaughts in his 95 theses is non merely the usage of the money earned from the sale of indulgences, but the full thought of indulgences in the first topographic point. The Catholic Church preached and taught that there were two parts to holding your wickednesss cleansed. First, there was the forgiveness of wickedness. They taught that after your wickednesss had been forgiven, there still had to be a penalty for wickedness. The Catholic Church preached that the penalty for wickedness was an drawn-out sum
of clip in a topographic point called purgatory. However, the Church told the people that there was a manner out of this Purgatory. This is where indulgences come into drama. Originally, indulgences were actions that people could execute in order to cut down their clip spent in purgatory. Whether it is a good title, or praying the Rosary, people would make all they could to cut down their penalty. This is non what caused Martin Luther to go agitated with the Church. However, when the church began to sell indulgences to the more affluent people ; that is when Martin Luther attacked the Catholic Church. Luther believed that the thought of indulgences and Purgatory put people 's redemption at hazard. He believed that it gave people a false sense of security and it would, in the long tally, ache them more than assist them. Luther knew that we obtain redemption through religion, non by plants. So when Luther attacked this facet of the Catholic Church, he received much heartache from the higher church governments.
The 3rd and concluding thing that Luther truly stressed within his 95 theses was that the Pope has no power over Purgatory, whatsoever. Martin Luther said that if the Pope had the power to pardon the agony of some people in Purgatory, by manner of indulgences, why would he non merely pardon everybody of Purgatory? If the thought of indulgences was more than merely a cozenage, the Pope could hold released everybody, free of charge.
Martin Luther besides had many other thoughts that he stressed in his Hagiographas and his instructions that opposed the Catholic Church. First, he strongly taught redemption by religion.
Luther believed and preached that people were saved, non by good actions or plants, but by religion in the Lord Jesus Christ. All of Luther 's beliefs came straight from the Bible, as he interpreted it. Luther besides supported the rejection of Papal power. He believed that the leaders of the Catholic Church in Rome had excessively much power. He wanted the power to be dispersed amongst many persons, alternatively of it all shacking within one adult male.
The Catholic Church promoted sacraments. Sacraments are non required to come in into Eden, but are encouraged by the Catholic Church. The first three sacraments are called the Sacraments of induction. The first sacrament within this group is baptism. In baptism, the priest would pour H2O over the individual acquiring baptized caput three times so recite the undermentioned line: `` I baptize you in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. '' Baptism may merely be received one time ; it is non allowed to be repeated. Today, this is still practiced, but alternatively of pouring H2O over 1s head three times, H2O is sprinkled on them. The 2nd Sacrament is called Confirmation. Confirmation is really similar to baptism in the sense that it involves an anointing with a sacred Chrism. This measure is called verification because it confirms and solidifies the significance of baptism. Like baptism, this procedure can merely go on one clip, repeat is non allowed. The 3rd and concluding measure of the Sacraments of Initiation is called Eucharist. Holy sacrament is the measure in which person takes staff of life and vino and partakes in the greatest forfeit
known to adult male, Jesus deceasing for our wickednesss. During this procedure of Eucharist, one will eat the staff of life and imbibe the vino, and through a procedure called transubstantiation, the staff of life becomes the organic structure of Jesus, and the vino the blood. The Catholic Church holds this belief to a really high criterion. So high, that they partake in this procedure during every service of Mass.
The following two sacraments are called the Sacraments of Healing. The Catholic Church believes that if a individual strays off from God due to wickednesss or actions that the church reproofs, they must travel through what is called Penance or Reconciliation. This is known as the first Sacrament of mending. In order to finish this Sacrament, a individual must travel through a four stage procedure. The first is called attrition. Attrition is the compunction or experiencing guilty of one 's wickednesss. After one goes through Contrition, he must travel to confession. In the phase of confession, a individual must travel to a priest or a leader of the church and squeal his wickednesss and errors. After one confesses his wickednesss, he will travel through what is called the absolution by the priest. This is when the priest will state the individual what they must make in order to derive forgiveness for the wickedness that they committed. After all of this is completed, a individual can derive satisfaction or Penance, which is the 4th and concluding stage of Penance. The 2nd and concluding Sacrament of healing is called the Anointing of the Sick. This Sacrament allows any truster in Christ to anoint person that is ill of
a disease or old age, in order to mend them.
The 3rd and concluding group of Sacraments is called the Sacraments at the Service of Communion. The first Sacrament in this group is called Holy Orders. This is the procedure in which a adult male becomes a priest, a bishop, or a deacon. Several guidelines must be met for a adult male to go any one of these. Once a adult male becomes a priest, bishop or deacon, he is expected to move harmonizing to the Law of the Bible and his character to non be compromised by anything. The 2nd Sacrament of this group and the 7th and concluding sacrament is called Matrimony. Matrimony or matrimony is held to a really high grade within the Catholic Church. The Matrimony of two baptised people can non be dissolved. The Catholic Church looks at Matrimony as a image between Jesus and the church. Because of this, Matrimony is held to the highest criterion, and is expected non to be taken for granted or abused by the people of the Catholic Church.
One other thing that the Catholic Church strongly preached and supported was the being of Purgatory. Martin Luther read and studied the Bible, happening no reference of this topographic point of enduring anyplace. The Catholic Priests taught that, after decease, all people that had accepted Jesus as their Jesus would travel to Purgatory. Catholics believe that in Purgatory, worlds would endure for their wickednesss that they committed on Earth. Once their clip of agony was up, nevertheless long it may be, people would be able to come in heaven. Luther strongly opposed this belief and caught much
persecution from the Catholic Church for it.
From the clip Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to a church door, it did non take really long for his instructions to distribute all across Europe and into England. When the Hagiographas of Luther entered England, by manner of merchandisers and bargainers, he was rejected by the King and the Pope. The King of England, Henry VIII, wrote an onslaught against Luther, reprobating his beliefs stating that they were dissident and untrue. The Pope made a Papal Decree that the Hagiographas and beliefs of Martin Luther were Heretical and that he must either recant or he would be excommunicated. Martin Luther would non abjure, and would finally be excommunicated from the Catholic Church.
Martin Luther is credited with non merely get downing the Reformation, but being the leader in set uping the Protestant Church as we know it today. The beliefs of Luther shaped Protestantism. However, although Luther is good known for his positive influence on the Protestant church, he is besides good known for some negative things. One thing in peculiar that stands out about Martin Luther is that he hated the Jews. Luther believed that Jews were the trash of the Earth and that they had no topographic point within the church. This shows that cipher is perfect and that everybody 's belief systems have holes in it.
Luther is non the lone individual credited with holding a immense influence of the English Reformation. John Calvin, a Gallic reformer, is besides credited with holding an influence of the Protestant reformation in England. Like Luther, Calvin rejected Papal authorization. However, Calvin and Luther had a few beliefs that clashed
with one another. Luther believed that all work forces have free will and that work forces find God. Whereas Calvin believed that God predestines everything and that God chooses a group of people that he saves, and leaves the remainder. This is why the Armenians of John Calvin 's clip hated him. They believed that what he was composing and instruction was dissident and false. The Armenians hate Calvin so much that even today, they claim that Calvin had no influence on the Protestant reformation ( Toplady ) .
Calvin had one system of beliefs that he preached. He made this system good known by naming it the TULIP system. Each missive in the word tulip stands for a different point in the belief system. The `` T '' in tulip bases for Entire Depravity. Total Depravity means that we are non able to happen God because our Black Marias and desires are pure immorality. The `` U '' stands for Unconditional Election. This means that when God was taking the chosen to be saved, he did non take people based on earthly conditions. Cipher knows what conditions God had, merely God knows. The `` L '' stands for Limited Atonement. Limited Atonement is the belief that Jesus died for merely the chosen on the cross. The `` I '' stands for Irresistible Grace. This states that we, as worlds, can non defy the naming of redemption from God. `` P '' stands for the Perseverance of the Saints. This means that cipher can lose their redemption. If God chooses the chosen, so it would non do sense for anybody to be able to lose their
From the clip that England broke off from the Catholic Church to the clip that the Church of England was the official church, Calvin had a great influence on England. Calvin assisted in the Protestant reformation in the sense that he allow all the false philosophies of the Church of England be known to the people. The beliefs and philosophies that were perversive to people and were taking them astray, were made known to them by Calvin. So even though the Armenians hatred Calvin, they must accept that without him, the Protestant church as they know it today would be dramatically different.
From the clip when Henry VIII assumed the throne of England, to the clip when Calvin was being persecuted by fellow trusters and Luther was being hunted by church leaders to be silenced is known as the Reformation. Without the English Reformation, the Protestant church as we know it today would be wholly different ( Ziegler ) . The reformation straight affects Americans because this state was founded by those Protestants in England. Without Luther and Calvin, the Reformation would hold ne'er happened. Without the errors of Henry VIII that got him excommunicated from the Catholic Church, America would likely be a different state today. History, whether sloppy or pristine, shapes the universe as it is today, and the Reformation is a premier illustration of that. Without the Protestant Reformation in England, the full universe as we know it would be different.
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