The Attributes Associated with the Judaic and Christian Concept of God Essay Example
The examination of the Judaic and Christian concepts of God presents philosophical difficulties due to their numerous similar characteristics. One such shared attribute is the portrayal of God as 'transcendent', indicating that God is separated from the universe and consequently considered impersonal, with a restricted influence on individuals but impacting society as a whole. This view conflicts with the belief in an 'omnipresent' God who exists everywhere, rather than solely as a transcendent being.
Both Judaism and Christianity view God as both 'transcendent' and 'immanent'. The former refers to a distant, powerful God, while the latter denotes a personal, close one. While these two concepts may seem contradictory at first glance, they can coexist if we consider the idea of an omnipresent God who fills all creation and is present within eac
...h individual - yet remains transcendent in terms of power, intelligence, and overall abilities. However, some argue that this theological concept of God is equivocal because messages from Him can be interpreted in different ways due to ambiguity. Nevertheless, others contend that an all-powerful and all-loving God would not give unclear or misleading instructions to His creations.
A God that is not clear in his messages contradicts the idea of a 'univocal' God. This means that God should have a single, unmistakable meaning. A loving God would want as many people to follow his path as possible and therefore would provide a clear message to show them the right way to live. Not living a good life can lead to eternal punishment in hell, which an all-loving God would want to prevent. However, considering the idea of freewill, it is possible that God i
intentionally unclear in order for humans to make a choice to seek the truth. It is also possible that God gives ambiguous instructions in order for people to seek a deeper understanding. Despite forgiving those who sin, God still punishes.
The notion of eternal damnation is challenged by the concept that a benevolent and merciful God would offer forgiveness to those residing in hell. Christian teaching recounts the tale of Lucifer, who betrayed God and became Satan. This implies that prior to Lucifer's transgression, Satan did not exist (and nor did evil). Therefore, why does an all-powerful God not use divine power to eradicate or redeem Lucifer? Some individuals argue that God granted humans free will to choose between the path of Satan and the path of God, indicating that God made a decision to expose humanity to Satan as a means to allow them to determine their own course.
The concept of God's immutability is challenged by the absence of Satan at creation since it implies that God changed His character and decision making by allowing Satan to exist. The subject of evil and suffering sparks debates, with some questioning God's omnipotence or omniscience concerning them. Conversely, others argue that these are not works of God and cannot be prevented because people's choices lack the presence of God. Nonetheless, advocates for an all-powerful deity contend that He can utilize His power to prevent such absence within individuals.
However, the idea of free will may challenge this perspective and suggest that God respects human choices. In general, there are numerous conflicting and incomprehensible traits associated with God in Judaism and Christianity. Moreover, many of these attributes
are devisable and subject to various interpretations. In my opinion, individuals should determine the nature of God and His features based on their own beliefs.
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