Relational Databases Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Relational Databases?
A relational database is a type of database management system (DBMS) that stores and manages data in tables related to one another by common attributes. Unlike other types of databases, such as flat-file or hierarchical, the relationships between different tables are carefully defined before any data is stored. This allows for more efficient storage and retrieval of information by users. Relational databases have become widely used in many industries due to their ability to easily store large amounts of structured data while allowing quick retrieval and updating capabilities. Relational databases use Structured Query Language (SQL) to manipulate data within the tables. SQL statements can be used to add new records, delete existing ones, update certain fields, search for specific records or combinations thereof, join multiple tables together into views, create backups and more. In addition to providing a powerful language for manipulating data within the system itself, SQL also enables easy exchange of data with other systems via standard protocols like ODBC or JDBC. The main advantages of using relational databases include their flexibility when it comes to changes in underlying structures; scalability through increased performance; improved security measures; easier administration tasks; better access control mechanisms over who can view what information; automated backup procedures which help protect against accidental loss or corruption of important information; and finally improved accuracy due to fewer chances for human error during input operations or modifications made over time. In conclusion, relational databases have become an essential tool not just in business but also in government agencies as well as educational institutions around the world because they provide an effective means of storing large quantities of structured information while allowing fast queries and updates whenever needed. The wide range of features found on today’s modern relational database systems make them highly versatile tools that are suitable for almost any environment where controlled access over valuable resources must be maintained at all times.