High Uncertainty Avoidance Cultures Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is High Uncertainty Avoidance Cultures?
High Uncertainty Avoidance Cultures are those societies that have a strong desire for structure and clear rules to reduce ambiguity and uncertainty. These cultures tend to be very hierarchical, with strict rules, laws, and guidelines in place to ensure predictability. People from high uncertainty avoidance cultures often feel uncomfortable with change or risk taking as it can lead to unpredictable outcomes.In high uncertainty avoidance cultures, people often prefer traditional values and rituals over new ideas or concepts. They may also have a strong sense of duty and loyalty towards their culture’s beliefs and practices. These cultures focus on preserving their unique identity by avoiding anything that could disrupt the established social order. As such, they tend to be resistant to foreign influence or new ways of thinking. People from high uncertainty avoidance cultures place a great deal of emphasis on formality in communication styles and etiquette. They also value conformity over individuality as it allows them to feel secure in the knowledge that everyone is following the same rules and norms. This can lead them to be rigid when it comes to problem solving as they may struggle with creative solutions or out-of-the-box thinking due to their reliance on traditional methods of dealing with issues. Overall, high uncertainty avoidance cultures prioritize stability over exploration which can make them resistant towards change or innovation. This type of culture places importance on preserving its existing norms rather than welcoming new perspectives which can limit its potential for growth in an ever changing world.