Foundations Of Professional Nursing Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Foundations Of Professional Nursing?
Foundations of Professional Nursing is a comprehensive textbook that provides the foundation for becoming an effective, knowledgeable nurse. It covers topics essential to the success of modern nursing practice such as: legal and ethical issues in nursing; communication and patient care; health promotion; research utilization; quality improvement strategies; financial management and reimbursement systems; leadership roles in healthcare organizations. Additionally, Foundations of Professional Nursing explores the role of nurses within interdisciplinary teams, examines evidence-based practice guidelines, and discusses trends in healthcare delivery models. The book’s approach begins with an introduction to professional nursing roles and responsibilities then moves on to discuss the fundamentals of quality assurance in nursing care. The authors provide detailed information about regulatory requirements related to documentation and record keeping, credentialing standards, scope-of-practice regulations, licensure examination processes and more. The text also includes a variety of tools needed for successful implementation such as forms used to document patient history or evaluate clinical performance or outcomes measurement techniques. In addition to providing foundational knowledge about professional nursing roles, Foundations of Professional Nursing also emphasizes various aspects of cultural diversity throughout its chapters by introducing relevant ethnic considerations when discussing topics like ethics or communication styles between providers & patients/families. Furthermore, it charts out steps for developing multicultural understanding which can be utilized not only within direct patient care but also during interactions with coworkers from other backgrounds & perspectives. Overall this book serves as an excellent resource for current nurses seeking to update their knowledge base about professional practices or those looking towards starting their career in nursing by gathering valuable insights into what lies ahead professionally & ethically speaking.. By using practical examples & case studies it helps bridge gaps between theory & real life situations while at same time encouraging critical thinking through exercises related to each chapter’s content material making this a must have reference guide.