Cooperative Learning Groups Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Cooperative Learning Groups?
Cooperative Learning Groups are groups of students that interact with each other to learn, think critically, and complete tasks. In cooperative learning groups, students are encouraged to think critically and collaboratively in order to solve problems. They must work together to come up with solutions and understand the material being presented. Cooperative learning has been shown to improve academic performance, increase student interaction, foster good communication skills, and enhance self-esteem. The main goal of cooperative learning is for all members of the group to understand the material being studied or discussed through problem solving. This helps students develop their problem solving skills by allowing them to practice working together on tasks and problems in a supportive environment. Each student is responsible for contributing his or her own ideas while also listening and responding appropriately when another student makes an argument or suggestion. The benefits of using cooperative learning in classrooms are numerous; it increases student engagement, encourages critical thinking skills, promotes collaboration among peers, builds confidence in speaking out loud in front of others as well as making contributions during discussions/group activities. Additionally it also helps build interpersonal relationships among classmates which can lead to positive social outcomes such as increased acceptance of diversity within the classroom setting. One activity used frequently within Cooperative Learning Groups is jigsawing; this involves assigning each member a different part of a topic or theme that he/she needs to research independently before joining back with the group again so that everyone can share their findings and put them all together like pieces of a puzzle (hence jigsaw). This activity encourages active participation from each member since everyone needs their part for the jigsaw puzzle (or project) to be completed successfully – which is why it’s important for every person involved in an activity like this one not only understand what they have been assigned but also actively contribute during discussion time when everyone comes back together after researching separately. Overall cooperative learning has many educational benefits due its ability not only help students deepen their understanding on topics but also build relationships among peers while developing skills such as critical thinking & collaboration – making it an effective tool for teachers when trying engage their classes.