Ten Steps to Building College Reading Skills/ Chapter 6 Relationships Pt. 1 Exercise 2

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1. Before refrigeration was invented, methods such as salting and drying were used to preserve foods. The time transition used is: (Type one word. Then click "GO.")
2. Benjamin Franklin did not want to make the eagle America's national bird. He preferred the turkey, which he considered a more respectable creature. Moreover, he was in favor of putting a turkey on the American flag. The addition transition used is: (Type one word. Then click "GO.")
3. People may be discriminated against on the basis of religion, gender, or sexual orientation. In addition, they may be unfairly judged by others because of their age, a physical or mental disability, or even their height or weight. The addition transition used is: (Type two words. Then click "GO.")
In addition
4. The first small party of Americans headed westward toward California in 1840. Then, in the next 25 years, 350,000 more people made the journey along the overland trails. The time transition used is: (Type one word. Then click "GO.")
5. High blood pressure is a very widespread disease among Americans. More than 50 percent of people over age fifty have high blood pressure, as do 10 percent of people age eighteen to twenty-four. Also, high blood pressure is now being found in children. The addition transition used is: (Type one word. Then click "GO.")
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6. The earliest stage of society was the hunting-and-gathering period, in which people simply relied on whatever food was available. The next stage in history was the one in which people began to plant crops by hand. Later came the third stage in which planting was done with inventions such as the plow, which greatly increased crop yields. The selection's main pattern of organization is: (Type LIST or TIME. Then click "GO.")
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7. A government Commission on Reading found that reading aloud to children is the single most important step to later reading success. In addition, reading aloud supports children's language and mental development and strengthens the adult-child bond. Most important of all, children begin to view reading as an enjoyable activity. The selection's main pattern of organization is: (Type LIST or TIME. Then click "GO.")
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8. During the American Revolution (1775-1783), some Americans started to turn against slavery. In 1787. the year the Constitution was adopted, many felt slavery violated the claim that "all men are created equal." After 1800, many Northerners began working to end slavery, while many Southerners insisted on their right to continue owning slaves. Rising anger between the Northern and Southern states over the issue of slavery helped bring about the American Civil War. When the Civil War ended in 1865, slavery was outlawed in the United States. The selection's main pattern of organization is: (Type LIST or TIME. Then click "GO.")
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9. If you have trouble sleeping, there are several things you can try to deal with the problem. One is to remove from your bedroom distractions that may interfere with sleep. Move your TV, CD player, and magazines to some other room. Also, avoid caffeine in the evening. Coffee, tea, chocolate, and many soft drinks all contain caffeine and can interfere with sleep. Third, take some time to relax before going to bed. If you talk on the phone or work right up until you turn off your light, you may find yourself too wound up to go to sleep. The selection's main pattern of organization is: (Type LIST or TIME. Then click "GO.")
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10. The first time you attend a concert by a symphony orchestra, it is helpful to know what to expect at the beginning of the program. As you arrive and take your seat, you will see the orchestra musicians come onstage quite informally, one or a few at a time. After they go to their places, they begin warming up on their instruments. When they are all in place, the doors to the auditorium are closed and the concertmaster—the principal violinist—comes on, tunes the orchestra, and then takes his or her own place. Next, the conductor enters, to applause from the audience, and steps onto the podium to start the concert. The selection's main pattern of organization is: (Type LIST or TIME. Then click "GO.")
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