Technology And Law Enforcement Essay Example
Technology And Law Enforcement Essay Example

Technology And Law Enforcement Essay Example

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  • Pages: 10 (2503 words)
  • Published: February 26, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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The book argues that law enforcement leaders recognize the importance of technology in controlling crime and ensuring community safety (9). Information Technology (IT) encompasses the study and use of systems like computers and telecommunications to store, retrieve, and transmit information. Technology is deeply ingrained in our daily lives, making it almost impossible to go a day without interacting with a technological or computerized device. The significant advantages brought about by technology make it unwise to disregard its potential in addressing society's extensive crime problem. Crime, which refers to offenses punishable by law, can be combated using Information Technology through various means. IT can aid in crime detection, implement strategies for fighting crime, and establish systems for managing long-term criminal activities. Examples of elements that can be employed include biometrics, product protection, and closed-circuit television (CCTV). Biometrics involve analyzing biological data statist


ically to uniquely identify individuals based on their physical traits as defined by the Oxford Concise English Dictionary. The focus is on technologies that analyze human characteristics for automatic recognition or verification of identity, particularly pertaining to measurable biometrics. Biometric characteristics encompass fingerprinting, face recognition, DNA testing along with physical or behavioral attributes (Ghana 2). Biometric systems consist of components for enrollment and identification purposes.The enrollment part prepares a user's characteristics as a criterion, while the identification part verifies the captured end user's characteristics (8). In 1984, Richard Ramirez, also known as the "Night Stalker," brought prominence to fingerprinting technology through his crimes in Southern California. Despite police attempts to apprehend him, comparing crime scene fingerprints to those on file proved ineffective without a known suspect. However, in 1985, an Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IFS

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revolutionized fingerprint identification by providing quick results. This system successfully matched the fingerprint to Richard Ramirez after his photo was released, leading to his arrest (Snow 1-6). The use of advanced equipment demonstrated its value for criminal identification.

Face recognition offers non-contact identification and eliminates the need for direct interaction (Snow 1-6). It also aids in crime detection by utilizing archived face images for identifying individuals of interest. LAP conducted a successful test run, resulting in the capture of criminals and a reduction in crime rates. Facial recognition software was used in Tampa, Florida to play a crucial role in capturing and convicting the abductor and murderer of a young girl. However, concerns have been raised regarding potential ethical issues such as infringement on individual rights and cases of mistaken identity.In contrast, DNA analysis is a highly reliable method due to the unique nature of DNA found in human cells. Each person has over 45 billion miles of DNA within their bodies. This technology has had a significant impact on justice systems worldwide, as law enforcement agencies heavily depend on comparing biological samples from crime scenes and suspects with archived DNA profiles.

Similarly, counterfeiting poses a major threat to revenue, supply chains, and brand reputation. To address this issue, various security measures such as smart inks, holograms, and watermarks are employed. In 2001 alone, the European Union seized 95 million counterfeit items worth two billion Euros. Consequently, the branded goods industry widely adopts security measures like smart inks that offer enhanced protection against counterfeiters by allowing multiple features to be integrated into packaging design.

Holograms are created by illuminating a photograph of an inference matter to generate three-dimensional

images (Williams and Johnson 1). These holograms not only enhance brands as genuine and authenticated but also make it challenging for average criminals to duplicate or produce them. Thus, holograms contribute to product brand security.

Closed-circuit Television (CATV) refers to the use of video cameras transmitting signals to specific locations displayed on limited monitors. CATV was first introduced in Britain in August 1985 as a response to increasing vandalism on the city's waterfront.The number of towns with CATV systems increased over time, reaching 39 in 1993, 90 in March 1995, and over 200 by August of the following year. Crime detection using CATV involves security, monitoring, and surveillance cameras. CATV security cameras are crucial components of video surveillance systems. They possess high shutter speeds, pixel resolution, and memory capacity that enable photographs to be captured based on motion detection or continuously. By utilizing motion detection programming in camera software, security personnel can receive notifications when unauthorized movement occurs in specific areas at certain times.

In recent years, security cameras have also been utilized in homes as deterrents against potential burglars. Their presence acts as evidence that illegal activities may be recorded and used in court proceedings. Additionally, surveillance cameras play an essential role in crime detection as they serve various purposes. Krueger emphasizes that the implementation of video surveillance systems has significantly decreased incidents of shoplifting and employee theft.

It is noteworthy to mention that theft encompasses both physical items and information. These surveillance systems function as both a deterrent and a method for identifying and apprehending criminals. In the field of Information Technology (IT), multiple elements such as forensics, wireless technology, and leveraging information to combat crime

are incorporated. Forensics entails employing scientific methods to investigate crimes and address legal inquiries.This discipline encompasses various areas such as ballistic testing, DNA databases, and computer forensics. Ballistics is specifically focused on studying the flight patterns, behavior, and impact of projectiles and firearms on targets. The analysis of firearm usage in criminal activities has played a significant role in law enforcement practices for over a century. The importance of ballistic fingerprinting in crime analysis has been amplified by recent advancements in computer image resolution technology. In 1997, the FBI and TAFT established the National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIB) to track digitized ballistic fingerprints of guns used in crimes (Carter and Visas 77). The FBI operates the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), a DNA database that can be integrated with databases from Europe and South America through sample contributions. The United Kingdom also maintains its own National DNA database called AND, which had over 4 million samples by the end of 2006 and continues to grow at a rate of 30,000 samples per month. A study funded by the National Institute of Justice (NJ) revealed that DNA databases aid in apprehending and prosecuting offenders, averting an average of 7.8 crimes for each conviction based on DNA evidence. Additionally, computers themselves can be involved in criminal activities; hence computer forensics entails collecting, preserving, analyzing, and presenting computer-related evidence.Computers are utilized in a range of illegal activities, including white collar crimes, murder, terrorism, counterintelligence operations, espionage efforts, counterfeiting operations, and drug dealing. They can either be targeted by criminals or used as tools or repositories for storing crucial crime-related information. According to Abaca, computer forensics aims to

recover, analyze, and present computer-based material as admissible evidence in court. In the battle against crime, wireless technology like cellular phones and Global Positioning systems (GPS) is extensively employed. The growing popularity of cellular phones has led to their increased use in criminal incidents. In 2006 alone, Oregon State Police received twice as many calls from cellular phones compared to 2000. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg plans to enhance 911 call centers so they can receive digital images and videos sent from cellular phones. London police found that cellular phone images were valuable in identifying the individuals involved in the July 2005 bombings. GPS technology also plays a role in combating crime: after robbing a bank in Spokane, Washington, Thomas Frisks was swiftly apprehended by police using a concealed GPS tracking device within stolen money to locate him. When the police activated the GPS tracking program on their computers, they were promptly informed of his whereabouts.Additionally, law enforcement has utilized GPS to recover a stolen truck containing stolen artwork. Therefore, wireless technologies such as cellular phones and GPS are valuable tools for fighting crime. Lieutenant Tim Stewart of the North Texas Auto Theft Task Force revealed that they have successfully retrieved numerous stolen vehicles by using integrated GAPS/cellular systems. However, the United States has not fully embraced RIFF technology like the United Kingdom due to concerns about privacy and a lack of understanding of its capabilities. RIFF is a wireless communication technology used for identifying tagged objects or individuals (Hunt, A. Pugilism, and M. Pugilism 1). The potential impact of RIFF in fighting crime is just beginning to be recognized. When combined with technologies like

GAPS and biometric identification, RIFF can provide law enforcement with powerful new tools for solving crimes (Hunt, A. Pugilism and M. Pugilism 74). Sharing information is crucial in preventing crime by promoting collaboration among agencies and raising public awareness (Hunt, A. Pugilism and M. Pugilism 74). The significance of information sharing became apparent after the 9/11 Commission Hearings uncovered that the US government had failed to act on intelligence regarding the planned terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre. In police work, information holds special importance as it provides law enforcement with an advantage over other fieldsThe Internet plays a crucial role in fighting crime, providing valuable information. For example, when a Chicago dermatologist was killed, their family took action by sharing surveillance footage of a blood-covered young man running away online. Social networking sites like Namespace are increasingly used by both police and crime victims as improved versions of "wanted" posters. Police agencies have been monitoring videos from various social media platforms including Namespace, Youth, Faceable, Gang, etc., which captured two people allegedly using a stolen credit card at Home Depot. In nearby Bellingham, Mass., law enforcement matched the suspects' faces with jail booking photos after pursuing them. Additionally, data mining involves analyzing information from an alternative perspective. With the focus on terrorism today, law enforcement agencies face the challenge of sorting through massive amounts of data to make informed decisions. Data mining is an automated tool that uses advanced techniques such as artificial intelligence to thoroughly examine and categorize extensive datasets from one or more sources. It is valuable for identifying patterns and relationships that may not be easily detected through traditional analytical

methods alone (Choc 1). By utilizing data mining, law enforcement can analyze incidents, crimes, and changes in crime patterns to make informed deployment decisions.

Information Technology plays a crucial role in crime management by incorporating elements such as authentication, electronic monitoring, data interception, and retention. Authentication involves three different factors: something the user has, something the user knows, and something the user is or does (Kent and Millet 33). Authentication includes offender tracking, voice recognition, and fingerprint analysis. This focuses on what the user is or does.

On July 27th, 2006 President Bush established a national sex offender registry which allows citizens across the United States to determine if someone is a known sex offender by providing their identity, address and workplace information. Despite having access to the registry, law enforcement often does not know the whereabouts of these offenders. The police have limited ability to take action against sexual predators unless they catch them in the act, even if certain locations are restricted for these individuals.

However, advancements in Information Technology have given law enforcement a new tool called offender tracking. This tool allows them to monitor the movements of these dangerous individuals (Snow 140). Additionally, with the introduction of Computer Voice Stress Analyzer (CASSAVA), an investigative truth verification tool that analyzes voice patterns, this monitoring system has become even more effective at identifying extremely dangerous individuals.Traditional polygraph examinations were inconclusive in determining the killers of nine-year-old Rowan Ford, so they underwent CASSAVA examinations. The precise results obtained through this technology resulted in both killers being charged with first-degree murder and rape. Fingerprint analysis is another important aspect of crime management, where computer algorithms compare physical prints

with those stored in a database. This analysis is conducted on various levels and utilizes iris data until a match is found. The FBI's fingerprint system has an impressive accuracy rate of over 98% (Lichens). Fingerprint identification plays a crucial role in authentication and overall crime management.

Electronic monitoring, including surveillance systems, overlaps with techniques used for crime detection and prevention. Surveillance, as defined by the Oxford Concise English Dictionary, involves close observation of suspected spies or criminals. CATV-based electronic monitoring assists law enforcement by enabling observation and surveillance to aid in maintaining social control, identifying threats, and preventing criminal activity. Alan Michael, Minister of State in England, emphasizes the numerous advantages of well-managed CATV: crime prevention; deterrence from knowing observation is present; timely alerts to police about hazardous situations; operational assistance in assessing circumstances; safer convictions leading to court time savings.The text discusses how various methods and tools, including CATV and GIS, are used in law enforcement to manage crime and revitalize town centers. These methods particularly benefit vulnerable groups. By mapping crime data, including the locations of sex offenders, suspects, and crimes themselves, spatial patterns can be identified. This allows for effective deployment of law enforcement resources to analyze and prevent crime. The text also mentions other tools such as radio frequency monitoring devices for enforcing curfews and wiretapping for gathering information. Wiretapping has been successful in combating crime and terrorism according to the UK's communications commissioner Lamas. The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALLA) was passed in 1994 to aid law enforcement agencies in monitoring digital telephone networks, which now includes various forms of electronic communication like emails, faxes, and data transfers

with technological advancements.This covert method has proven highly effective in detecting criminal conspiracies and providing solid evidence. In 2006, Britain implemented data retention laws that required telecom operators to store phone and internet data. Home Secretary Charles Clarke stated that these laws were implemented to combat terrorism and organized crime (Hermits, BBC News). Clarke emphasized the importance of preserving communication data as a crucial tool against modern criminal activities that exploit digital technology across borders. The agreement on data retention is seen as a significant measure in ensuring peace throughout Europe by mitigating the adverse effects of terrorism and serious crime. Data retention involves storing electronic communication records such as call details, internet traffic logs, and transaction data.

Even developing countries like Jamaica recognize the role of information technology in enhancing their crime-fighting capabilities due to their notorious history of crime and violence. Former Minister of National Security Senator Colonel Tremor MacMillan introduced the CATV monitoring system in Madeleine and May Pen towns, highlighting the significance of modern technology in addressing crime issues (Ministry of National Security).

In addition, the government is improving its Forensic Laboratory technology to manage an expected increase in DNA testing requests as part of their latest anti-crime initiative.The Prime Minister has announced the introduction of a DNA database to help law enforcement agencies in prosecuting criminals. Although it is limited, the use of technology is a positive step towards reducing crime in Jamaica. Information technology has greatly transformed law enforcement and crime prevention methods by enhancing detection capabilities through biometrics, product protection, and CATV implementation. Furthermore, it plays a crucial role in utilizing forensics, wireless technology, and information to combat criminal activities.

Additionally, information technology effectively assists in managing crime by integrating authentication systems, electronic monitoring techniques, and practices for intercepting and retaining data. As a result, it consistently contributes to the gradual decline in crime rates.

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