Soil and Vegetation Regions Assessment Essay Example
Soil and Vegetation Regions Assessment Essay Example

Soil and Vegetation Regions Assessment Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1058 words)
  • Published: May 21, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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There aren't both great number Of plant and trees that would be in a natural untouched vegetation. Because the area is affected by overpopulation's and industrialization, vegetation growth isn't quite possible. Even though were urging others to "go green" would rate the natural vegetation of the region 0. 5 out of 5. Where there is any variety of natural vegetation, it is being cleared out for making town houses, causing pollution.

There aren't any farms for agriculture like in the north. In areas like Caledon, houses are more sparsely spread out consisting of more farms, and a higher rate of vegetation. Where forests previously existed arbitration has taken over making buildings and houses. We can conclude that Abramson suffers from natural vegetation, when becoming more urbanize. Question 2: Down below Communication Explain how the soil regions of Canad


a are interconnected to the natural vegetation regions in a well-constructed paragraph? 3. The natural vegetation regions and soil regions are interconnected in numerous ways.

Soil regions as the Tundra soils, or dry climate soils have the potential to affect the type of vegetation that can be grown. Where you would find cold temperatures as he Tundra, you can expect limited vegetation to grasses, mosses, and shrubs. Because the ground has an active layer of permafrost, growing conditions are not suitable for plants and trees. Areas with moist soil as the wet-climate regions, you are expected to find trees and plants resembling the mixed forests, boreal and taiga forest, as well the deciduous forests.

The Grasslands are located in the dry climate soils situated in the Prairie Provinces. Due to the dry temperatures there are very insufficient amount of trees, and consisting

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of large rolling terrains of grasses. To conclude location s a dependent factor on the type of vegetation a region will come to be. 1. What type of vegetation are you most likely to find in the Tundra region. Explain why.

In the Tundra region you are likely to find no vegetation whatsoever. Due to its cold temperatures including short growing seasons, tree growth is challenging to find. Vegetation in the Tundra is limited to a small number of mosses, shrubs, and grasses. Estimates of 1800 species live in the tundra, much less compared to grasslands and forests. Due to its soil formation there are very thin soils, active layer of permafrost, and very little mums in thin layer of the topsoil. What type of vegetation are you likely to find in the mixed forest region. Explain why. The Mixed forest, is a vegetation transition between coniferous forests and broad leaved deciduous forest. The Mixed forests are made up of mostly trees. Both common coniferous and deciduous trees are spruce, pine, cedar, maple.

Making it a nutritious and reliable source of biodiversity. Variety of trees create deep brown topsoil rich in minerals, with a decent supply of humus. Thus, the mixed forests suitable for farming and agriculture. 3. What type of agitation are you likely to find in the grasslands region. Explain why. Grasslands are flat and open areas where grasses are the dominant type of vegetation located in Prairies provinces. Grasslands are located about anywhere and everywhere on the biosphere other than Antarctica. Availability of moisture, causes very dry temperatures, limited rainfall, and high amounts Of evaporation. There are many types of natural vegetation's including short grasses with root systems

forming sod mats holding the soil in place.

Soil formation contains limited sums of humus, calcified soils, and suitable for razing cattle and other animals. What do the A-B and C-D transects show? Transects A-B shows how vegetation changes as precipitation levels change. A is to some extent the grasslands semi-deserts, situated in the dry climate regions to vegetation with small shrubs and cactus's. As the transect progresses from a drier climate to a wetter climate vegetation increases. As the soil gets healthier and nutritious vegetation slowly grows, from short grasses to tall grasses, long grasses with scattered trees and finally both deciduous and coniferous trees.

B is located in the Boreal and taiga forest here there is ideal amounts Of rainfall, and hurting in the soil for trees to grow. Transects C-D shows how vegetation changes as average temperature changes. A location with cooler climate as the Tundra, vegetation is restricted to grasses, mosses and shrubs. As the bisect is progressing it changes states from cooler climate to warmer climate. Vegetation evolves from the Tundra to the Boreal consisting of spruces, pines, and cedar. Eventually as it reaches to D, the deciduous forest regions, there are rich soils having maple, oak, and beech trees.

What type of vegetation are you likely to find in the West Coast rests? Refer to the soil characteristics of this region to help explain why this particular vegetation is most likely to occur in this region. The west coast forests consists of temperate rain forest, with lush trees including Douglas, fir, Sites, spruce and much more. Because Of the great quality of the soil, there are many trees with

more than 1 m in diameter. The West Coast Forest has plentiful amounts of rainfall, causing mild climate throughout.

Lush vegetation provides a lots of plant materials to make humus, where then the minerals are leached deep into the soils. With the good quality of the soil, OTOH deciduous and coniferous trees are able to grow in the mixed forest region. 6. Which natural vegetation region in Canada is the smallest? What major threat does this region face? (Hint: the location of this region is important in answering this question. ) The smallest vegetation region in Canada is the deciduous forest.

With Maple, Beech, hickory, ash and black walnut trees the deciduous forest is low in acidity and rich humus. The Deciduous forest is primarily affected by environmental problems including invasive species, deforestation, animal overgrazing, and temperature. For the agitation to sustain its self it needs at least five months with average temperature over 10 degrees Celsius, if not breakage of the branches occur in the winter. Widespread across the eastern United States and extending into southwestern Ontario, calcification occurs when the moisture slowly moves upward within the soil profile by capillary actions. 7. Compare the natural vegetation regions map to the soil regions map. What do you notice? ( /2 marks) When comparing the natural vegetation map to the soil regions map we are able to notice plentiful amount of information.

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