Social Networking Platforms Essay Example
Social Networking Platforms Essay Example

Social Networking Platforms Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1005 words)
  • Published: October 3, 2021
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Social networking platforms is defined as a platform where people build networks and relationships socially due to common interests, life connections or activities. A presentation of every user is provided by the social network as a profile where other people can view it to connect. These platforms could be web-based or mobile-based to increase the number of people who can access them. One is able to have a public profile on the site and connections who can access the profile and be able to connect with ease. These social media platforms have been used for all the good and bad reasons by people with different motives. Some parties use it positively while others use it negatively to take advantage of the naive users.

Over the years since social networking became a subject of social concern, several studies have been carried ou


t to determine the effects on social relations. They have found out both positive and negative impacts of the increased use of social networking platforms in society especially in relationships. The more social media is controlling people’s way of life, the more the consequences that will be experienced.

The essay will comprise of three parts, the introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction will begin with an opening statement that is broad to establish the essay’s context. The importance of the topic will also be included here and how I can contribute to what other people have written about the topic. This part of the essay will tell the reader what I will discuss about the topic and what will be coming up in the essay.

Thesis statement will be included here which will be “online social networking platforms

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have greatly affected social relationships not only locally but also globally.” This statement will be the guide for the content of the essay which will be aimed at proving the hypothesis since it is positive.

The second part of the essay will comprise of the body or the evidence paragraphs about the online social networking platforms and the effects they have on social relations. Each paragraph will develop a new idea about the topic. A topic sentence will be used to summarize the idea and then expound it in the paragraph. The ideas will be supported by factual details, definitions, examples, explanations and data that is relevant.

The paragraphs will comprise of at least five sentences and no maximum limit because different ideas have different content. The sentences within a paragraph will be well linked to connect the ideas and create a flow in the essay. Similarly, the paragraphs will be logically arranged to make a connection to each other to make it easier for the reader.

This section will be divided into two sections where one section will focus on the online social networking platforms and the other section will focus on the effects of these platforms on social relations. On the first section, each paragraph will focus on a separate social networking platform. The most common and popularly used social networking platforms will be discussed.

The background of these platforms will be discussed followed by the mode used by people to interact. The platforms to be discussed include Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Linked In, Snapchat, dating sites, job sites and others. These will make a total of eight paragraphs and the discussions will be brief and precise. Characteristics

and differences of social networking platforms will also be discussed in this section.

The section about the effects of social networking platforms on social relations will also be divided into two including positive effects and negative effects. The categories will be discussed briefly to give an insight of what they will comprise. Under negative effects, the following will be discussed in separate paragraphs: social networking platforms can be addictive to an extent of affecting relationships and marriages, source of blind dates that in most cases turn tragic, creates potential for misuse by interested parties, social networking psychological effects, means of breaking up relationships, personal information is accessible by anyone in some platforms, dishonest parties and con-people on the platforms and drive to popularity and celebrity prevalent especially among the youth.

The positive effects of social networking platforms on social relations will be discussed in the next section with ideas arranged in paragraphs. Every idea will be expressed in a separate paragraph. The various ideas to be discussed include the development of new relationships and meeting new people, people are able to do business through these networks, the connection of people with similar interests, employers making use of these platforms to learn the behavior and personalities of potential employees, locating old or lost friends, feeling connected to what happens in the other party’s life in case of romantic relationships, showing care and concern to the other party and gives a feeling of emotional connection.

The body part of the essay will rely on studies carried out by other people as well as trending issues regarding social media. The content will be retrieved from online sources and studies about social

networking platforms and their effects. The search terms will include “ social networking platforms” “the negative impact of social media on social relations” “positive impact of social media on social relations” social media AND social relations” “relationships AND social media”. These will be used to get the content for the body section of the essay.

The next section of my essay will be the conclusion to summarize the essay. This section is meant to round off the essay and remind the reader of the main points in the essay. It will also explain the argument of the essay and whether the hypothesis will be supported. The conclusion will be one paragraph comprised of a sentence that relates it to the previous paragraph, thesis statement will have a proposition, the main points in the essay will be summarized briefly and a final statement showing how the argument will be significant and its implications. The different points will be linked to be in line with the rest of the essay.

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