Scholarly and Academic Dishonesty Essay Example
Scholarly and Academic Dishonesty Essay Example

Scholarly and Academic Dishonesty Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (897 words)
  • Published: December 10, 2021
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This article examines the concept of scholarly misrepresentation, encompassing plagiarism, Pantomime, and deception, as a form of academic misconduct. It specifically addresses the prevalence, consequences, and societal perception of this dishonest behavior in formal academic activities. The origins of scholarly untrustworthiness can be traced back to the earliest examinations.

In the past, cheating on Chinese civil service exams was common, even though it could result in death as punishment. Prior to the establishment of MLA and APA guidelines in the late 19th century, there were no standardized rules for citing sources, which could lead to unintentional plagiarism. In the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, cheating was widespread on college campuses and viewed as acceptable by students. It was estimated that around the turn of the 20th century, up to 66% of students engaged in cheating at some


point during their college years.

One common practice among clubs was to operate alleged factories, where research papers were repeatedly revised and resubmitted by different students, often with just a change in the paper's name. However, as higher education in the U.S. shifted towards meritocracy, there was an increased focus on anti-cheating techniques. Additionally, student bodies became more diverse and tended to have a more negative view of academic dishonesty. The following are primary causes or factors that contribute to students' tendency towards academic wrongdoing. Firstly, ineffective or insufficient study habits, such as superficial reading practices and last-minute cramming, are one of the most prevalent reasons for academic misconduct.

Some students may need to improve their academic techniques in order to fulfill their course requirements. If they are unaware of effective and ethical methods, they may

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be tempted to use dishonest practices. Additionally, poor time management skills contribute to the problem. Students often experience delays in finishing assignments and studying for tests because they struggle with organization and prioritization, especially when dealing with multiple large projects or exams at once.

Some students may have multiple commitments outside of their college studies, such as extracurricular activities, jobs, or family responsibilities. As a result of these numerous commitments, some students may resort to unethical behavior in an effort to improve their grades. It is important for these students to understand that overwhelming themselves will have a negative impact on their academic performance. They may need additional skills and resources to effectively manage all the responsibilities they are juggling.

In addition, certain students might delay or avoid studying because they have unrealistic expectations of themselves. They may feel pressured to present themselves as more sophisticated or competent than they actually feel and believe that it is unacceptable to admit when they don't understand something. Moreover, they may hold the belief that regardless of how difficult the material is, they should be capable of successfully completing all their academic work.

The text explores the concept of individuals feeling inferior to others, which can cause fear and inaction. Consequently, students may resort to copying ideas from their peers or using inappropriate methods to get high grades. Ultimately, this behavior stems from a lack of understanding about academic misconduct.

Due to a lack of prior knowledge, students at UC Berkeley may not be familiar with the concept of academic misconduct and its disciplinary actions. As a result, they may struggle to understand what behaviors constitute misconduct and why certain actions have


Cheating in an academic setting can have wide-ranging impacts on students, teachers, schools, and the education system as a whole. Those who justify cheating are more likely to repeat it in the future, potentially leading them towards dishonesty.

Research suggests that students who engage in exploitative behavior in the classroom have a higher likelihood of engaging in fraudulent activities and theft while working. Additionally, academic misconduct has the potential to harm a school's reputation, which is crucial for its success. As a result, there may be less interest from potential donors, students, and employers. Conversely, educational institutions with minimal instances of academic dishonesty can utilize their positive reputation to attract both students and employers. Furthermore, teachers face challenges due to academic dishonesty as cheating hinders the creation of knowledge, which is their main duty.

Moreover, constantly misleading others can result in emotional distress for workers, as they often interpret it as a personal affront or betrayal. The handling of academic misconduct poses a significant challenge for educators, with research indicating that 77% of academics acknowledge that addressing cheating students is among the most grave aspects of their profession. Ultimately, dishonest behavior in academia subverts the scholarly community and hampers the core objective of education – imparting knowledge – by enabling students to achieve success without genuinely mastering the subject matter.

Furthermore, the existence of academic dishonesty has a negative impact on the learning process and affects honest students as well. When honest students witness cheaters getting away with their actions, it can diminish their motivation, as they see their own hard work being undervalued. Moreover, cheating undermines the academic community when students plagiarize ideas. Ideas are considered an

author's "capital and identity", and when someone's ideas vanish, it obstructs the advancement of knowledge.


In summary, the best way to address the possibility of scholarly unfortunate behavior is to proactively assist students in developing and utilizing legitimate strategies throughout the semester, as well as taking advantage of the resources provided by the university to support student success.

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