Saving Private Ryan – Historical Film by Spielberg Essay Example
In 1998, Saving Private Ryan was directed by Steven Spielberg. The WWII drama won several awards including five Academy Awards and Golden Globes for "Best Picture" and "Best Director". Tom Hanks stars as Captain John Miller alongside Edward Burns and Tom Sizemore. At the beginning of the film, American soldiers invade Normandy during D-Day landing in a perilous mission to save Private Ryan, who lost his brothers in battle.
I chose this film for its historical significance that should not be overlooked. The opening shot features an American flag waving in the wind, evoking a sense of patriotism. Soft brass instruments playing in the background bring to mind military personnel or uniformed groups. As the music continues, the camera focuses on an elderly person's feet with a slight limp, indicating caution and conveying the pas
...sage of time. Despite expectations of a WWII scene, the elderly man is dressed in modern attire.
The sound of brass music persists while the man enters a veteran's cemetery, causing violins to join in. The camera then shifts to a high angle shot as it follows the man's entrance. This new perspective reveals the vast expanse of the cemetery, with row after row of white crucifix gravestones stretching out before him. Overcome by emotions, the man collapses onto the ground while his group rushes over to help him.
The camera slowly zooms in on the man's face with no dialogue, using a close-up shot followed by a big close-up to capture his intense sentiment. The music fades away and is replaced by the sound of waves crashing against a beach. A caption suddenly appears reading "June 6 1944 Dog Green Sector Omaha Beach",
marking the start of a flashback. The previous scene's lighting is brighter than what we see now, creating an ominous atmosphere, while engines can be heard approaching the coast in the distance. The camera cuts to show a fleet of landing craft using a medium shot that also reveals other landing crafts as well.
Despite the absence of apparent dialogue, the occasional shouted order prevails as the camera focuses on a specific landing craft, with a subsequent pan down the center revealing seated soldiers on both sides. The high winds contribute to the instability of the landing craft, as highlighted by the camera's movements. This creates a sense of immersion for the audience. Additionally, some soldiers can be seen vomiting, underscoring the violent choppiness of the trip. Later, the camera focuses on a soldier with trembling hands, as he reaches for a flask of water and takes a drink.
The soldier depicted is Capt. John Miller, played by actor Tom Hanks. One soldier is shown kissing a metal crucifix around his neck, highlighting the unease felt by all troops. Upon landing, the front soldiers are immediately machine-gunned down without any opportunity to defend themselves. The use of a Stedicam shot contributes to the immersive quality of the scene, making viewers feel like they are part of the action and also under fire.
The use of various camera shots creates an intense atmosphere in which both sides of the battle are depicted. From a Point of View (POV) shot, the enemy's firing actions against the American soldiers are shown. Meanwhile, a medium shot captures the arrival of more soldiers onto the shore. As they disembark, the camera follows them
into the water, creating a moment of calm and refuge beneath the waves.
Despite being submerged, the camera captures ongoing gunfights resulting in casualties with no apparent refuge for anyone present. The camera's motility above and below the water surface causes audio distortion. A medium shot frames a gradual shoreline pan.
Special sound effects are utilized to simulate bullets piercing the bodies of soldiers, while continuous shots fly through the air. We witness the enemy's perspective as they target the American troops below on the beach, amplifying the use of bullets and shells with additional sound effects. An expansive, medium shot pans over the soldiers' advance inland, capturing significant details and emphasizing their large numbers. Amidst this, a group of soldiers marches through bloodied waters, portraying the severity of the situation to viewers.
Upon the Captain's reappearance, the audio becomes distorted and the scene takes on a surreal quality. Slow motion and muted gunfire and explosions contribute to a whimsical atmosphere, casting doubt on the reality of the events. As another soldier approaches, the lack of clear audio adds to the surrealism until sound returns to normal, allowing the Captain to hear what he was saying. The camera then pans inland as more American soldiers arrive.
Throughout the duration of the scene, the majority of shots are taken from ground level with one exception. A high angle shot is utilized to portray the large groups of soldiers being fired upon and moving inland. This angle effectively conveys their vulnerability and susceptibility to enemy attacks. Followed by this, a low angle panning shot showcases the shoreline littered with dead and injured soldiers being carried in and out by the tide,
emphasizing the horrors that have occurred. Additionally, another low angle shot captures a wounded soldier lying in agony on the beach as medics rush to provide assistance.
The sound distortion creates an illusion of unreality, while a high-angle shot emphasizes the soldiers' vulnerability. Amidst the chaos of gunfire and aid-giving, "blood" on the camera lens is an unusual and captivating effect rarely seen in films.
The use of blood on the camera brings the audience into the action, immersing them in the scene. The next shot shows a group of American soldiers on a sand bank, discussing tactics with sincerity, seemingly trying to process the shock of recent events. A low angle panning shot follows a soldier as he runs along the sand bank.
The soldier's size is emphasized by the low angle shot, creating a sense of resurgence. The soldiers are seen conversing about tactics as they lie on the sand. This generates audience interest and the low angle shot used during the conversation creates a feeling of inclusion, as though we too are discussing tactics with them. One of their strategies involves using a mirror to see the enemy soldiers around the corner of a wall so they can avoid being fired upon.
This footage showcases enemy soldiers positioned on a cliff in a close up shot. Due to the small size of the mirror, their reflections appear small, leaving them vulnerable. The next scene displays a group of soldiers, including the leader "the Captain", firing at enemy soldiers hiding in a sandbag bunker in a medium shot. One soldier runs away from the group, and the camera remains fixed, almost suggesting that he is
opting out of safety.
As the soldier takes aim at the enemy bunker, his emotions are depicted in a close-up shot as he tightens his grip on the trigger and kills an enemy soldier. The camera then switches to the group of soldiers lying on the sandbank, capturing another close-up shot of the soldier who just fired at the enemy. He fires again causing the bunker to collapse.
On the sand bank, enemy soldiers falling from the bunker are shot by soldiers. The area is cleared and soldiers advance inland, followed by the camera. More American soldiers can be seen from a high angle moving inland, reaching a building where enemy soldiers are firing. The group gathers together while one of them throws a grenade near the building.
The group prepares themselves for the explosion by ducking behind a wall. The camera follows suit, creating a feeling of immersion. They then await any enemy soldiers escaping the building, building suspense. Even without accompanying music, the tension is palpable. The group releases flammable gas into the building before one of the soldiers ignites it with a flamethrower, causing the building to explode and killing all enemy soldiers inside.
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