Research Paper

The Challenges to Bring Petronas Logo as a Corporate Identity Into Global Market Essay Example

Introduction Difficult to classify as a separate sub function, an organization’s identity and image strategy is the most critical part of any corporate communication function. Image is the corporation as seen through the eyes of its constituencies. An organization can have different images with different constituencies. Image is a reflection of an organization’s identity. While […]

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Financial Analysis Coca-Cola and PepsiCo Essay Example

We will be comparing two companies; both are strong and have great credibility. Ideally, with a solid rival, we want to demo derived functions and do a solid contrast. In this instance we want to compare at least two old ages of fiscal information. A great manner to represent this is to compare Coke to […]

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Website Proposal For Holiday Inn Hotel Tourism Essay Example

The shrinking universe is expanding the reach of tourists. Hotels no longer have a fully staffed reservations department with managers, assistant managers, supervisors, and agents. The Internet has conveniently replaced numerous phone calls, faxes, and payment problems. Now potential guests simply dial a toll-free number or book directly online. According to Forrester Research, 32% of […]

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Luciferianism History And Culture Theology Religion Essay Example

In the introduction, it was mentioned that some people believe Luciferianism is connected to Satanism due to the portrayal of Lucifer as Satan in certain novels. Some Luciferians either accept this association or perceive Lucifer as a form of Satan symbolizing enlightenment. There is a disagreement among some individuals regarding the positive nature of Lucifer […]

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The civil rights movements and their impact on American society Essay Example

Despite some advancements for black Americans during WWII, their social standing continued to be subpar post-war. President Truman put forth a civil rights proposal in 1948 that aimed to outlaw lynching and end the oppression of underprivileged voters but it faced significant pushback within his own party leading to its ultimate failure. Despite some progress, […]

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That Lachlan Macquarie was a Good Governor Essay Example

Whether Lachlan Macquarie was a good governor of Australia is debated regularly. Many state his positive aspects in support, while others turn to his mistakes in rebuttal. Regardless of stance, it is accepted that during his period of governorship, the colony was significantly more productive than it had ever been before that time1. There was […]

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The Second Vatican Council Theology Religion Essay Example

During the 1950s, following the aftermath of World War II, there was a remarkable expansion in technology, science, and economy in the Western world. This led many individuals to rely heavily on material possessions. Despite this progress, millions of people were still enduring extreme poverty and suffering. Simultaneously, there was a widespread decline in religious […]

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Prisoner Abuse Essay Example

Introduction Prisoner Abuse is a critical problem faced by societies worldwide. It affects numerous countries and encompasses various forms of mistreatment against incarcerated individuals. Sexual maltreatment, overpopulation, and drug abuse are prevalent forms of mistreatment in prisons. The gravity of sexual abuse is heightened by the fact that both inmates and prison staff can be […]

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The Effective Business Communication Tourism Essay Example

This research paper aims to gain a deeper understanding of work relations at Sandals Whitehouse and the potential impact of management changes on stakeholders. It explores the hierarchy culture of the mediation group and examines their ethical values, specifically focusing on trustworthiness, confidentiality, positive relationships, moral etiquette, and neutrality when addressing current hotel issues. The […]

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Index Salvation In Luke Acts Theology Religion Essay Example

The central theme of Luke’s work, spanning two volumes, revolves around the concept of “redemption.” This idea encompasses notions of repentance and forgiveness for one’s misdeeds. Luke’s book contains four mentions of the concept of redemption. The words “soteria” and “soterian,” meaning “redemption,” are found six times each in Luke and Acts. However, they do […]

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Diverse Culture Essay Example

There are individuals, past and present, who advocate for their own rights or the rights of those who are exploited. Examples of such individuals include Martin Luther King, Robert Lowell, and Benjamin Zephaniah. In many cases, these exploited individuals endure mistreatment without challenging or being able to challenge those who oppress them. It is important […]

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Enron Scandal Analysis Narrative Essay Example

Observance of ethical principles is vital for a civilized society, covering moral standards applicable to individuals, corporations and government. Unethical conduct may have serious consequences, particularly when committed by large companies that can cause significant economic damage. Enron’s past scandal exemplifies this issue as one of the most prominent corporate scandals in American history. Despite […]

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Was Nazi Germany Popular in 1933-1939?

To say that between 1933 and 1939 Hitler’s domestic policies enjoyed widespread popularity is a disputable statement and to understand to what extent the Nazi government was popular it is necessary to investigate factors regarding domestic policies. When Nazi came to power in 1933, Hitler did not start his chancellorship in a happy way. In […]

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Unique Destination For Tourism of Singapore Essay Example

Lau (2010) suggests that natural resources for tourism encompass climate, exotic landscapes, and culture. Boniface & Cooper add that these resources possess three key characteristics: tangibility, availability to non-tourists, and perishability. According to Swarbrooke (1995), resources for tourism attractions can be classified into four categories: natural (such as caves, beaches, scenic features, and wildlife), synthetic […]

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Changes And Trends Of The Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay Example

The hospitality industry has undergone significant changes in recent decades, primarily due to globalization. According to Go and Pine (1995) and Guerrier et al. (1998), the removal of trade barriers through agreements like the North American Free Trade Agreement and the European Community has accelerated these changes. As a result, borders between regions have virtually […]

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The Use Of Internet In Tourism Tourism Essay Example

In 1960s, cyberspace was used to using computing machines for sharing information on research and development in scientific and military Fieldss. In 1962 a planetary web of computing machines was proposed by Licklider of MIT. The developing advancement of utilizing internet continued boulder clay 1991 when Tim Berners Lee proposed the construct of HTML.With the […]

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A theological reflection on unity and uniqueness Essay Example

Chapter TWO A THEOLOGICAL REFLECTION ON UNITY AND UNIQUENESS Biblical and Theological Basis Integrity and singularity are built-in and consistent to the composing of the existence. The universe around and the skies above reveal the Creator ‘s work, a tapestry of creative activity that abounds with harmoniousness and diverseness. The universe He fashioned overflows with […]

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HND Business Human resource management Essay Example

Personnel ManagementPersonnel Management is basically an administrative record-keeping map. at the land degree. Personnel Management professionally manages employee’s activities for single sections for illustration in Bhs you will hold a personal trough for client services. It is assumed that the results from supplying justness and accomplishing efficiency in the direction of force activities will ensue […]

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Where Is Our Oil and Gas Industry Headed Essay Example

The United States is a leading producer of refined petroleum and a major player in the global decision regarding this industry.Our country is beset by a shrinking supply or decline in production, pressures of environmental concerns, yet increase in demand. These problems are not unique to our country. Globally, we are dealing with a resource […]

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Article Review – “the Indian View of the 1885 Uprising.” Essay Example

Stonechild, Blair. “The Indian View of the 1885 Uprising. ” Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Ed. R. D. Francis and D. B. Smith. Toronto: Nelson, Thompson Learning, 2002. 62-74. The 1885 Uprising is one of the defining moments in Canadian Aboriginal Peoples’ history. Though the historical account of this series of events, which led […]

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Having Dilemmas Would Present Themselves If Essay Example

Having viewed “The making of a Moonie” consider the extent to which ethical dilemmas would present themselves if you were to apply Eileen Barkers methods to a study of followers of Kabbalah in the U. K. Eileen Barker’s study on followers of the Unitarian church, The making of a Moonie was carried out over seven […]

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Henry John Temple: 19th Century British Statesman

Henry John Temple, who was also referred to as the 3rd Viscount Palmerston, acted as a British statesman during the mid-1800s. He held office almost continuously from 1807 until his death in 1865, switching political affiliations from Tory to Liberal. He served as the Prime Minister of England twice, first from February 6th, 1855 to […]

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