Quiz #12 – Flashcard
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A graph that uses images to symbolize the data that appears on the graph is known as a
a picture graph
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The type of speech that will benefit from the use of presentation aids is
any type of speech
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How can a photograph best be used as a presentation aid?
incorporate it into a computer program or a PowerPoint
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Listing your main ideas on a transparency or computer program such as PowerPoint best illustrates which use of presentation aids, according to your text?
helping listeners keep your ideas organized
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Which of the following is an example of a two-dimensional presentation aid?
a graph of population growth
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Why would a picture graph be used in a speech?
to present data in a less formal format which is easier for the audience to read
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What does your text advice regarding using people as presentation aids in a speech?
rehearse with the person and avoid using the spur-of-the-moment volunteer in the speech
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In Louise's speech about various golf grips and strokes, Louise used several golf clubs and demonstrated the moves herself. According to your textbook's guidelines on the use of presentation aids, was this a good technique?
Yes; a speaker can serve as a presentation aid to demonstrate how something works or is done.
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A presentation aid that displays information in the form of words, numbers, or images is
a chart
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Regina's demonstration speech topic was "Three Ways to Improved Photography." In this speech, Regina showed a 35 mm camera, used a chart with an enlarged diagram of the main components of the camera, and then showed 4 x 6 photographs (some good and some with errors) to the audience. Which of the following statements best summarizes Regina's use of presentation aids in this speech?
Regina should have enlarged the photographs so the audience could clearly see them.
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The presentational aid that is prepared ahead of time, can be marked on while speaking, and allows the speaker to maintain eye contact while speaking is
a transparency
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When considering the use of fonts in presentation aids, you should know that a sans serif font
has no added lines at the top and bottom.
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Although computer-generated PowerPoint presentations are gaining popularity as visual aids, overhead projectors remain popular for speakers. According to the text, why does this hold true?
Speakers are able to maintain eye contact with the audience while also being able to see the visual.
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Kayt had carefully planned presentation aids for her speech on "Quilting." She thoroughly demonstrated how to sew together the squares by hand, which required her to concentrate on the quilt. What guideline for using presentation aids did Kayt violate?
Kayt focused on the presentation aid instead of the audience.
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On her way to public speaking class, Delaney decided to add one last presentation aid to her speech. Was this a good idea, according to your textbook?
No, because Delaney didn't have a chance to rehearse with the new aid.
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When using a presentational aid, there is always the possibility of "something going wrong" while you are speaking. If something does go wrong, what should you do as a speaker?
have back-up supplies and a back-up plan in case your best-laid plans go awry
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Elaine taped pictures of her Aruba vacation all around the room as presentation aids for her speech. She never referred to them, but simply created an atmosphere for his presentation. Was this appropriate?
No, because she should have explained the presentation aids, not just show them.
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In a speech about organ donation, Nathan gave the audience a handout about the need for organs and the process for becoming an organ donor before his speech. Is this an effective use of presentation aids, according to the text's guidelines?
No; Nathan should have waited until the conclusion to hand this out as audience members will read what you give them.
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Joe is a member of Future Farmers of America (FFA), so for his demonstration speech he wanted to show his audience the proper way to groom and care for his prize-winning Holstein cattle. Instead of bringing a Holstein to class, what does the textbook suggest Joe should do in this demonstration speech?
Joe should use a three-dimensional model of a Holstein along with the items he uses to groom the cattle when the actual object is too large to be easily used as a presentation aid for a speech.
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Rashan thought that he would be dramatic and impress his public speaking class with his speech on dog training. He decided to bring in his german shepherd to illustrate the points and techniques of obedience. But during the speech, he noticed that the audience's attention was on his dog, rather than on him as the speaker. What guideline did Rashan ignore, with regard to using presentation aids?
use animals with caution as presentation aids
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