Both employees and managerial personnel can experience frustration in the workplace. Staff may feel dissatisfied with their low wages, poor working conditions, harsh treatment by superiors, and other unfavorable employment terms. Meanwhile, managers may experience alienation due to their own employment conditions including interpersonal and role conflicts, job pressure, lack of freedom, and absence of challenging work. To address these issues, Quality of Work Life (QWL) initiatives strive to fulfill important personal needs for all members of the work organization. According to J. Richard and J. Loy, QWL refers to the extent to which individuals within a workplace can satisfy important personnel needs through their experiences within the organization.
From a management point of view, productivity improvements are sought through enhancing the capabilities of the workforce, as opposed to upgrading production capital or technology.
mensions of Study :
The enhancement of human dignity and growth through activities at every level of organization is defined as the improvement of quality of work life, aimed at achieving greater organizational effectiveness.
According to trade unions, they have led to the development of different provisions that benefit workers. On the other hand, management takes credit for enhancing salaries, benefits, and the general work environment. Nevertheless, the HR manager has pinpointed particular problems in QWL. Klott Mundick & Schuster highlighted crucial QWL issues.
Creating equitable compensation plans is crucial for promoting a favorable quality of work life (QWL) for employees. The expansion of a company may lead to an increased demand from workers to be included in profit-sharing programs. Additionally, hiring staff temporarily, on probation, or as casual laborers can cause them to feel insecure about their
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mensions of Study :
The enhancement of human dignity and growth through activities at every level of organization is defined as the improvement of quality of work life, aimed at achieving greater organizational effectiveness.
According to trade unions, they have led to the development of different provisions that benefit workers. On the other hand, management takes credit for enhancing salaries, benefits, and the general work environment. Nevertheless, the HR manager has pinpointed particular problems in QWL. Klott Mundick & Schuster highlighted crucial QWL issues.
Creating equitable compensation plans is crucial for promoting a favorable quality of work life (QWL) for employees. The expansion of a company may lead to an increased demand from workers to be included in profit-sharing programs. Additionally, hiring staff temporarily, on probation, or as casual laborers can cause them to feel insecure about their
job stability.
Various factors can lead to stress, including irritability, high-status job titles, comfortable work environments, club memberships or association offerings, vehicle provision, vacation trips and recognition for hyperactivity or destabilizing behavioral patterns such as depression or excitation. Symptoms of stress include fatigue, stuttering, trembling psychometric pains, heavy smoking and drug abuse. The original and their contents have been retained.
The individual has the option of either coordinating the management of their medical issues with the health facility or participating in some relaxing activities to alleviate stress amidst a demanding work routine.
- Organizational Health programs : Organizational health programs aim at educating employees about health problems means of maintaining & improving health etc.
- These programme covers drinking and smoking cessation ( if it is affecting the productivity of employee ) , hypertension control , other forms of cardiovascular risk reduction, family planning etc.
- Effective implementation of these progrme results in reduction in absenteeism, hospitalization ,disability, excessive job turnover & premature death. It should also covers relaxation, physical exercise , diet control etc.
- Alternative work schedule : Alternative work schedule including work at home , flexible working hours, staggered hours , and reduced work week, part time employment which may be introduced for the convenience & comfort of the workers as the work schedule which offers the individual the leisure time , flexible hours of work is preferred.
- Participative Management & control of work : Trade unions and workers participation in management and decision making improves QWL .
- workers also feel that they have control their work, use their
skills & make a real contribution to the job if they are allowed to participate in creative and decision making process.
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