Principles of diversity, equality and inclusion in adult social care settings Essay Example
Principles of diversity, equality and inclusion in adult social care settings Essay Example

Principles of diversity, equality and inclusion in adult social care settings Essay Example

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  • Pages: 10 (2619 words)
  • Published: August 11, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Diversity encompasses the acceptance and respect for individuals' unique qualities, encompassing race, ethnicity, gender, social-economic status, age, physical abilities, or spiritual beliefs. It is crucial to recognize differing perspectives despite personal disagreements as an illustration of diversity. Equality entails ensuring equal opportunities and protection against discrimination in various areas such as race, gender, health, religion, family structure, age disability or beliefs. Treating everyone equally regardless of their financial status demonstrates equality. This implies that every individual has an equal opportunity to become a prime minister or access the same medications.

Inclusion is a fundamental human right that strives to include all individuals irrespective of their race, gender disability or medical needs. Its focus lies in providing equal access and opportunities while eliminating discrimination and intolerance. Discrimination involves treating individuals unjustly based on factors like gender,race age or disability.It


represents a negative action directed towards specific social groups. The potential consequences of discrimination can be both physical and emotional and vary for each person.Kids with disabilities may experience exclusion from participating in activities due to misconceptions about their abilities.Discrimination can result in negative emotions and experiences, such as isolation, low self-esteem, depression, fear of rejection, stress, low dignity, withdrawal from society, humiliation, weight loss/gain, fear, and anger. Additionally, this discrimination can also impact the child's family and friends who may face verbal abuse for having a perceived "different" family member. They may feel ashamed or distance themselves from the individual. Moreover, individuals who experience discrimination may also engage in discriminatory behavior towards others. The long-term consequences include loss of motivation, limited opportunities, restricted access to services, prolonged depression, increased behavioral problems, difficulty communicating skills and lack o

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Some individuals discriminate because they have witnessed others separating and imitating their actions. Discriminators often become isolated as many members of society disagree with their behavior and stand against those who victimize others. However if enough people challenge discriminators,it may prompt them to reconsider their positions. This creates a division within society between those who support discrimination and those who view it as unjust.Furthermore while the majority may not condone discrimination they often choose to remain passive until it directly impacts their own livesActively engaging in the fight against discrimination can help individuals recognize their value and combat feelings of isolation, leading to self-respect and a decrease in instances of abuse and discrimination. An efficient complaint process serves as a valuable tool in raising awareness about the seriousness of discriminatory acts and their potential consequences, discouraging future occurrences. Through meetings and discussions, people become more aware of prejudiced behaviors, while everyday tasks that challenge discrimination contribute to addressing its prevalence. Directly confronting perpetrators can prompt them to acknowledge and understand the wrongness of their actions, potentially bringing about behavioral change and sending a clear message that any form of discrimination will not be tolerated. Legislations like the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 play a crucial role in promoting diversity, equality, inclusion, and combating discrimination. This comprehensive Act covers various aspects such as employment practices, public education systems, provision of goods/services (including banking and healthcare), as well as property rental or nightclubs establishments. The Act prohibits specific forms of discrimination including racial, sexual, and other types. Its aim is to promote equal opportunities for all individuals.
The text discusses various laws and regulations that aim to promote equality and

protect against discrimination. These include the Act, which covers forms of discrimination such as sex (including breastfeeding, pregnancy, and sexual harassment), disability, race (including ethno-religion), homosexuality (actual or perceived), marital or domestic status, age (current or future), transgender (including transgender), and carer's responsibilities in employment. Another relevant legislation is the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 which was enacted to prevent discrimination based on race. The Race Relations Act 1976 covers discrimination regarding race, color, and nationality in areas like employment, provision of goods and services, education, and public functions. It also established the Commission for Racial Equality to ensure compliance with regulations set forth in the Act. Amendments have been made to require public bodies to promote race equality and demonstrate effective procedures in preventing discrimination. However, it was later repealed by the Equality Act of 2010 which consolidated previous UK discrimination laws. The primary objective of this Act is to consolidate multiple Acts and Regulations that served as the foundation for anti-discrimination laws in Great Britain.The text discusses various laws and regulations aimed at promoting equality and preventing discrimination. These include the Equal Pay Act, Sex Discrimination Act, Race Relations Act, Disability Discrimination Act, and statutory instruments safeguarding against discrimination based on religion or belief, sexual orientation, and age. The Equality Act 2010 is designed to achieve similar objectives as the EU Equal Treatment Directives in terms of equal treatment in employment and access to services. It covers protected characteristics such as age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership status, race, faith or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. The Act also establishes specific safeguards for pregnant women while allowing for denial of gender-specific services

to transsexual individuals in certain situations.

Employers and service providers are responsible for reasonably accommodating disabled individuals in the workplace. However, these regulations do not apply to Northern Ireland except for explicit exceptions outlined in section 217. Additionally, alongside the aforementioned laws related to equality and discrimination protection is the Mental Health Act 1983 which provides guidelines for treating individuals with mental illnesses. Amendments made in 2007 further refine these guidelines. According to this act's provisions, compulsory detention can be authorized when necessary to prevent harm either towards oneself or others.
The text explains the provisions of an act that governs mandatory admission into mental health facilities. It states that the act specifies the individuals involved in this process and outlines the necessary procedures. Additionally, it highlights the rights of patients and options available to them and their nearest relatives. To apply for mandatory admission, two authorized practitioners must provide written support, including a statement justifying the need for assessment or treatment and explaining why other options are not suitable. Detained individuals have the right to appeal their detainment through the Mental Health Review Tribunal (MHRT), with legal advocates accessible through Sheffield Mental Health CAB. In November 2008, amendments were made to the 1983 Act that resulted in significant changes. These changes included replacing Approved Social Worker (ASW) with Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) and broadening participation in mandatory admissions to include professionals like nurses, psychologists, and occupational therapists. The Responsible Medical Officer (RMO) was also replaced by Approved Clinician (AC), expanding eligibility to a wider range of professions. Furthermore, there have been several changes introduced in mental health legislation, such as requiring "appropriate medical treatment" for

mandatory detention to ensure patients receive suitable medical care. Another change grants patients the right to replace their closest relative and choose an alternative option.Supervised Community Treatment, also known as Community Treatment Orders, allows specific hospitalized patients to receive mandatory medical treatment while living in the community. To protect patient rights, Independent Mental Health Advocates are provided to detained patients and they receive legal representation at a Mental Health Review Tribunal. The waiting time for tribunal cases has been reduced. Precautions have been implemented for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Dr.Hywel Francis introduced the Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act 2004, sponsored by Lord Ashley of Stoke in the House of Lords, with the aim of supporting unpaid carers in accessing various opportunities such as training, work, and leisure activities. According to the 2001 Census, approximately 5.2 million people in England and Wales identified themselves as caregivers, constituting around 10% of the population. This Act mandates assessments for carers to identify their needs related to leisure activities, education, training, and employment. While not all carers may pursue all these opportunities, those conducting assessments should be able to guide them towards relevant agencies. The Human Rights Act 1998 or European Convention on Human Rights was enacted by the UK Parliament on November 9th, 1998 and took effect on October 2nd, 2000.The purpose of the Human Rights Act is to incorporate Convention rights into UK law and enable UK courts to address violations without having to involve the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. This act prohibits public bodies from taking actions that contradict the Convention, unless there is no alternative specified by other primary legislation. Additionally, it requires judges

to take into account judgments or opinions from the European Court of Human Rights and interpret laws in a way that aligns with Convention rights whenever possible. If it is not feasible to interpret an Act of Parliament in this manner, judges cannot overturn it but can issue a declaration stating its incompatibility. This declaration does not nullify the Act of Parliament, thus preserving Parliamentary sovereignty. However, judges have the authority to invalidate secondary legislation if it lacks authorization from primary legislation.

The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (c 50), also known as the DDA, was enacted by the UK Parliament and has been replaced by the Equality Act 2010. The DDA aimed at preventing discrimination against individuals with disabilities across various areas such as employment, provision of goods and services, education, and transportation.The DDA, unlike some countries' reliance on constitutional or criminal law, is considered a civil rights statute. In Northern Ireland, the Northern Ireland Equality Commission enforces equivalent legislation to address discrimination issues, while the Equality and Human Rights Commission focuses on combating discrimination more broadly. Employers can still establish reasonable medical requirements for employment purposes. It is important to make appropriate accommodations to ensure equal representation among employees. Failure to comply with legal regulations and codes of conduct can have various consequences for both affected individuals and social care workers involved. Noncompliance may result in instances of discrimination, isolation, and additional challenges faced by service users and those around them. Lack of inclusive practices could lead to unhappiness for service users as well as potential implications on their future prospects and interactions with team members. If there is no prior consultation, important information could

be overlooked when taking a service user to a public park. In the healthcare industry, promoting diversity and equality through inclusive practices is crucial. Healthcare workers should strive for fairness and non-discrimination towards all individuals including patients, employees, and co-workers. Inclusion means providing equal opportunities for everyone to access resources, services, and facilities in the healthcare industry.The text emphasizes the importance of acceptance as a crucial trait for healthcare workers to understand and respect the needs of patients from different backgrounds. Valuing others' beliefs and maintaining an accepting perspective greatly contributes to promoting fairness and equality. A society that recognizes the interconnection between awareness, self-worth, culture, physical health, and mental health is built on equal rights for all. To create balance in society, unbiased practices must be upheld in healthcare. It is vital to provide necessary training for all healthcare workers to develop inclusive practices. An exemplary care worker embraces the value of accepting, accommodating, and respecting the diversity of all patients or clients. Additionally, supporting others is highlighted as a way to promote diversity, equality, and inclusion within healthcare settings.The text suggests various methods to promote good health and overall well-being, such as leading a fulfilling lifestyle, developing skills, fostering meaningful relationships with friends and family, engaging in activities, accessing appropriate services, and actively participating in local communities. These measures should be implemented regardless of age, disability status, sex, or religion through the use of .

Although there are different models employed by support agencies to summarize these ideas into five points without specifying a particular model, they generally encompass all the aforementioned aspects. Support agencies typically base their approach on Maslow's hierarchy of needs;

however, further research is advised for a better understanding of this concept. Nonetheless, the author believes that this approach is inadequate as it favors individuals capable of working while neglecting those who prioritize spiritual enlightenment.

To illustrate this point, the author shares an incident where a manager's attempt to educate a depressed individual about their condition had adverse effects on their well-being instead of providing support. Therefore, it is crucial to provide training and engage in discussions that raise awareness about diversity, equality, and inclusion within the workplace.Meetings and group discussions among staff members are crucial for promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion. The more staff engage in these discussions and receive training on these topics, the more they will learn how to apply them in their daily practice. Equipping social workers with knowledge about diversity and equality through pamphlets and policies can effectively raise awareness. This information is also important for understanding the consequences of not following agreed ways of working, which helps prevent discrimination.

Personal preferences, attitudes, heritage, and beliefs can influence one's work. It is necessary to respect service users' beliefs and practices, including their religion or lack thereof. Recognizing that individuals have different preferences is essential; expecting everyone to think the same way is unreasonable.

When providing care, it is important to consider how service users act or experience situations. For instance, while some prefer bathing at night and showering in the morning, there are service users who fear water or dislike being washed even once a week. Respecting their decision while promoting hygiene becomes crucial in such cases. Persuading service users about the positive effects of cleanliness without revealing personal feelings about being clean

holds significance as well.

Moreover, it is crucial to acknowledge that one's attitude can impact their working practice significantly.Attitude, which includes mood, tone of voice, and body language, plays a crucial role in interactions with service users. If you arrive at work with a negative mood, an angry tone of voice, and defensive body language, it can make the service user feel intimidated, scared, and uncooperative. This may result in them being less compliant with your requests. However, approaching work with a positive mood, a smiling face, and a cheerful tone of voice can lead to increased cooperation and happiness for the service user. Moreover, this positive approach can also improve your own mood.

Additionally, one's background can influence their working style. Those who have grown up in a caring environment or have parents in the care industry are more likely to understand the requirements and have better knowledge of the care sector.

To ensure inclusive and respectful practices towards individuals' beliefs, cultures values, and preferences; it is important to directly engage with service users by knocking on their doors and consulting them about clothing choices or meal preferences. Even if you do not share their religious beliefs,it is important to assist them in preparing for church services.

Having knowledge about a service user's culture helps create an atmosphere of inclusivity that makes them feel welcome and enhances the quality of care provided. For instance when entering Mary's room,I would knock on her door while ensuring that my demeanor,mood,tone,body language all align appropriatelywith respect for her individualityAlthough Mary enjoys watching TV in her room, I encourage her to engage in activities and events in the common area to interact

with others. She often has questions and enjoys casual conversations. I take pleasure in participating in these chats, giving my full attention to addressing her queries and making sure she feels acknowledged and appreciated by considering her thoughts and concerns. By incorporating some of Mary's suggestions, it can boost her self-confidence and create an inclusive atmosphere for her. However, there are practices that marginalize individuals such as disregarding their well-being or hindering their participation in activities. Neglecting essential medication or leaving someone alone with low volume on the TV can lead to exclusion. Discrimination arises when people using wheelchairs face barriers accessing certain areas or when deaf individuals are unable to participate or express their opinions during meetings.

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