Personal Philosophy in Nursing Practice Essay Example
Personal Philosophy in Nursing Practice Essay Example

Personal Philosophy in Nursing Practice Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (882 words)
  • Published: February 5, 2022
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The central objective of this paper is to develop and lay the basis for my personal philosophy in the advanced practice of my nursing profession. The use of philosophy in advanced practice nursing permits us as the professionals in this field to concentrate on who one is and who one desires to be and achieve in this professional field. The importance of a personal philosophy in the advanced nursing profession is to give inspiration, guidance, and purpose to the scope of work of an advanced practice nurse. Besides, the importance of developing a personal philosophy in the advanced nursing field is that it builds up values and beliefs that essential to this area of expertise (Terhaar, Taylor & Sylvia, 2016). The values that I am pointing to are morality/ethicality, presence, knowledge, and compassion and they are necessary for the advanced practice


of nursing.

Valued Personal Concepts


The nursing meta-paradigm is made up of four components namely health, nursing, person, and the environment. These elements provide a framework for the profession of advanced nursing. Health as a part of the nursing meta-paradigm relates to the degree of sickness or wellness of a person. On the other hand, nursing refers to the person issuing the healthcare and the actions and features that he/she displays. The person component of the nursing meta-paradigm relates to the person on the receiving end of the nursing care. The person element is viewed from a wider perspective. Lastly, the environment component refers to the state of affairs and situation that may influence the person externally and internally. Each of the elements of the nursing meta-paradigm needs and collaborates with each other for the advanced

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nursing profession to be a success (McClelland, 2014).


In my opinion, morality, knowledge, compassion, accountability, confidentiality and professionalism are necessary ingredients for the proper coordination and collaboration of the four components of the nursing meta-paradigm (Khalili, Hall & DeLuca, 2014). Nurses all over the world ought to be morally and ethically upright persons so as that they can be good models for the upcoming generation. They also ought to have a sound knowledge base acquired through training and improved through experience. Also, they ought to be compassionate individuals who can uphold high levels of confidentiality as it relates to patient information. Similarly, they ought to be responsible people who are accountable for each and every duty that is allocated to them in the course of their work obligations (Papathanassoglou & Karanikola, 2013). All of the above characteristics of an all round nurse are an accurate reflection of the advanced nursing field of expertise, which consequently influences the four components of the nursing meta-paradigm positively.


For purposes of upholding a record of professionalism in the field of advanced nursing all over the world, there ought to be a code ethics that stipulates what is to adhere, as well as what is to be avoided in this profession (Khalili, Hall & DeLuca, 2014). Through training and collaboration with other stakeholders in the healthcare, field nurses ought to go for in-service training programs so as to refresh and sharpen their knowledge base further. In showing compassion in dealing with the patients, the nurse express that they acknowledge the suffering that the sick are going through by putting themselves in their shoes. As for confidentiality and accountability, much of it is

contained in the nurse’s professional code of ethics that governs their operations (Currey, Considine & Khaw, 2011).

Current practice

As a profession, nursing has a critical social moral and ethical obligation to contribute towards the wellbeing of the society. The professionals in the nursing field ought to demonstrate a lot of compassion to the society through treating them well and educating them on issues concerning their well-being. The shows of compassion can be directly associated with improved patient results and is a fundamental necessity in the healthcare facilities in the contemporary world (Terhaar, Taylor & Sylvia, 2016).


As advanced nurses in the field of healthcare, we conduct our services in alignment to personal philosophies, though sometimes when we do not recognize. For instance, confidentiality and individualized care to the patients are my greatest concern in my life as a nurse. This is supported by the personal belief that I uphold, which is why I always try to treat others, as I would want to be treated as well. Accountability, integrity, and morality are standards of practice that should be upheld in the healthcare facilities for the purpose of the critical patients’ safety.


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  2. Khalili, H., Hall, J., & DeLuca, S. (2014). Historical analysis of professionalism in western societies: implications for interprofessional education and collaborative practice. Journal Of Interprofessional Care, 28(2), 92-97. doi:10.3109/13561820.2013.869197
  3. McClelland, M. (2014). A Guide to Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Roles. MEDSURG Nursing, 10-14.
  4. Papathanassoglou, E. E., & Karanikola, M. N. (2013). The corpus callosum

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  • Terhaar, M. F., Taylor, L. A., & Sylvia, M. L. (2016). The Doctor of Nursing Practice: From Start-Up to Impact. Nursing Education Perspectives (National League For Nursing), 37(1), 3-9. doi:10.5480/14-1519
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