My Life Growth Chart Essay Example
My Life Growth Chart Essay Example

My Life Growth Chart Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (528 words)
  • Published: January 21, 2022
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A life flow chart enables one to recognize the major milestones that he has undergone through. The above flow chart, is a representation of the various major life events that I have experienced as well as the expected future events that that I anticipate I shall fulfill in the near future. Most of this life events have had a tremendous effect in my overall wellbeing as well as personal development.

The life event that had the greatest impact on me was on career work. In this particular period, I did learn a great lot in how to develop interpersonal relationships with various work colleagues. Moreover, I learnt the need of working as a team in work, how to reason critically in whatever assignment that I was entrusted so as to accomplish it successfully. Anoth


er element that I learnt in this subset was how to be professional once in work and observe ethical conducts in any undertaking that I took.

The other social emotional events that have had a greater impact in my life were the first I was in a mature romantic relationship. In this, I learnt that in love, the selfless acts and deeds count the most and do define clearly the essence of the human social spirit. This I learnt that in love, the façade that appearance matters very much as well as the body image was never an objective way of evaluating a relationship rather it was based on mutual feelings. An adverse experience that I do recall which once occurred to me was rejection. In it, I learnt that it should not be the end of the world and instead it was part

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of the milestones in the dating scene.

Moreover, the other aspects that have been instrumental in my life is regarding the issue of cognitive development, This, as I would extrapolate from my life chart has been nurtured by the social life as well as academic pursuits that I have experienced in my life. These two distinct aspects have molded and shaped me in ways that have contributed to the adult person I am today. This is because, the knowledge and information that I have accrued across the years has contributed significantly to my emotional development, academic development and spiritual development.

In the cognitive aspect of my life, the greatest time period that I did observe its effects on me were during the time of finishing high school. The important landmarks that I did observe in myself were whereby I was able to start thinking hypothetically, in an abstract and logical manner in whatever situations or arguments that I did immerse myself in. More so, my logical thinking abilities enabled me to gain the insight, perspectives and understanding of the nature of things thus my moral beliefs, emotional competency gained a solid ground during this time period.

The other aspect that I did learn on the physical aspect was how my body sprout rapidly in developing and growing in a rapid manner. This physical growth led to my acknowledging that I was getting mature and older a days passed without freaking out the physical changes that were occurring inside my body.

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