FIRST Choice plc is the largest surface transit company in the UK.
The largest UK rail operator is FIRST, discussed in this report. With an annual gross of over 5 billion Euro and a workforce of over 135,000 staff in the UK and North America, it moves more than 2.5 billion passengers yearly, comprising one-quarter of the passenger network. FIRST is renowned for its reliable, safe, innovative, and sustainable transportation services. The focus of this report is to examine the company's behaviors and culture while conducting a SWOT analysis on its environmental relationship.
Moreover, the discourse about the organization civilization in terms of shared values and taken for granted assumptions is significant in FIRST. Several factors have influenced the behavior of FIRST Choice, including social factors.
Social Factors
Social factors refer to what is happening socially in the markets where you operate or expect to operate, including cultural norms and
...expectations, awareness of health, population growth rate, age distribution, attitudes towards careers, and emphasis on safety. Social changes impact the societal environment. Presently, more individuals possess free coach passes as a result of local authorities covering the costs associated with these passes.
People are increasingly traveling but are also becoming more conscious of the environmental consequences. These figures demonstrate a positive outlook for First. The market is changing, and more people are realizing the benefits of using eco-friendly modes of transportation. Social and cultural forces at various levels—local, national, and even regional—influence organizational practices and priorities in terms of results. Indigenous cultures' traditions and values, for example, shape work ethics and interpersonal connections. Undoubtedly, language stands out as the most prominent cultural element.
Social factors at FIRST
- FIRST has
designated individuals in various areas to address local issues, ensuring a better understanding and faster response.
Technological Factors
Technology is constantly evolving and significantly impacts a company's products or services. What seemed impossible five years ago is now commonplace. Technological advancements have allowed FIRST to improve their services by introducing ftrs – highly advanced coaches resembling ropeways but without tracks. These modes of transportation can accommodate more passengers and are more efficient.
Other types and degrees of engineering in society provide insight into understanding an establishment. Institutions that follow Western paradigms rely on national infrastructure such as power, water, and transportation. Institutions focusing on indigenous research paradigms may have entirely different dependencies. Therefore, it is important to understand the level of relevant technology in the institutional context, whether it is defined by computer literacy or highly developed indigenous methods of communication. It may also be helpful to consider the process by which new technology is adopted in order to understand the difficulty of acquiring necessary research technologies and to gauge society's willingness to embrace new knowledge and change.
Technological Factors at FIRST
- To cater to the market's needs, FIRST introduced coach services that make it easier for disabled
and elderly individuals, who are their main customers in the UK, to access their services.
These future vehicles have the ability to transport more people per journey. FIRST has introduced groundbreaking alertness services for riders, including journey check and journey alert. These services provide riders with up-to-date train information via text or email, greatly assisting them in planning their journeys. FIRST also uses postpaid smart cards for payment on coaches, which is a helpful and efficient technology. This makes payment easier and faster. In terms of economic factors, the organizational analysis should focus on the elements of the economy that directly affect the specific project being considered.
Economic factors, such as rising prices, labor laws, and opportunity costs for researchers in public institutions, directly affect organizational activities. These factors are particularly important for FIRST's future vehicles as they are preferred by customers, leading to fewer car trips. Moreover, these vehicles will use less fuel, emit fewer CO2 emissions, and have a lesser impact on the environment. This aligns with FIRST's strategy in combating climate change.
The strategy's goal is to decrease CO2 emissions in both the short and long term through target setting and program implementation. It also recognizes climate change risks, like road and rail infrastructure vulnerability to flooding and storms along coastal regions. To handle these risks, the strategy suggests collaborating with transportation network providers for roads and rail systems monitoring and maintenance. Moreover, FIRST Choice's training and development plays a crucial role in the Human Resource strategy.
This allows employees to
enhance their skills, experiences, and education. Participating in the training facilities in the UK will support the country's economic growth and benefit its population. FIRST generates an annual revenue exceeding 5 billion Euro and employs over 135,000 staff members in the UK and North America, which greatly impacts employment rates in these regions. The high fuel taxes in the UK encourage people to utilize public transportation like coaches instead of using their own cars.
Political Factors
Political factors refer to the policies and laws implemented by the government over time. This includes the level of support and allocation of resources from the government and its bureaucracy to an organization. The political context often involves decision-making regarding resource allocation at the government level.
Political Factors at FIRST
FIRST is a global company based in the UK and North America, which helps maintain a strong relationship between these countries and the UK. The employment opportunities provided by FIRST in North America support the local population and contribute to the economy of that country as part of their employment planning efforts. These efforts also foster a favorable relationship between FIRST's management and the governments of those countries.
Legal Factors
Legal factors are the factors that involve changes to legislation. Legal factors that affect business often correspond to political factors. This can impact employment, access to materials, quotas, resources, imports/exports, taxation, etc. First complies with all UK legal requirements and whenever possible, goes above and beyond what the law mandates. For example, First is already taking measures to reduce its carbon emissions ahead of the government's 2010 targets.
Many changes in
the legal system are influenced by government policies. Some of these laws have a European scope, like the regulations on emissions from coach transportation. FIRST company ensures that all their coaches meet these requirements. Business-related legal changes are closely linked with political developments.
Legal Factors at FIRST
Many legal changes originate from government policies. Some of these laws have a European scope, which affects FIRST company. For instance, there are laws regarding the standards for emissions from coach transportation, and FIRST ensures that all their coaches meet these requirements.
FIRST is preparing for upcoming changes in legislation. Starting in 2010, it will be required to purchase C credits in order to measure its carbon emissions. FIRST has already allocated a budget for this.
SWOT Analysis ( relation between FIRST and Environment )
Strengths can provide a basis for developing a competitive advantage. It can be transformed into opportunities that exist in the External environment. FIRST's strategy considers its transportation plans and takes into account all PEST factors in its environment.
A company's failings refer to a lack of resources or capabilities that can hinder its ability to generate economic value or gain a competitive advantage when used to implement the company's strategy. Organizational weaknesses can manifest in various ways, such as having a large and bureaucratic structure that hampers competition against smaller and more agile firms. Additionally, a company may face a weakness if it incurs higher labor costs compared to a rival that achieves similar productivity at lower labor costs.
The organization acknowledges that the strengths mentioned earlier can also turn into weaknesses if not properly utilized. FIRST actively encourages individuals to
utilize the coach instead of their own cars in order to decrease CO2 emissions, which is widely accepted by the public and benefits FIRST as well.
- Traffic congestion increases due to weak cross-city routes for public transportation.
- A Climate Change Strategy has been implemented with the goal of reducing pollution.
- There is a lack of integration with the Highways Agency.
- Park and Ride schemes are provided to offer easily accessible public transportation options.
The organization has introduced strategies that involve Future vehicles, resembling ropeways but flexible like coaches, capable of using normal roads. This approach helps in reducing fuel consumption, lowering CO2 emissions, and minimizing environmental impact.
Companies face threats from external sources that aim to reduce their performance. These threats can come from single entities, groups, or organizations. It is common for successful companies to encounter stronger threats as other companies aspire to achieve similar success. Competitors introducing new products or services in an attempt to diminish a company's competitive advantage can be a threat. Additionally, government regulations and consumer groups can also pose threats.
- Opportunities are external situational factors that benefit the company.
- Changes in government statute law, especially regarding environmental impact, can bring opportunities.
- Legal alterations result from government policies, such as emissions standards for coach transportation.
- People are now more mobile and travel more.
- Furthermore, in the past, an enterprise called Carob Reduction Commitment had to purchase C credits with a specific budget.
- First aims to reduce its CO2 emissions by 25% for its coach division and 20% for rail by 2020.
- The competitors.
- People are more aware of the importance of
the environment and prefer environmentally friendly goods and services.
- Not Good Rods
- The infrastructure for roads and railways is susceptible to flooding and storm surges along the coast.
- A new competitor
- The plan to reduce CO2 emissions from its coach and rail divisions by 25% and 20% respectively by 2020.
Guidelines for FIRST Management to conduct SWOT analysis
- The SWOT analysis is commonly used for evaluations; it supports the strategy planning process and may also play a significant role in strategy drafting.
- The Management of FIRST Choice can benefit from conducting a SWOT analysis.
- The company can use the SWOT analysis to identify potential strategic approaches, such as expanding their transportation business in other regions and destinations.
- By determining external opportunities and threats, FIRST Choice can take advantage of new laws implemented by governments in the UK and North America, particularly those related to the environment.
- By determining internal strengths and weaknesses, FIRST Choice can assess its employees' abilities and implement training and development strategies.
- In addition, the SWOT analysis can demonstrate the company's budget allocation and how its financial strengths can be utilized to implement a fiscal strategy that addresses any external factors requiring a new budget.
- First Choice's Management can work together with their employees to review the year's achievements and identify areas that require more attention or support from management.
- The management can also analyze the markets and available opportunities to increase sales and acquire more customers.
Regarding First Culture in terms of Shared Value and taken for granted assumptions: Shared values define the identity of an organization across its business
areas. These values should be expressed as both corporate objectives and individual values.
Every organization and every leader have unique sets of values that are suitable for their respective situations. It is crucial for FIRST to establish a successful business by finding individuals who are committed and genuinely care about the same things that FIRST Management values. FIRST management needs to ensure that its employees understand and align with the organization's values and vision, which necessitates having clearly defined values. Defining shared values goes beyond just putting words on paper. Most organizations have values or mission statements, but not all of them adhere to them.
Wining organisations create successful civilizations in a systematic manner using various approaches that may include visual representations, developmental seminars, and social events.
- FIRST aims to revolutionize the way people travel and how they perceive public transportation. By striving for excellence in everything they do and assisting each other, they can provide the highest levels of safety and service, resulting in increased customer and employee satisfaction.
- FIRST employees are responsible for safety and have implemented strict operating procedures based on industry standards. This ensures the highest levels of safety for customers and staff. FIRST management has established policies, procedures, training, and support to support this initiative.
- FIRST employees must stay connected with people's needs and communicate in a straightforward manner to achieve their company's goal of providing the perfect journey.
- First continuously reviews and strives to meet the aforementioned standards to exceed the expectations of their staff, customers, and
stakeholders while enhancing the environment they operate in.
It is assumed that this approach tends to confine individuals to restricted, sterile modes of thinking and relating to the world.
The more individuals interpret things in unique manners, the more likely they are to continue exploring similar interpretations. In simpler terms, the ongoing process of interpretation generates expectations - a predisposition to believe and behave in certain ways. This is where we find the essence of what we refer to as organizational culture (or the "deep culture" of the organization). On one hand, this helps simplify internal complexities and uncertainties by establishing standardized norms of behavior and expectations. However, the patterns that enable individuals to make sense of meaning and navigate the organizational world in an orderly fashion can also restrict their ability to act differently. Established ways of thinking and acting confine individuals, both individually and collectively, within their own socially constructed realities and prevent them from discovering and engaging with new potentialities. Initially, FIRST Management provides their staff with the best way to share information, which enhances their ability to deliver exceptional customer service when they feel secure.
First Policy is to ensure employee satisfaction in order to provide better assistance and support to clients.
Model of Organizational Culture at FIRST
Organizational culture is the way things are done within an organization. The measurements of the organization will be in respect to:
- Feedback - quick feedback results in an immediate response.
- Risk - represents the level of uncertainty in the organization's activities.
By using these parameters, we can propose four categorizations of organizational culture:
The Tough-Guy Macho Culture. Feedback is quick, and the rewards are
high. This often applies to fast-paced financial activities such as securities trading but can also apply to a police force or athletes competing in team sports.
Running in this civilization can be extremely stressful. The culture is characterized by taking few risks, but with quick feedback. This is common in larger organizations that prioritize providing high-quality customer service. It often involves team meetings, informal language, and specialized jargon. The "Bet your Company" Culture involves making significant decisions that can have long-term consequences. These decisions may be related to projects such as development or exploration that can take years to see results, such as oil prospecting or military aviation.
The Process Culture in organizations lacks feedback. Instead of focusing on what needs to be achieved, people become preoccupied with how things are done. This is often associated with bureaucratic practices. While it is easy to criticize these cultures for being overly cautious or mired in red tape, they do produce consistent results, which is desirable in public services, for example.
Uncertainty and risk are despised by some individuals and embraced by others. Regardless of one's preference, it serves as a motivating factor that compels people to concentrate on managing it.
In situations where the risk is low, individuals may be inclined to take risks up to their acceptable limit. However, when the risk is high, it becomes necessary to either manage or accept the hazards involved. Companies operating in high-risk environments are more likely to recruit individuals who enjoy the thrill of taking chances. Interestingly, upon closely examining the case study multiple times and researching various theoretical models pertaining to cultures, I have observed that FIRST has implemented a
Work-hard, play-hard culture. The Work Hard/Play Hard Culture is distinguished by limited risks being taken, all of which yield prompt feedback.
This is a common practice in large organizations that prioritize providing high-quality client service. It is often characterized by team meetings, unique language and jargon. I believe all of these elements apply to FIRST as they aim to revolutionize the way people travel and their perception of public transportation. They strive to ensure the highest levels of safety and service, as well as enhance customer and employee satisfaction. FIRST values are the cornerstone that brings them together and creates their distinct culture. In fact, they strongly believe in embodying these values in everything they do on a daily basis.
Equally good as FIRST, hebdomadal meetings are formed for employees and all sections to discuss affairs relevant to them and share thoughts that may be beneficial for providing quality customer services.
The relationship between organizational culture and behaviors in FIRST is the focus of Organizational Studies and Management. Organizational culture refers to the collective psychology, attitudes, experiences, beliefs, and values (personal and cultural) of an organization. It encompasses the unique combination of values and norms shared by individuals and groups within the organization, guiding their interactions with each other and external stakeholders. Organizational Behavior (OB) involves studying and applying knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups behave within organizations.
The methodology of this approach involves interpreting people-organization relationships within the context of the individual, group, organization, and society as a whole. Its goal is to improve relationships by aligning human, organizational, and societal objectives. Culture influences the behavior of the organization, as experiences, beliefs, and values are integrated
into its standards.
They are interrelated and supportive of each other.
Organization Culture ; A ; Organization Behaviour at FIRSTs:
- FIRSTs want to revolutionize the way people travel and the way they feel about public transportation.
- FIRST management's goal is to excel in everything they do.
- FIRSTS Managements and staff assist each other to ensure the highest level of safety and service, leading to greater customer and employee satisfaction.
- They share the success of their company and aim for it to be the number one public transportation provider.
- FIRST's value is what brings them together; it unites the organization and creates a unique culture. They strive to bring their values to life every day in all their actions.
First has established the following brand values to achieve their goals as efficiently as possible: transparency in their dealings with others, ensuring clarity in their objectives and methods of achieving them; making safety everyone's responsibility, implementing strict operating practices based on industry standards; providing personalized service in a simple, distinctive, accessible way; and maintaining effective communication to understand people's needs and deliver them in a straightforward manner.
The primary objective is to be the leading provider of public transportation. They value employees who are forward-thinking, technologically advanced, and have a can-do attitude. FIRST is a progressive company that maintains an organizational culture consistent with its values. Effective implementation of change is essential for continued growth.
Understanding the impact and control of behavior in a particular organization is
crucial. The organization is influenced by its culture, just as the culture is affected by the organization. Behavior is learned, and one of the main contributions to organizational culture is the socialization process, which teaches new employees the habits of existing workers. The case study illustrates a strong alignment between employees and clients, resulting from a shared culture and tradition. Individual behavior within a culture is heavily influenced by the behavior encouraged by higher authorities and the overall organizational culture of any corporate entity.
These are just a few factors of organizational culture that impact organizational behavior and vice versa. The two influence each other, and often the culture will help determine the behavior and the behavior will in turn reinforce the organizational culture. The relationship between culture and organizational behavior is undeniable. According to case studies, we can see that in FIRST Choice, the organizational behavior is consistent with the organizational culture, which includes a strong work ethic and a focus on customer satisfaction. As a result, FIRST Choice has become a progressive company and their professional approach has had a positive impact on their customers. FIRST Choice's clients now feel safer, more satisfied, and more comfortable when doing business with them. This highlights the importance of employee behavior in any organization, as it directly affects relationships with others.
Approach at FIRST Choice
First, as a transportation company, seeks feedback from their customers in order to improve and meet their needs.
If the feedback is immediate or short-term, it will quickly rectify any ineffective behavior and lead to a consistent civilization. They first produced a Climate Change Strategy that guides every action the company takes. This is part
of their vision - to transform travel. The company aims to change how people perceive public transportation by providing the highest levels of service and customer satisfaction.
As the first, First Transit followed a challenging journey to establish a thriving civilization. Alongside this, they strived to offer exceptional customer service. Failure to attend to the sentiments and feedback of their clients could result in losing them to another transit company. In order to stand out from competitors, First Transit must create a culture of possibility.
It provides a wide range of services for its clients. They cannot achieve these by saying no, as NO eliminates all possibilities.
First, there are certain factors that a First directions and employee should consider:
- Change is not just about things or procedures or systems. Change is about people.
- Effective change is usually a step-by-step process.
- It is important for the decision maker (at any level) to have the feeling that they have decided to initiate the improvement. Be aware that having a feeling is different from what actually happens.
- Culture in an organization is not static; it is dynamic and can be changed in small steps.
- Think about what you want to achieve.
- Immediately think of different ways to achieve this and consider different solutions.
- Immediately start thinking of breaking down the change into small steps.
Choose a minor issue to be improved and - most importantly - immediately involve those people who are executing the job now and who will have to do so in the future. They will have valuable experience and valuable ideas.
And don't overlook that change is about individuals. Share the understanding of the repercussions with everyone who played a part. People will appreciate that and
may be willing to work together with you on future initiatives. If we fail to cultivate these relationships, it could lead to numerous issues and a decline in customer satisfaction. Consequently, our competitors will have an advantage. There are numerous alternative approaches that an organization can adopt.
The effects are shown below if they are part of a different civilization.
Civilization focused on toughness and masculinity
This results in rapid feedback/reward and high risk, leading to:
- Stress arising from high risk and potential loss or gain of earnings.
- Focus on the present instead of the long-term future.
Actually, this type of civilization can have various impacts, such as quick feedback and high risk, resulting in a more aggressive management approach with less employee involvement and more short-term decisions in response to change.
Civilization focused on processes and procedures
This results in slow feedback/reward and low risk, leading to:
Low stress, monotonous work, comfort, and security. Stress may arise from internal politics and inefficiencies within the system. Development of bureaucracies and other methods to maintain the status quo. It can impact First's operations as it involves slow feedback and rewards.
We are all aware that FIRST believes it is important to carefully plan and improve their image and services in order to meet the needs and desires of their customers. However, if FIRST adopts this type of culture, it will have a negative impact on their production.
As a transportation company, FIRST directly interacts with customers. This report discusses the development and
growth of FIRST, its culture, behavior, and strategic choices for the 21st century. Additionally, we address the importance of teamwork and open communication among employees at all levels within FIRST.
At FIRST, everyone has the opportunity to contribute their ideas to decision-making. The preparation and development of employees are an integral part of FIRST's human resource strategy. Their goal is to support employees in reaching their full potential and they believe that investing in employees will bring direct business benefits. In addition to this, FIRST is also committed to being environmentally friendly. They actively encourage people to use public transportation instead of cars, in order to reduce CO2 emissions.
First values serve as the unifying force that binds the organization and fosters a sense of community. It is essential for everyone to embody these values in their daily lives and actions. The success of FIRST as an organization lies in its ability to cultivate strong relationships with both its employees and clients. The strategic thinking of FIRST's management is commendable, as it ultimately leads to the achievement of organizational goals and desired financial gains.
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